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Document Release Date: 
November 13, 2020
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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1988
Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797 Director of Central Intelligence op Secret National IntelligInce Daily Tuesday 12 January 1988 T11;1111.111111[,111,11)11115111191111i1EI --Tap-Seefet-- CPAS NID 88-009JX 7CS 2709/88 12 January 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797 Contents Mozambique: Peace Initiatives Face Form dable Hurdles 5 -Tap-Secrert-- TC$ 2709/88 12 January 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797 -1-ap-SecieL MOZAMBIQUE: Peace Initiatives Face Formidable Hurd' Mozambican President Chissano and AFNAMO leader Dhiakama are exploring the possibility of peace talks, although each appears unwillino to meet the ott er's conditions for a settlement. Dhlakama sent a request for talks to the I lozambican Government He repeated his three conditions for a settlement: removal of all foreign troops, free elections, and RENAMO's inclusion in a tr insitional government. The government rejected the terms but cr untered last month by _offering an amnesty. Chissano favors talks with RENAMO, although hardliners in the government oppose stmt a dialogue. Leaders of Zimbabwe, which has committ d .6,000 troops to the struggle against RENAMO, are publicly cc Jnseling against any political accommodation with the rebels. I I contrast, Zambia and Malawi�both occasional targets of RENA MO cross-border raids� have urged Maputo in recent weeks to ne.iotiate Comment: Regardless of RENAMO's inte� the rebels almost certainly want to improv before March, when the iainy season�tri heightened insurgent activity�ends. Soul modest level of materiel support to the rei talks but probably would oppose any.settl the rebels a substantial share of power Chissano appears sincerely to want to ne( conflict but is probably unwilling to restrui accommodate RENAMO. He almost certal the views of government hardliners and Zi principal military ally, reducing prospects significant new concessions. 5 est in talks with Maputo, 3 their military position litionally a time of Africa, which provides a refs, appears supportive of ?ment that does not give otiate an end to the ture his government to lly is also constrained by nbabwe, Mozambique's at he will offer the rebels Top-Seetet- TCS 2709/88 12 January 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825797