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Publication Date: 
March 28, 1963
Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198 s � , DISPATCH' .......,... KAVA -31461 . - to Chief, SE Chiefr WE No moose= sa No . 76-4-2 cos, .1, cos, Germany �,, 6446/3 FLOM' on, Austria iV-/ Oleg Of Oliti ' � -' KM 28 Maroh 1963 -- -- - � � � - ' 1411U GROOVY/PREWAR? Operations et -or - lows "r am Operations o nated with the EfutA etettnn AWIllb POI Mesa ni e0 imbette3 11031010 � ..4140 � For your information. IMMO CAI4 le NOOF0 iv ousumm 140.AINK ONO alma= 0/RW-20997 dated 9 March 1963 800A-19468 dated lh March 1963 - 1. We are sending under separate *over a list of all operations and plans for operations coordinated by SETAF with the Amstrian Station since 1960. A total of 23 individuals is motioned in the Hitt: sevin arebised'in Austria, eight in Welt Gerianyf O. 4 in Rome; and the reaainder are resident agents in Yugoslavia, . Buigeria, and Rumania. For the sake of comploteneso we have inoluded in the list ftll SETAF operations coordinatod with Vienna, not Just ' those to Yugoslavia. Separating out the Yugoslav operations, we can comment on them as follows: � 2. SETAF-41r A Catholic Monsignor in Rome; the basic coordination prosumnhly has been carried out with the Our position, based on DIE-09841, has boon to try to dissuade SETAF from using this person who has an odious political pant7-111 the last year we have heard of no plans to exploit any loads emanating from 41. 3. 5.Enr-95. A Serbian "firebrand" who lives in Vienna, who Is deeply involved in emigre activities, and who boasts of his Illegal trips into Yugoslavia from Austria to contact political oronies and to distribute oopies of tbe� SUM DORM. in a series of coordinations in the Spring and Summer of 1962, COS, Austria, dimagrpgad SETAF from ;Molting up any illegal border orossing leads emanating from this person. Finding his of littlo value, seTAr is believed to have dropped his in September, 1962. A. A -1 A resident of Salzburg, ho spots leode in Yugoslavia or Ir. He provided the .load to MAY-185, a going oporatico. Other leads suoh as 120-01 sum never to have materialized. This agent is met in Salzburg approximatolY unuu a month. 5. SETAV-129 -01. A 26-year-old government clerk in Belgrade, who is on aoqualatauee of SETA). -129. Our records indicate this oper-1 alien never got off the ground. . 6. SETAF-134. A 47 -year-old bookkeeper in Klagenfurt who allegedly runs a network in Yugoslavia on behalf of SETAE'. This is an old coordination going bank to '1958 add 1960 and it is doubtful that this proposal ever got very far. We will chouk this out with SETA? at our next round of coordination*. 7. KA1'AP-185. -A 63-year-old 'history professor in Bolgrado, who Is debrinfed by SETA? when he travels to the West. Last ' dobrioling took place in Vienna in June 1462. � 8. . Genera/ Consents. Our position with SETAF over the Iasi year has boon to dlsoourugo Illegal llorder crossing (rinc) operations into Yugmlaila fro* Aostrim. WA kayo bsiod'our argument tiw the - � following grounds: Thu requirements which sooh IBC operations: sook to survive ran more serely hnigsliplmed by other MORPH such as � ..--...1.... 4...... � --� � � ,-..-.....,.........-z-,,..s....4 . . -1,-2.-16. oitoup I - EXCIAMMO P" iM AUTOMATIC DOWNORADINO An DsiFidATION. 00lit t154 .1111505* 10100014 1414: Si anAas aim � � II sim �isa am sea WW1. Off Onnirli 4/!�����1�11. 01411.01KAW4 . 1 1102141�41141 mcii iiD Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198 Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198 M Ink 4 CONDSUATIONCW OUNOrM EAVA-51hol. legal kravol operations and a greater concentration on exploitation of refttgees. IBC operations are bound to and iu arrest of tho agentsi-oespromiee-of AIS.Involvementi and-run.:the:risk of-a nasty flap involving. Austria's involvement in tho DMLET area. SZTAF smog* to has� grasped our point, for they agreeu not to mount the SETAF-95 operation last Summer, and ere believed to havo torminatad him in the Fall 1962. This was the WILY roc proposal put Jorward by SETA?. Other operatious, such as SETAP-154 proposal, involve levil travel. 