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Publication Date:
July 11, 1961
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PETER JABLON-JARY, WAS IN[15822356].pdf | 264.94 KB |
DATE: 14-Sep-2020
Approved for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256
ilk. C 0 i
Morel Bureau of Investigation
Attentions lir. S. Papieh
SEM Deputy Streeter �(Plans)
MIMI* letimi JASTSOWARY, was. '
iimaaa,z swam � it
1 JUL 19Of
1. lieterense is made to previous cerresponiene eonseroing Subject,
your file number 65-59007. Mother Office of this Agency furnished the
following intonation concerning Subject which meg be of interest to
lour lumens
as On 29 April 1961, itabject contacted a representative of
this Agency in New York City end stated that be had intonation of
"great value to .the Vaitad States" whisk he taus villinsito supply
for a "fee." _Subject indicated that the intonation concerned the
=Up 'Cithems and Unite! States relations and was obtained from a
daysit autdaaat to aka be had ilsocessil� in Nay Tairh Guy, oa 2
1667 1961, Sabjeot again contested our representative in Wow York
City .and on this evasion he offered to provide the previously
'mentioned intonation "tree of ((large." Oar representative .subs*.'
quently agreed to asset Subject that same day.
b. 2 .by l96.. Subject advised that he vas born on 122 411a13?
1922 in Laid and Is eurrently employed as an elevator operator
at 205 last Mud Street, Sew ltark City. Is advised during the
nesting that during World War 11 he is a member of the thsainien
Bandar* ostanisation end vas attache! .to the intelligence unit of
this organisation. .110ject claims to be a foxier -newspaper writer
and to be well known to the editorial 'staffs of Novo Simko
novo a Anal= langasge daily .newspaper, and inian
II�sgs newspaper, both printed in Jew York Ci y. jest would
not .diselose the identity of his 'source other than to state that
iigroitp Al the sorove isia.81ari. et anima aitotflahed to "an official riot ) i
mem to the hiStifket degree of Soviet litininityjatorreatigitv"
During this _nesting Subject supplied the following intonation
which he claim& had been given to Via by his itkoVISLICAIXOrS ---- �
$EprecHED I li:�1 rt.,
gotat, .. .1 /Yr' t .1 i-o .. . .
JUL .1 :$ 1461
YCici L.
Approved for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256
pproved for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256
5(1) thiourea safd Premier ithrushchev rejected a Chinese Com-
munist menifeeto .in Navember .1960 in which the Chinese restated
their contention that peacat.A1 coexistence between the Commu-
nist Sloe ,eal capitalist nations is not possible -and that var
between communism alld capitalism is inevitable. In addition to
the 23411iteatOp the Chinese prbesented a plan which involved the
final discreditation of the US in world opinion. This :plan'
was, according to 'the Soviet source, a carbon copy of the John
Poster rale* blueprint for "The Brisk of War� _containment
policy of the US. .Suddenly, in .January 1961, ICArushchev re-
discovered the Chinese plan 'which the Soviet source claims
that Khrushehev -considered.
(2) Subject said that &mist source t014hla *that in
-early April 1961 a directive arrived in the US, received by
the Soviet mission and/or Imbassy from the "Soviet seat of
government" in which the Soviet position in respect to the US
vis a vie_Mar. Leos, Congo and South Asia VIA outlined for
'Soviet representatives in the US. This direotive followed the
Chinese plan in that it called for ..continued 'pressures to be
brought to bear to cause the US to take -positive military ac-
tion in any one or al/ of these trouble spots. The plan .fol-
loved that if and when the US tikes ad.l.itasy stept ,involving
US -troops In any of these areas, "Volunteers" 'Soul& be provided
by countries of the socialist camp to at in fighting off
"Pmerican aggression." The Soviet plan does rat anticipate
that any of the volunteer 'support of -communist .activities in
any of 'these areas would bring about the defeat of American
Military support; *however, the fact of Jimerican .military action
against � tiny country, such as 'Cuba, PAO. or -any other target
area would be played up "by Soviet world propaganda nets to
help in discrediting the VS in world opinion.
(3) lumediately after the defeat of rebel forces by
'Castro, 'Soviet Missile activity vas intensified in. Cuba. Sub
jest's Soviet source said that Ithrushchav's warning to 'the IN
'that '0$ intervention in Cuba would mean that rockets would
rain dour on the US, may be true, but these rockets would be
launohed from Cuba, not tram the VSOS. The Soviet souroim also
advised that the 'only way open to the US to destroy -Castro we
the following: Ignore Cuba and Castro; .Castro's approach to
the socialization of Cuba is the approach of ..a Tyrant and the
people will themselves revolt, and quiokly; harrastetent
Castro troops, military installations and militia must continue
in the tons of wellrorgmoised rebel activity; fluantanamo
shou.ld be evacuated by the 110 before Castro delivers an ulti-
mata for VS irithdraval. This withdrawal 'must be publicised
o -the greatest *degree possible throw/A(:4n the 'world to bolster
Approved for for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256
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vorliropinion. in AVIV of the VB. AU installations at Oven-
tan se* ay mint be 4emoLished by American cress prior to vith.
drawl to -prevent the further use of this -installation by
Sovbloc "volunteers."
