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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
December 16, 1952
Isesor Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03019194 r(*RET Security Information Official Diary � (Acting DD/I) Noe Tuesday, 16 December 1952 1. Attended morning meeting, took up fears of Sultan of Morocco and also the reported potato-bug outbreak right under the Air Corridor in the Western part (b)(3) the Soviet Zone. (b)(3) 2. Returned General Canine's letter to DCI, together with note from Sheldon indicatin that we did not undertake any action with respect to the (b)(3) conferences scheduled for next March. (b)(3) 3. Offered DCI draft, prepared by of remarks b efore the JCS. He just glanced at it and said, "Haven't I seen this before?" to which I replied, "No, sir." He said, "What the hell, you're going to do the taling any- way." Then, returned them to me, saying all he was going to do was sit back (b)(3) say "That's my boy:" (b)(6) L. Conferred with Sheldon and on the New York and White House brief- ings. Apparently, through the good offices of Max Rabb the briefing room is a7,2�, set and a similar one will be arranged in the White House. As of now, EisenhoVJA.)) wants no daily material so Briefing is now scheduled for 1500 Friday. 5. Conferred with is coming back and will return with us on Fr(b)(,6) (W(1 ) 0/0 to ORR. There he will be Deputy Chief of the Materials Branch and should be (b)(3) *wort quite an asset. who is being rotated from 6. Oanferred with and sent memo by ly attacking the conclusions in the ESC contribution - to NIE-59. (b)(3) - rather v:(b)(6)t- (b)(3) 7. Conferred with and asked for a report on his flying sauc,b)03) investigation so that the General could have something to talk from at the Whik� House Friday. He said that he was considerably less alarmed as one of the flying saucers' identifications most difficult to disprove, had now been shown to be(b)(3) sighting of Jupiter. (b)(3) 8. Attended 0/CI briefing by upon the results of his trip .(b)(3) France. Nothing particularly startling but rather dim, long-range outlook. (b)(6) 9. Attended NSC senior staff meeting on AT proceedings v. international oil companies. Cohferred with on method of presenting the (b)(3) result to DCI. (b)(6) 10. Conferred briefly with JCS taking over the "monitoring o the Summary-Evaluation. 11. Dinner - 5.:1('Airity Inform goej,LJ,L CQA,c.b.,,r (b)(3) '(D)(6) (b)(3) (b)(6) this document Is part of an Integrate(b)(3) file. If separated from the file It ineu(kvp subjected to individual systematic retk..Y.Lk`-'/ and separately on our arguments against M(3) (b)(6) Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03019194