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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
July 15, 2020
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1955
Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00460209 iiNGWSSIFJED4 : , � : � , , ROOING AND }--R-Ez3itzp SHEET 4-sEett11 INSTRUCTIONS: OffiCei designations ,should be bsed in the -To" column. Under each comment a lino drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the TO column. Each officer should initial (shock mark inSufficient) before-further: routing: This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: RI/ANALYSIS � �, TELEPHONE � DATE ROCII4 NO. DATE 4EL-0 � 5:FWEFD OFFICER'S TELEPHONE INITI ALS CON RENTS 1.0 K-.7c-7t/.4. 67: 'YcLaz. 4 109c557. 14. c5T5 1 ginp/ty 6. t (liekr- 9c-S 11 9 17 los 4,1L)tb�, dA44 10. r 11-cl rz; 7/47_"0.4.1).12 1955J .NOV 13. 8 19552_ alti. 2(4- 14. 15. ILEX gs DRY Fl 1409 ass .9 aft.40/S c 44971-64/4/.1YE ;,�2 !1�'J:� H.4-v& t3 It 7t4 ;f D-o 93,3331 �:".;1/ ABSTRACT -1�31EX DATE 10 OCT 1955 FORM NO. 610 I APR 55 'REPLACES FORM 5140 WHICH MAY BE USED. no?,n-,, fut4apii -- 0 (.7) .3 titE eati-FEDENTM-L---- 20-TO � UNCLASSIFIED (40) Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 000460209 � VIA: � . Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00460209 �_ � 3eATCH NO (SPECIFY AIR OR SEA POUCH) CL SSI S.7eet FICATION TO Chief, WMD FROM Acting Chief of Station, a?////LOP-c-o SUBJECT: GENERAL-- Operational SPECIFIC� Adolph HITLER /144.1114 r .0,11 Doc: MICRO. SER. , 1.,,On 29 September 19552CGELODY-3 reported the following. either - -,e -11ELODY-3 nor this Station is in a position to give an intelligent ewluntion of the information and it is being forwarded assof possibl interest: Cs 02592 DATE 3 October 1955 - INFO:Cc/AIL-A -A, c c2I4IL41 � ktioiLtr- MICROFILMED JUL. 2 61963 HELODY.-3 Vas contacted on 29 September 1955 by a trusted friend who, served under his command in Europe'and:whe is presently residing in - Marecaibo4 pomar-3 prefrrpd not to reveal the identity of his friend: MELODY-,5s.frien 'td that.during the latter part of September 19552 - a Philli OEN, tprker'Gekman SS tro6er, stated to him confidentially that-Adolph HITLER is still alive. CITROEN claimed to have contacted- HITLER about oned'athcath'in�Colombia on-his triptram:Maracaiho to that country aaian employee of the KNSMOdyalTutCh) ShippibtICO. inMarnnnibo.' CITROEN indicated t9pELODY3ts friend that-he:took a picture with. - HITLER not too but-diehot show- the.photograp4: He also stated thatHITLER:left'Colambia forArgentinaaxmx&Jahmary-1955. C1TROEN''7 .commented that inasmuch -as ten years have passed sinCe the end of World War II, the Allies could no longer prosecute 1=MR as arcriminal of war. . . 4.- On 28 September 1955AMELODY-318-friend surreptitiously obtained the. photographibich CITROEN referred_ta: �On 29'September 2955,' ':the photo' was shown toBNELCDI-3 for purpotes-af-getting his reaction to thePos- sible veracity of this fantastic story: Ohvioiislyq1ELODY-3�was not in any position to make any Comm th Comments: Noneeless, e borrowed the photOgraPh long enough so that this Station could take any action deemed advisable. Photostats of this picture were taken, and are being forwarded.' The photograph was to be returned to its owner the following day. The person on the left is alleged to be CiTROEN and the person on the right is undoubtedly the person which CITROEN clnims is HITLER The back side of the PbDtograph contained the following data: "Adolf SCHRITTEI14AIOR, Tunga, Colombia, 1954.m / int igd DNB/lac Attnnhment: 1 photo October 1955 #10 -(0./8A/4h/1 att., 1 copy w/: att., 1 copy -r - Headquarters, w/1 att. in dupl. cs ran 6/114,411 11/1 attl, 1 copy � 1 , MAR. 194 at., 1 copy CLASSIFICATION i 25 r�Ms � � � 3 RI COPT L" e mph-16c cse_1-5�_s C Jd,3--a Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00460209 Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00460209 micRonLmED JUL 2 G !963 00C. MICRO. Seri. 74-7.4 et,- C � � c44-: �) Approved for Release: 2020/07/14 C00460209