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Publication Date: 
July 4, 1951
Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162402 MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE ABSTRACTS OF UNEVALUATED INFORMATION CIA/SI 25.1541 it July 1951 WARNING: This document conta.ins information-a.f.fect� ing the national defexise orthe United Statsa- within the meaning of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794: of the U. 8. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to o'r receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162402 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162402 -Fretme�al.flmoi" 2. Sovietization of Hungarian Medicine Completed. (b)(3) FBIS, USSR & EASTERN EUROPE No, 124 20 June 1 Prof. Boris Petrovsky is returning to the USSR after his reorganization of Hungary's health service. Petrovsk7 said the joint work of the Soviet and Hungarian health workers had not only helped the reorganization Of Hungary's health service, but undoubtedly also had a beneficial influence on the development of Soviet medical science. (Budapest, June 20, 1951). FBIS, USSR AND EE, No. 118, June 12, 1951: The publishing house of the ministry of Health has just issued a 500-page book which describes the results of 18 -months' work at the No. 3 surgical clinic of the Budapest University Medical School. The clinic is headed by Boris Petrovsky, the Soviet professor. (Budapest, MTI, June 4, 1951). ANALYST'S COMMENT: The following reports previously subMitted relate to Soviet direction of Hungary's Pablie Health'. Medicines and Medical and Nursing Edacation-programit Amerikai Naptvar Na azavia '30 Jan. 51; It appears that PetrovSky has completed his mission, ich lasted about 2 years. (The first reports of Russians in the Hungarian medical picture date back to July, 1949). It is interesting-to note that no mention is made of Petrovsky's colleague, Prof. Zapozkhovo 8-2CRIT Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 C01162402 Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162402 Gift of of Sixty Carloads Medical Supplies Leave Sofia iim.ioromommo nnorea, FBIS, FAR EAST Sixty railway cars, fully loaded with No. 98 gifts, have left Sofia. The gifts con- Ma l9l sist of medicine and medical supplies, enough to equip five field surgical units; 400 hospital beds, complete with bedding; four ambulances; eight trucks; one kitchen wagon; and three cars, one especially equipped for disinfection purposes; as Well as great quantities of cloth, clothing, knitwear, and shoes. (Peking, NCNA1 May 11, 1951). ANALYST'S COMMENT:' The following FBIS item (FBIS, May 16, '510 USSR and EE), confirms the above item: "60 carloads of Medical supplies for several field hospitals, surgical instruments, 400 fully-equipped hospital beds, 4 ambulance cars, a new truck, knitwear, and shoes left Sofia for Korea. These gifts have been collected by the Bulgarian people in response to the recent appeal of the National Council of the Bulgarian Fatherland Front to aid and support the just struggle of the heroic Korean people." (Budapest, May 14, 1951). Poland Sends Gifts of Medical Suppliee to Korea. FBIS, FAR EAST According to a KCP report, 82 car_ No. 98 loads of relief supplies recently 14 May l91 arrived from Poland as gifts from the Polish people who are launching a broad campaign to continue to ex- tend material and moral support to Koreans. The relief - supplies include 65 -Carloads of 'Clothing and other goods, including medical supplies. (Pyongyang, May 13, 1951). ANALYST'S COMMENT: See FBIS reports of May 14 and May 16 re "gifts" of medical supplies from Bulgaria to Korea* There appears to be a central "impelling force" behind these "gifts" in view of the nam7 reports of extreme shortages of medical supplies equip- ment in Korea among Korean and CCF medical units. - 2' SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/10/13 CO1162402