(4) She Soviet source allegedly advised that the USSR -does
/ not actually bare the .missile capability which .Ehru.sheheV talks
about "th his vareings to the US and the Vest. On the other
hand, he does, .presently have -the mobility to destroy all
zajor targets in the US 'within ten hours of early 'warning of
hostilities betveen the VS And the USE. This capability .ies
in the "Soviet secret 'weapons," military *yam vehicles Awned
with /ydrogen warheads. According to the Soviet liource, .such
apace vehicles are armed end on the -ready tor launch-
ing in the MR. Xs& space vehicle is .already provided with
direction for re-entry to attack pre.desigeated -targets In the
VS. Subject's Soviet source -stated that *aerie= end 'British
Intelligent:se estimetes of Soviet &toad.� submarine mobilities
are in great error. He states that the MIR swav has eleven
U. also states that
Soviet .developments An the atomic aircraft field have pro.
greased to the point that such aircraft are nov being operated
in the 'training stage. le also states that Merle= 'radar will
not be able to detest such aireraft.
c. Source stated that the reason for Rhrushchevls &sage of
heart vas brought about by -nev Soviet estimates of US capability
for attack and retaliation. Soviet .scientiste have advised .1Chrush.
(they that An s.U.out attack, the US be able to destroy tram
tventy-five to forty-three percent of the Soviet production facili-
ties and :population. Sat, they -add, recovery from such all attack
would be possible.
d. Subject said that be would be 'elite to continue to provide
additional Automation but wild insist on receiving compensation
for any future "intelligence.'
u. 70n12 Say 1961) Ihibjeet called our representative to tell
him he spent over an hour with this 'Soviet on the evening of 21 )(ay.
.Ite said he believed he could obtaintUrther Information from this
Soviet, if sufficient vodka vas administered, because the Soviet
liked to drink. Sujiject .said he would provide us with the none of
the Soviet, bu.laot overte1eiihpne and that he would be viLling
to introduce someone to
f.Ou 15 Nay 19611 Subject telephoned our representative and
stated that he wished to see him to relay some *very imortant in-
formation which 'has to be 'delivered as soon as poesible." Our
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represenlotivs waited ibr him at the anointed vet but Subject did
not appear. On 16 3ky Subject called our View 'York office and
stated that he still had. very important information to relay. When
asked .ihy he had not appeared at the appointed place the previous
night, he said that soothing had etas up idrich prevented him from
meeting our representative .but 'that he did. not visb_to disouss this
over the
g. On 17 Yay 1961, Subject met with our representative. On
this occasion he 'stated that be would not disclose the identity of
his source under any circumstances. He said that he bad "multiple
� sources," all of whom are assigned either to the Soviet Beibassy in
Washington, D.C., or the Soviet Mission to the UN in Bev Tork City.
He said that the source of the information vas one of the "highest
ranking diplomats of the Soviet Mission to the Ulf." le disclosed
that one of his Washington sources was born in Lvov and is Ukraine. Ili
Ian. The Washington source is approximately .26 pars old.
b. Subject stated that he was 'providing Intonation which is
"3.00% accurate." le said he has nothing to lose or gain red that
be vas not ;providing information because of raW sPeetel love itor
the US or any hatred for the 'USSH. Be also stated we might think
'that he is or .hait been a Soviet agent but that "I an not now Dor
have 'X been one, but *there is no assurance that -shall not be.
To di ferenee whether I work for you or the Soviets." He
s j y;." � stated that he bow. the identity of a :saber of Soviet intelli-
genes agents who are nov in Rev York City, OA. Of .vhout he claims
to have Imola for More than twenty years. Be mparred to "be bitter
LA, about hi present economic situation sal stated, "The last ten
years bays been empty and without profit to me in any vv. The
dreams I had for the future in the US never materialised," He
added, "It makes no difference to as whether I remain in the Vs or
not. In fact, you can deport me 'tomorrow, if you like.9 He said
that he would "stake his lit." on the accuracy of the information
he has provided.
1. 04 17 May 1963., Subject supplied the following "intelli-
gence" from .his Soviet sitour�set
(I) One of the .questions *to be discussed at the forth-
comisrg meeting -of President Xennedy and 'Premier Ithrushchev will
be the Berlin question, and Xhrushchev will not budge on the
Berlin UAW. He insist on Allied withdrawal from West
Berlin. He will risk war on this issue, since he has been
warned by the Chinese that he must not bear down on this ques-
tion. The Chinese havM promised that they .will 'provide ell
'necessary 3si1itary support to implement Soviet moves on this
question. The source also stated that he is very sure that
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immilm.........7.....Approved for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256
Klumanhakev yin make concessions to President Kennedy concern-
ing Connutist vithdravals in other areas if the President
agrees to AM.& vithdraval from Vest Berlin. lie also stated
that a the President refuses to vitharav, eight reeks from lit
)y i961, 'Soviets will dollars Berlin a free city and use
tary -force to accomplish their aims. The source stated that
Khrushohev voilld not take this course of action, but Chinese
pressure is so great that if he does not take a ,firm stand and
take Berlin, Shrushchev .himself viii lose lace and position in
the Cormemist Bloc. The source stated that .Khrushchev is opposed
to liar and has a personal fear and hatred of VW", but he cannot
and not back dovn on the Berlin issue. The source indicated
that Xbrushchev viii. make fine connitatents to the VS on other
issues in exchange for Anerican vithdraval from Berlin.
(a) Subject stated his Soviet source advised him that
'Soviet intelligence personnel In the US have gone 'through a
"massive reorganisation" during 'the past six vonthe since the
arrest of the "Soviet agent," .Igor MUM. The present policy
is to use intelligence -agents vho do not _have official status
in the US. Xhrushcher has insisted on this ehange, since he
does not Irish* be embarrassed by the arrest and toned depar-
ture of diplomatic officials, UN representatives or official
Soviet representatives in the US. Subject stated that he inlays
the identity of a number of "Soviet agents" litho yore forced to
-return to the US= during the past six months due to the reor-
2. This Office has advised our New York City representatives that
Subject has 'previously elaisted to have information concerning espionage
activity in the United States and vhen be VW subsequently interviewed
he stated that he had Ito such information, This Agency contemplates no
tUrther contact vith Subject.
MCI -3/763,9,4
Approved for Release: 2020/09/15 C06791256