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Publication Date: 
August 18, 1950
Approved for Release: 2018/09/24 C05713974 (b)(3) ' CLASSIFICATION CONTI IAL -/Lit lk 4 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO, INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. COUNTRY China; International DATE OF INFORMATION 1950 SUBJECT Military; Political HOW PUBLISHED Daily newspapers WHERE PUBLISHED Hong Kong DATE PUBLISHED 29 � 31 Jul 1950 LANGUAGE Chinese TN'S DOCUMINT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFIOTINS TIN NATIONAL OF TNI 1.1111110 STATIS WITHIN TM MIANINS OF IIIPIONAOR ACT NO U. S. C., II AND NI, AS MINIM. ITS INDIAN ON Till RIVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY TO AN UNAUTNORIZIO PINION IS PRO. 11111110 ST LAW. IIRPRODUCIWON OT THIN PORN IS PRONISITID. SOURCE . Newspapers as indicated. DATE DIST. /7 Aug 1950 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CONFIRMS ESTABLISHMENT OF ASIA LIAISON COMMITTEE; CCF TRAINING VIET MINT TROOPS SET UP LIAISON COMMITTEE AT PEIPING -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 29 Jul 50 Bombay, 29 July-- The establishment of a liaison committee (lien-lo wei- yuan-hui) of the Asian Communist parties at Peiping with authority to coordi- nate and direct all Communist movements in Asia and the Far East was confirmed by a member of the Indian Communist Party living in Bombay. He explained that a meeting of the Communist parties of Southeast Asia was held at Calcutta in 1948, at which time, the Indian Communist Party was placed in charge of directing the people's liberation movements in the South- east AniAn remintrima. Its dismal failure, not only in Burma but in India, to gain the support of the masses vexed the Moscow authorities, he said, and as a. result, a committee was set up in Peiping. Another member of the Indian Communist Party also reported that the Indian Communist Party Politburo is now headed by an explorer named Lun-la-ti-fu ghi- nese approximation of a foreign namg. His assignment to this position, it is reported, was made to improve the efficiency of the Indian Communist Party. It is also reported that the Far East Cominform is now planning to assem- ble the Communist forces of Southeast Asia in the near future to launch its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against the US, the Dutch, and the British. 10,000 VIET MINE TRAIN IN YUNNAN -- Hong Kong Kung-shang jih-pao, 31 Jul 50 Saigon, 29 July -- It is reliably reported that a Chinese Communist force commanded by Ch'en Keng is now training and equipping 10,000 Viet Minh troops in Yunnan .in preparation for military operations to be launched in Viet Nam within the next 5 months. , A French military intelligence source also reported that the Viet Minh forces have abandoned their past guerrilla tactict;.and are no employing more direct military attacks to harass the French troops stationed in northern Viet I STATE ARMY )kNAVY MR CLASSIFICATION 1NSRB FBI CONET061IAL DISTRIBUTION .ra (b)(3) 111, rovedforRelease: T�1!!!!!!!:2711111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Approved for Release: 2018/09/24 C05713974 !q1' CONFIDENTIAL (b)(3) ANNIMINIMIEsimomml Nam. It is estimated that in the mountains in northern Viet Nam, Ho Chi Minh has about 40,000 well-equipped regular army troops and about 60,000 well-trained militia ready for action. The militia, it is said, are equipped with arms con- fiscated. from the KMT Nationalist troops. TIBET CONSCRIPTING MEN TO OPPOSE CCF INVASION -- Hong Kong Kung-shang Jih-pao, 30 Jul 50 Calcutta, 29 July -- It is reported that Tibet is now conscripting men in preparation to oppose the Chinese Communist forces now assembling on the China- Tibet border. 300,000 CHINESE PARTICIPATING IN KOREAN WAR -- Hong Kong Hsing-tao Jih-pao, 31 Jul 50 Mexico City, 29 July -- I-lo-la fdhinese apprcximation of a foreign namg, a Catholic priest who arrived here from the Far East, stated that more than 300,000 Chinese Communist troops are new engaged in the Korean war. These troops, he said, were armed with modern Soviet equipment and are being advised by Soviet officers, He further stated that while he was in Korea, he witnessed the training of both CCF and North Korean troops under the direction of Soviet officers, -END - - 2 - CONFIDENTIAL "MD _ oved for Release: 2018/09/24 C0571397 figili1111