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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 22, 1990
Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 I I 1 1 1 1 �1 0 1_1 Qcv)c.2f q6 7 L-ti`5VC, P2 J* S 5 X �� D '1 TCS 2845/S0 COPY 604 TCS 2845/90 22 June 1990 111.11111.11111111111111110.11111.11.111MEMMEMIEMIMIIIMINI=11... Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 I I �I I / .1 I L./ MIN (b)(3) Contents (b)(1) Poland: Solidarity Showdown Looming 2 (b)(3) (b)(1) EC: Preview of Dublin Summit 4 (b)(3) Notes USSR: Moscow Losing Ground on Republic Sovereignty 5 (b)(1) (b)(3) Germanys: Making Progress on All-German Election 7 Hungary: Debate Over Presidential Referendum 7 (b)(1) Sri Lanka: Government Regaining Control 8 (b)(3) (b)(1) USSR: Paper Shortages Spur Charges of Censorship 9 (b)(3) In Brief 10 Special Analyses Eastern Europe: West European and Japanese Aid 11 Japan-US: Alliance Under Stress But Holding 13 Liberia: Monrovia Likely To Fall Slowly 15 enet_ TCS 2845/90 22 June 1990 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 II II II 1 -1 Military Situation, 21 June 1990 Chaos Likely To Ensue in Monrovia _The lack of an extensive tactical communications system and indiscipline among new recruits will make it increasingly difficult for the rebel leadership to control and coordinate operations as the insurgents enter the capital. Rebels probably will engage in atrocities against Krahns and Mandingos as well as random looting and killing. If Doe decides to hold out at the Executive Mansion and a pitched battle occurs, a high level of damage is almost certain. There probably will be a lengthy period of chaos; tribal killings and retributions are likely to continue as the rebels avenge army atrocities against their Gio and Mano ethnic kinsmen. .0. Sier Leo lterbeh take atoilaoVIA Pevasseille Government radio stollen Comp Sehiettelle Liberia B.NG \ NI -L. Jiang Tows r. Aroa o# �J rota. PIC= A MONROVIA Pleetetten Intwrsadeitel Airfield � a North Atlantic. Ocean o ap 101611atei�19,8 o 16 40M591, TCS 2845/90 22 June 1990 719201 tA07999. 590 Free Pert of Monrovia Ivor Coal; Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716 II III! I I -1-610-Saczet (b)(3) Special Analysis LIBERIA: Monrovia Likely To Fall Slowly The rebels' takeover of Careysburg yesterday presages their offensive to take Monrovia, but they probably will continue approaching targets cautiously and may spend several weeks trying to wear down the army and force President Doe's departure. The insurgents probably have 1,500 to 2,000 troops along thc Firestone�ICalcata�Bong Town axis outside the capital. heavy rebel traffic between Gbarnga and Monrovia this week, indicating some of the estimated 3,000 rebel troops in Bong and Nimba Counties probably are moving toward the capital, but logistic and command difficulties are likely to slow thenil The army's fighting capacity continues to decline, even though the recent lull apparently has temporarily boosted the troops' morale, and they may offer sporadic resistance. Of the nearly 2,800 soldiers in the capital, only 750 are expected to fight; of them, 500 are likely to remain on guard at the Executive Mansion. Even these elite troops may scatter if their commanders flee Rebel leader Charles Taylor probably feels compelled to make good his boast last week to take Monrovia in 24 hours if the peace talks set to resume on Monday. in Sierra Leone break down. His troops � reportedly are eager to push on. Taylor probably will attack lightly defended intermediate targets such as Careysburg while moving forward reserve troops from Nimba County. Potential targets on Monrovia's outskirts include Camp Schieffelin, Paynesville, and the (b)(1) government's radio station. Schieffelin and Paynesville have less than 125 and 90 troops, respectively, and the (b)(3) radio station probably is lightly guarded. (b)(3) The rebels probably realize they lack the discipline and troop strength for a conventional attack against large armed contingents at the Executive Mansion, Barclay Training Center, or the Coast Guard base in Monrovia's Free Port. Instead they are likely to approach the capital in small groups frOin Firestone in the east, Careysburg in the northeast, and Bong Town in,the northwest. The insurgents probably can move fairly easily into the outskirts, where they can successfully engage'any army contingent that comes out to oppose them. the insurgents have infiltrated the capital and probably have laid much of the groundwork for the main forces. They probably count on scoring psychological victories by capturing key installations�the non, oil refinery, and electric company 15 IrarSeer4t- YeS 2845/90 22 June 1990 Approved for Release: 2020/09/01 C06861716