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Publication Date: 
December 11, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2998587 The National Intelligence Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only -TOP-SEC-113E-T- Copy N Ir) MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 1978 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 287 TCS 787/78 ;b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) BRAZIL Nuclear Energy Program Brazil has decided to cut hack its siders the acquisition of such technology nuclear energy development program, indispensable to its drive to become a major world actor. Even if the government has decided on a cutback, we do not ex- pect it to be undertaken before the new President takes over next March. We believe it likely that the Brazilians will indeed cut back�but by no means abandon�the nuclear program. The cost of the enormous effort is rapidly growing and could by itself result in a scaledown. Moreover, demand for electricity has not grown nearly as rapidly as was predicted at the time the nuclear deal was signed, and there is ample hydroelectric potential for power requirements The program has been under strong domestic attack, with charges of shoddy security practices, corruption by private contractors, bureaucratic rivalries in the Brazilian Government, and friction between the Brazilian and West German participants. President-elect Figueiredo is said to favor a cutback and to desire more stress on the country's hydroelectric resources. There is nonetheless no indication that Brazil is any less determined than before to acquire a full nuclear fuel cycle, in- cluding at least a limited capacity for enrichment and reprocessing. Brazil con- NR Record Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002998587 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002998587 2 MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 1978 TCS 787/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions The National Intelligence Daily is prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency in cooperation with the other US foreign intelligence organization. Analytical feature ariicles are attribuied to their authors. CG NID 78-287JX SeLinity id control libreviations used in this puhlication: TSU�Tnri Secret UMBRA SS�Secret SPOKE S�Secret C�Cenfidential U�Unclassified NOFORN --Nat Releasahie to (NE) Fniciyir Ninincals OK:ON�Dissemination 'MO Extraction (0G) nf I to riltusi Laintin!led hy ilrirpr:,1: REL . . �This Infurination has been AH!hrinied for Release to. . . (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002998587