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February 23, 1968
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Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 cret (b)(3) DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE KIX R. -9 -4 VI ":71 W Jap-Streiret � 50g (b)(3) 23 February 1968 Sc No. 00758/68 V-� Z-297" Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 TO CONTENTS (Information as of noon EST,.21 February 1968) Far East Page THE WEEK IN PERSPECTIVE 1 VIETNAM 2 The second wave of coordinated attacks: against urban centers. lacked. and intensity of the earlier. Tet,offensive,,but indicates that the Communists in- tend to keep.. up. the military pressure Saigon's. recbvery effort may suffer from Ky's resignation as. chairman of the Joint Task Force. 1 COMMUNIST THREAT PERSISTS IN SOUTHERN LAOS � 5 TheHanticipated:Communist military, offensive in the BolOvens plateaufhas.not yet developed but the enemy is Maintaining a' credible threat in. the area and could strike-withAittle.advanced warning. � . SERIOUS DISORDERS pgRsisT IN COMMUNIST CHINA 6 Conflicts between armed civilian- factions are still occurring in many provinces and the armed forces ap.-- pear to be' involved on a larger scale than at any time since last' summer. PUEBLO IMPASSE UNBROKEN 9 Theqqorth Koreans: continue to imply strongly that . their handling of the.Pueblo'crew 'will be dependent. in large part On us actions. They clearly 'intend to. - use the crew as hostages to forestall US pressure and induce concessions. THE WEEK IN PERSPECTIVE Page Europe T CRET WEEKLY 'REVIEW '23 Feb 68 Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 FAR EAST The coordinated rocket and mortar attacks on some 40 South Vietnamese cities and military fa- pilities last weekend underscored the Communists' intention to maintain pressure on population cen- ters in an effort to demoralize the Saigon govern- ment and army, and to tie down allied forces. Skirmishes on the outskirts of Saigon and Mortar attacks on targets in the center of the city Continued and there are indications of preparations for another major ground assault against the capi- tal. North Vietnamese forces also continued spo- radic shelling of Khe Sanh and other allied bases in the Demilitarized Zone area but there were no clear indications of the timing of a major ground attack on these positions. The Saigon government's recovery program has 1 lo?een jeopardized by the resignation of Vice Presi- dent Ky and General Nguyen Duc Thang from the joint Eouth Vietnamese - US recovery task force. The government also risked further political disarray by arresting three prominent opposition figures. In Laos, North Vietnamese forces remain poised to attack Saravane in the southern panhandle but ac- tion so far has been limited to skirmishing around outlying posts and to harassing fire on the city's Airstrip. In view of the low morale of government defense forces, it is doubtful that they could re- sist a concerted thrust to seize the city. The capture Of Saravane, which has been in government hands since the 1962 Laos settlement, would raise the possibility that the Communists intend to up- set the fragile status quo in the country. There has been no change in North Korea's ap- parent intention to exploit the captured Pueblo. crew as hostages to forestall US pressure and to maneuver for US concessions. Panmunjom has warned the US to act discreetly and has strongly implied that treatment of the US crew will be d in large artib Page q- :TO CRET WEEKLY REVIEW. 23 Feb 68 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416 TO CRET PUEBLO IMPASSE UNBROKEN The North Koreans continue to imply strongly that their handling of the Pueblo crew will be dependent in large part on US actions., They are clearly intent on using the crew as host- ages to forestall US pressure and induce Concessions. General Pak Chung-kuk, the senior Nort? Korean representa- tive at Panmunjom, on 19 February warned that Pyongyang would care- fully watchf every future. US move and cautioned the US to act "dis- creetly." ie pointedly protested the US bu4d-up Since the Pueblo seizure and US plans to increase military asSistance to South Korea. In addition, during the past week variouS North Korean spokes- men have again warned that the crew may be punished in accordance with North Korean law. In South Korea initial criticism of the Vance mission has given way to an official ef- fort to play down differences with the US. Senior officials in Seoul now are apparently con- vinced that they must put the best possible face on the recent discussions. The foreign minister, in contrast to. an earlier lukewarm endorsement of the joint communi- que issued at the conclusion of the mission, stated publicly on 17 February that the communiqug signified that there was complete accord between Seoul and Washing- ton on what, constituted an at- tack on South Korea. In line with this more moderate public Page 9 posture, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has is- sued instructions to all major commands to maintain close re- lations and cooperate with US forces in Korea. The order pointedly observed that to do otherwise would help North Korea to drive a wedge between the South Koreans and the Americans. There have been widespread press reports in Seoul of an im- minent cabinet shake-up growing out of the North Korean attempt on President Pak's life last month and Seoul's unhappiness with US handling of the Pueblo incident. Those most likely to be removed by President Pak are reportedly the minister of de- fense, the minister of home af- fairs, and one economic minister. Any changes at this. time, how- ever, would be largely a face- saving gesture by Pak and prob- ably would not foreshadow any change in South Korean policies. _During the past week, North Korean military activities re- turned to normal. Six Soviet combat ships which deployed in reaction to the US naval task force off Korea have returned to Vladivostok. Three other combat ships and five auxiliaries continue to follow the US forces. WEEKLY REVIEW 23 Feb 68 Approved for Release: 2020/03/06 C06847416