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Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 -841=Cr-T MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE ABSTRACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION C�!IA/SI 25.8-51 9 May 1951 WARNING: This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of Title 18, Sec� tions 793 and 794, of the U. S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 1. CHINA June, 50 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION ON COMMUNIST CHINA Majority Of medical goods in China was Imported from USSR, especially since the early part of 1950. Distribution center of medical goods was located in Chenachou. Central China (34-45, 113-40) � ANALYSTIS COMMENT: It appears that China will constitu large market for Soviet pharmadeUtioals. However, the Soviets cannot supply such a mar� keto 2. KOREA/CHINA Feb �Mar, Si EXTREME SHORTAGES OF MEDICAL PERSONNEL AND MATERIEL; HIGH MORTALITY RATES AMONG SICK AND lOUNDED CHINESE each schoolhouse in each village had been converted into a hospital for soldiers wounded in Korea; hence, there exist many overflowing smal) hospitals, rather than one large ppritral hospital. there was a remendous shortage of drugs and doctors; there was a mortality of ap� proximately eighty per cent among the wounded; and there were as many soldiers suffering from diseases, such as typhus and dysentery, as there were from actual wounds. So many wounded hospitalized so far south indication of tremendous casualties Chinese Army incurred in Korea. BULGARIA Mar, Si INCREASED NUMBER MEDICAL RESERVE OFFICERS & NCO S. RECALLED TO ACTIVE DUTY Lately in Bulgaria there have been a more than usual number of recalls to active duty of military reserves', mainly officers (particularly medical officers) and NCO'S. _ (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 C01162396 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 �S-F2=er.-11` 4. BULGARIA. Apr, 51 BUILD-UP OF MEDICAL FACILITIES Army medical facilities are being built up to combat strength. 5. HUNGARY/USSR July, 50 P0014PE CONTROL QF,MWS; HOSPITAL ENLARGED ANP),DIZOTED tIMSIA-N4; LARGE HOSPITAL BUILT FOR USE BY RUSSIANS ONLY The doctors in Miskolc have received orders not to leave the city for more than 36 hours without receiving permission from the local police* The Miskolc Hospital has been en- larged and now has 950 beds. The new section is directed by Russian doctors who are assisted by about a hundred Russian nurses. New hospital constructed at Gorombolytapolca entirely for Russian use. There are 480 beds and six operating rooms. 6. HUNGARY/USSR Feb, 50 �,. SOVIET CONTROL, 1 217GARIA HOSPITAL MEDICAL AGILITIE IgA15M- Russia took over direction of the old Otba hos- pital (presumably Baleset Korhaz, Otba): accompanied by 14 Russian doctors and 45 Russian nurses. Russian professor of medicine to be sent to Szeged University. Russians returned two hospital vans to the Hungarians equipped with X-ray and com- plete operating room equipment. Russian personnel attached to these vans. Trans-Tisza Mobile Health Unit to be installed in Szarvas. Would consist of hospital trains, ambulances, etc. General hospital with 350 beds to be built in Szentes. Russian doctors to be installed in the two cities. -2 - --S���E-8.1"- Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 7. VIETNAM Apr, Si MEDICAL ASSISTANCE BY CHINESE COMMUNISTS TO VIET MINE 8. arrival in Tonkin of several small Chinese Communist medical detachments (civilian) to assist the 'Viet Minh. establish- ment or hospitals at 5-6 points In China near Tonkin border. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162396 lO. VENEZUELA Apr, 51 VENEZUELAN FOOT AND MOUTH INSTITUTE SUGGESTS SABOTAGE Suggestion publicly made by Foot and Mouth Institute of Venezuela that one of the recent outbreaks near Puerto Cabello, mhich necessi- tated the slaughter of 0,000 worth of cattle, originated from an infected co* possibly thrown overboard from some ship as an act of sabotage. ANALYST'S COMMENT Since foot and mouth disease has become epizootic in some areas of Venezuela, and since the Institute has been severely criticized regarding its ability to control the disease, such a statement is probably an attempt to save face. U. YUGOSLAVIA Nov, 50 SHORTAGE OF MEDICAL SUPPLIES In the Petrovuradin territory is the Central Military Hospital of Novi Sad Military District. Commander of the hospital is a Lieutenant Colonel Pavlovic. There is a shortage of supplies, especially penicillin, cotton and bandages; therefore, bandages are used twice. ANALYST'S COMMENTs a 10,000-bed military general ho;FrEgrin case of mar. The size of this hospital is questioned 14 - Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 C01162396