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November 8, 2002
PDF icon DDCI DAYBOOK[15815411].pdf146.31 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 -ca .�.E.GRET7ICC1 DDCI Daybook Friday, 8 November 2002 0830-0900 0900-0915 1030-1130 1130-1230 1230-1345 1400-1615 1430-1530 1600-1800 1700-1730 1900-2200 DCI Morning Meeting DO Update Career Analyst Program Graduation (Auditorium) The Vice President will be the keynote speaker for this ceremony. At 1025, you will accompany the DCI and the DDI to meet the Vice President at the shuttle bus stop adjacent to the Auditorium. After the ceremony, you, the DCI, and the DDI will escort the Vice President back to the bus stop for his departure. Following the graduation ceremony, there will be a tour of the DI history exhibit in OHB's 1A corridor for all interested guests. A schedule for today's anniversary events and ceremonies; a scenario and guest list for the graduation; and a scenario for history exhibit are at the tab. DI Roundtable for VIP Guests A scenario is at the tab. DI 50th Anniversary Luncheon (w/DCI; ADR#1) A seating chart, guest list, and scenario are at the tab. (T) DI 50th Anniversary Symposium (Auditorium) A scenario is at the tab. There will be three panel discussions: � Tiananmen Square (with Winston Lord and Marty Petersen) � Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Doug MacEachin) � Gulf War (with Richard Haass and Winston Wiley) (T) PC Meeting on Iran (WHSR) NSC Weekly and North Korea Briefings 11-7 Small Group (w/DCI) DI 50th Anniversary Black Tie Dinner (St. Regis Hotel) You will give the first toast with the dessert course. A scenario is at the tab. ECRET-if)CT- TAB A TAB B TAB C TAB D Materials Provided Separately Materials Provided Separately TAB E Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 Directorate of Intelligence � 50th Anniversary Celebration Original Headquarters Building 8 November 2002 Career Analyst Program Graduation Ceremony � Headquarters Auditorium � 10:30 � 11:30 am � All DI employees invited, but tickets required � DDI welcome, DCI introduction of Vice President Cheney � Vice President remarks and awarding of diplomas Guided tour of Special DI Exhibit � 1A Corridor in OHB � Any time from 11:30 am � 12:15pm � The CIA Curator leading the tour with non-Agency guests escorted by DI officers � CAP graduate family members also invited to tour � DDI to host brief roundtable with VIP guests in the DDI Conference room at 12:00 p.m. Roundtable in DDI Conference Room for VIP guests � Any time from 11:30 am � 12:30 pm � DDI probably will be present � Senior DI officers will "host" visitors (former senior Drers) � Same or different officers will offer semi-formal presentations on the DI's strategic plans, terrorism, and the Red Cell. Executive Luncheon � ADR #1 � 12:30 � 1:45 pm � 50 guests � internal and non-Agency � DCI to host and give remarks; DDCI, DDI to attend � Former DDI John Helgerson will respond on behalf of former DDI's DI Symposium on Three Historic Crises (Headquarters Auditorium) � 2:00 � 4:15 pm (No break) � All DI employees invited, but tickets required � Dick Kerr, moderator for three panel presentations: � Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (Zbigniew Brzezinski and Doug MacEachin) � Gulf War (Richard Haass and Winston Wiley) � Tiananmen Square (Winston Lord and Marty Petersen) DI 50th Anniversary Dinner (St. Regis Hotel, 16th & K; Black tie/valet parking) � 7-10 pm � Invitation only, Senior CIA and DI, plus guests (includes liaison) � DDI welcome and remarks before dinner served � DDCI McLaughlin to provide first toast with dessert course, followed by former DDCI McMahon then JIC/Chair John Scarlett. Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11, C06513622 Graduation Ceremony of the Tenth Class of the Career Analyst Program Friday, 8 November 2002 10:30 a.m. � 11:30 a.m. Original Headquarters Auditorium The graduation will last 30-45 minutes. Seat senior Agency officers and special guests in the front rows, with the CAP-10 graduates seated near the front on the right side (near the stairs to, the stage). Protocol has lead on this event. Tickets should be distributed through the DI Offices/Centers and other Agency components on a quota basis. Protocol personnel will check tickets at the door, escort VIPs, etc. As the DCI and DDI enter with the Vice President, everyone will stand and the ceremony will commence promptly. The sequence of events is as follows. As part of its 50th Anniversary Celebration, the Directorate of Intelligence (DI) is hosting the 10th Career Analyst Program (CAP) Graduation in the Auditorium. The Vice President has agreed to participate in the graduation, giving the Keynote address, handing out the diplomas and presenting two individual briefing awards. In addition to the CAP graduates (seated stage left), the audience will include family members, former DDIs and ADDIs, DI management, Agency seniors, and DI employees. 10:25 a.m. The DCI, DDCI and DDI, Jami Miscik, will meet The Vice President at the shuttle bus stop adjacent to the Auditorium. The Vice President, DCI, DDCI and the DDI will enter the Auditorium at the rear door, stage left. An area will be piped and draped to provide a holding area before proceeding on stage. 10:30 a.m. Dean, Sherman Kent School, will ask the audience to stand for the Vice President accompanied by the DCI and DDI. The DDCI is seated in the first row of the auditorium. The Vice President will proceed on stage followed by the DCI and the DDI; The Vice President and the DDI are seated, the DCI moves to the lectern. The DCI welcomes The Vice President and guests and gives his remarks, concluding with the introduction of the Vice President. The Vice President proceeds to the lectern to give the keynote remarks (10-15 minutes). The DDI moves to the lectern to thank the Vice President and announce the awarding of the diplomas. Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622 The Vice President and the DCI move to center stage; the DDI remains at the lectern, and comes on stage to hand the diplomas to the DCI for presentation. The DDI begins reading the names. As the graduate's name is called, he/she will proceed on stage and stand between The Vice President and the DCI. The DCI will hand the diploma to the graduate; a photograph will be taken. The graduate departs the stage. The same sequence is followed for each graduate; a total of 15 diplomas will be handed out. Before concluding the ceremony, the DDI will announce the winners of the two briefing awards. As the names are announced, the winners will proceed on stage and stand between The Vice President and the DCI. The DCI will present the awards; a photograph will be taken. The winners return to their seats. The DDI concludes the ceremony. thanking The Vice President, and asking the audience to remain seated until The Vice President has departed. The Vice President, accompanied by the DCI, DDCI and the DDI depart, stage left, and return to the shuttle bus stop for The Vice Pretident's departure. Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C06513622