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October 2, 1951
PDF icon CIA SUBSTANTIVE PROPOSALS[15843871].pdf192.81 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 IN/Stati 4 NENDRANDUK FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE THROUGH: Deputy Director, (Plans) SUBJECT: CIA Substantive Proposals to Task Panel A, P88 The C/A representative to Task Panel A, PSB, has been requested to submit sUbstantive proposals pre- SO action mincident to a ceasefire in Korea and prior to political negotiations on Korean issues." 2. Attachment A includes excerpts of the Panel working paper which eibodies preliminary proposals for psychological operations pertinent to the problem. proposals are tabbed to show the extent of CIA participation and coordination. These pro- posals have been coordinated with the appropriate offices within OPC. 3. It is requested that you authorise to submit to Task Panel A the general objectives and proposed operations in- volving CIA which are listed in Attachment A. KILBOURNE JOHNSTON Assistant Director for Policy Coordination AUTHORIZATION RECOMMENDED: October 2, 1951 Attachment: A. Excerpts of Task Panel A s/ Frank G. Wisner Working Paper FRANK G. WISNER Deputy irec or Plans DD(P) AUTHORI TO APPROVED: October 2, 1951 Deputy Direc p Central Intelligence (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(6) V 10P ECRET Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 141-A, 111P RE21f-4--- Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 arittagilLA 2Scerpte from Task Panel A Working Paper Considering wPsydhologieel Amtion Incident to a Cease lire iu Korea and Prior to Political Wegatiations on-Korean Issues." TT ADUALFAMT,9404, 2A401TrPs (114. star. .vitten)e) 1. 14 Republic of Korea -. encouragement of popular confidenoe int L The political future of the Republic of Korea, 16 Republio of Korea military achievements mad increasing military capabilities. s. Prospect of sustained UN (U.s.) support, Prospect of peaceful mad mutually beneficial relations ,dth r& re-strengthened JIpan. IA fen) Te UN allies dispoeition to support: a. U.S. positions regarding (1) Persona (2) Chinese representation in UN (3) Limitation of political talks to 14rt0t17 Korean issues. b. UN effort in Korea for an in tertnteperiod and in smonented decree If neceSsary. petIPPRO 3. to world in general -- understandinc of: a. U.9. position in Korea and other Far 7astern iasuse ast 'T flP Q Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 -41111�gra2lar Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 (I) 3ased upon desire for peace in a pattern of national responsibility and without surrauler 110 Soviet domination. (2) Representing the principles of the UN end the interests of al free nation. rather than the particular interests of tho b. The Communist impose in Korea and. the Per at (3.) The subjugation of Asian Nations to the Soviet Union. (2) A chal e e to the security end. inder, Of 811 states. Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 re/kakina � Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 =au. ex* psyShelegical operations by the spo*sible artm.nts Edagouti's. 3. arm; $41400$014 t. PUreuit by oprropriato dopartments'am4 mei el special �steal ehjeatimes in SlOTION IT above. State task) s. toi Defense task ense task) 0111) ?Itythelegical prepare$ten ot VII-hold prisoners of elt as to .ere U.S. Yerehological objectives after their retorn to Communist jurt ietten in ezdhanges pursuant to a Oeute fire. 6. Maximised attention in BOK on prospect* o peseefu1 rela enship with Jspont Through emphasis ef mutual inter&epone.eooa as pattern of *ocurity szrangements centempletea 1117 U-S- 116 Xamosmagement of primate Japanele assistance to South ":',51311 re (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 etr nE_T� Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 $4 ogical stttin to capabilities ot tooes t for support ofUS in Korea, bioluding *tantastio propigatiAs. ** (Nato, Defe. task) � 11.. g�Z Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 Approved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 . _. �4 .e" SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE:OPC DATE OF DOCUMENT: 27 Sept 1951 COPY NUMBER (S): 2 NUMBER OF PAGES: 1 DOCUMENT NO. NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS: 1 CIA CONTROL NUMBER: 64,4F:4T:4), DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED: LOGGED BY: ATTENTION: THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO EACH TOP SECRET DOCUMENT RECEIVED BY THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OR CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET WITHIN THE CIA AND WILL REMAIN ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT IS DOWNGRADED, DESTROYED OR TRANSMITTED OUTSIDE OF CIA. ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATERIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES THE ATTACHEDTOPSECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDI- CATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN THE LEFT-HAND COLUMNS PROVIDED. THE NAME OF EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS SEEN THE TOP SECRET DOCUMENT AND THE DATE OF HANDLING SHOULD BE INDICATED IN THE RIGHT-HAND COLUMNS. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME & OFFICE SYMBOL DATE TSC/OPC EX. 'REG. S- /9 Cn 0 J5Wili) r.' , DDCI iiefeei � � ../ ?6,-7-0..ALA.L....-^"..C.c...-t�,,ge__ -. -- I/ NOTICE OF ATACHMENT WHEN WHEN THIS FORM IS DETACHED FROM TOP SECRET MATERIAL IT WILL BE COMPLETED IN THE APPROPRI- ATE SPACES BELOW AND TRANSMITTED TO CENTRAL TOP SECRET CONTROL FOR RECORD. The Top Secret DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED material detached from this form was: BY: (OUTSIDE CIA) TO: . (SIGNATURE) (OFFICE) (DATE) TOP SECRET FORM NO. 38.13 PREVIOUS EDITIONS NOT TApproved for Release: 2020/11/09 CO2191191 APR 1948