9. ILtteRphistleated banal Travel Operations Also Danrerous. BY the above paragraph we do not imply that the stopping of TBC' Operations is a guarantee anInst flaps. A Gorman or Austrian netlbual bought lu Mel:INLET area on a logal travel mission, empsoially if he carried tool' of the trade finch as a camera, SIM equipsent and conceals.* devices, could he equally thabarraseln. Ileadquarters guidance based on experienno in coordinatiana with *melee In other areas iii travel 11e1i would 4e .4 appreciated. . . . . 10. Wee Mumbor of Otteratfens Based in Germany. We wish to cull tho attention of cOS, Germany, to the rolatIvsly Large Lumber or operations based in Gormsny, end the discrepancy between our information and that. contained in MO04-14466. In closing we mist add that we have not discussed The Gerimin-based operations in detail with MAW, assuming they wore coordinated In Frankfort, so we have no smy of being sure that operations such as 8ETAF-59 are still active, if indeed they were over Mounted. The German Station will wiuh to chock these cases out with SETAF. 11.. Future Flans. A thorough round oi coordinations with SEW is in order, since It is almost a year ulnae COS cud the undersigned visited Verona for a comploto run-down of their operations. It ts anticipated that the SETAF officers will vieJC Vienna this Sprint to accomplish this end. 12. Tide dispatch wan rand by and discussed with in Vienna on 26 March Ago,. ATTACHNUT: use and Dv 'Aft zonch List of SEW' Op& Coo inated with Vienna Statiou . _ . Distribution: 2 - aiiot, BE u/ley Att. 2 - Chiof, wiley Att. 1 - AtC. 1 - COS, Cerium I./ley Att. 26 March, 1963 GMT 1 - =MAW FROM AUTOMATIC DOMSODADM DECLASSIFJCATUA. IOW usRitinOMMAIn4 I 144, mons tom oseemsu. AN OP WM PS enlif OAtlatAwe /� � :100.N. 1 2 Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198 Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198 WC ATT. .TO SAVA-31461 isla LIU SA ATT. TO BATA -31461 AIRE ERB littUrnenallAnigtiana IOW= jalaiLinium SBTAP ����11111be r'-- IS iMweettoeil'Otier COtateete -'- TrowNsemel DP -- 6soattggv.: - - - - 1 Spotter of leads to Albania, 4foltgagg. Al Tisane') Bulgaria. Rumania, Yugoslavia; 5 Sept 17, Vienna traced Oct 57; coordinated in" . 1960. 39 Sales rep for German tiro.; .490.0,LAIDLI legal traveler to Yugoslavia 3 Doc 26, Sammie Where meets �entente from Bulgaria, gather OB. ?mead with CAS/Germany in May 1959. Coord in 1960. . . 39-01 oe.e'ficrilultuiOnoaAletir, handled MAP 39; issued sly by WITOPAS per 200A-11646 dated 25 Sept-60,' Coordinated � 14 Sept 1960. 41 Catholic MonsIgnor In Rome; source of many SWAT leads; CAS has tried to discourage SWAY from using this person (see DM-09641) who hem an odionsrpolltiral past. Coordinated 1960. 69 Student at the University of Nuertiagen; a West German national who travels legally to Yugoslavia. Bu4arla, end Rumania, via Austria. It was planned he would plea up the Sofia leads of 39. Coordinated 2 March 1961. 67444, Self-employ window dial -100 Assdzsiat; ye orms e� -� '5 ju travel Into Wiimilmvia collect 011; coordinated in 1960. � Mulch g�r: 46410144;--'. � Pel - � . qmsav ::arutf: . . . 30 Oot 03, Broke, Yiwaslavia :Cot a May 37. CSSII tr: C�440.4* E . Construction emaaeor; performs legal travel to fuveleviii to colloOt OH; coordinated In 1960. 15- ewer odok at the Afro-- Asian Institute; le deeply involved in Servian and emigre activities, Olievidly empties bonier himself illegally into TuGoelevla to distribute �opts. of MINNA BORBA; sou or lengthy coordin- alien in Sprier, ha where GAS/Austria dlsoeuradzeo Ale use in any IOC op.; hellevoo terminated by BETAP Sept h2. � a gt0" ?� � 411111. In . W. Germany � "JUILAUKaannld Karliruhe 'I0 Apr 14, Ammo, Tugoelavla artr Vienns440;1. - Au r 12, grogujevac, Dania , Ei.i.7:1,4�4 s A-a+ / (p.41 .4 % 196 I COPt a. 7e - 44�� Approved for Release: 2020/10/19 C06864198