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Publication Date: 
May 19, 1981
PDF icon LETTER TO ADMIRAL DANIEL [15804111].pdf266.49 KB
TO: Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 UNCLASSIFIED I I CON TIAL SECRET I EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT f_iV\i't Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X 3 D/DCl/RM 4 DD/NFA 5 D/DCl/CT 6 DD/A 7 -6-0/0 X 8 DD/S&T 9 GC 10 LC 11 IC 12 Compt 13 0/PA 14 WEED 15 D/PPPM 16 AO/DCI 17 PB/NSC 18 D/DCVDDCl/ES X 19 20 21 22 Remarks: 3637 (12.77) SUSPENSE Date Thomas B. ormack 2-0 08-1 pproved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 (b)(3) The DirectorApproved for Release: 2020105104C05036667 .....�.nve Re n,C1C 20505 19 May 1981 Dear Dan, Here is a summary of CIA's role in the Iranian hostage crisis which I promised you last week. If the Vice President would like a further oral briefing, we would be glad to arrange it. I think this is important background for questions I will soon be raising with respect to resources and arrangement to rebuild and maintain the Agency's paramilitark capabilities-which have been allowed to run down seriously, to the point where we can entirely lose significant capabilities. I am taking action on this with the resources at hand, but more will be needed. Admiral Daniel J--. Murphy-, N Ret.) Chief of_ Staff Off iceof the Vice Presiclen. Room 272-, Old ED& \ William -J. Casey -� Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 SET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 � me Utrector ot Central Intelligence Wishington. D. C 20505 19 May 1981 In the _long letter I wrote the President on 6 May about personnel changes-and reorganization steps taken here, I said snmpthinn rpnardinn hic.hpina interpsted in hizarinn ahntit hnw CIA George Bush asked �tora orienng on-thls,. and I am sending the enclosed account of the CIA role in -the Iranian hostage affair to him. `s-show -of interest on what went on there, when I intro- to- MITI' list Saturday-, leads me to think that he too might is, accounti,so I am sending the enclosed to you. lso, IhaveiTaunehed-a -comprehensive effort here to identify, at an early stage, the danger-of the kind of instability which proved so devastating in Iram--and -which- sa worries us in the few other countries which have a great deal of politicallSignificance-. As part at this',A, have called for _a retrospective evaluation on how -theSe--:factors instability lost Iran and what might have been done about it at various stages._ To-do this well, we need access to work done last year on US-Iranian-relationS-froin-1941 through 1979. CIA contributed only on the intelligence sidei.;_the' compilation and analysis was done at State. The -results exist-twortly-two,-copfies-, one in Secretary Haig's office and one at the NSC_Staff-_-_.,State -currently' is struggling with FOIA requests for the documents,:tut:;they-hav&ftat been released within the US Government. The docurnents-In-questiOrr-have-no;-,t-itle but can be referred to as "all the summary :papers-On the- US-Iran-relationship since 1941." To enhance our own understanding, I would 11-kaire-aLcess,..-to one set of those papers either from your shop or -State,-and-I ant-askilna--yorr-tarst. 1 hope you will eit er provide a set for us or give me-igti-idanc-e--as-to--the-best way to get them. (b)(3) Enclosure The Honorable Richard- V. Allen Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs The White House Yours, William J. Casey (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 � � 1� � CIA'S IRAN TASK FORCE iNTELLIGENCE AND OPERATIONAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS (b (b SE ET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 SEXET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 (b)(1) (b)(3) playett-a rote 111 the extiltration of the six American diplomats hidden andlcare&lor-by:Ithe in Tehran. By early December, CIA had started -on strategies and scenarios fur opttion thP six out of- ---kari-antEundertook- several operational initiatives_ On 4 December;.--the-State Department requested CIA to assume responsibility (b)(1) �(b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(6) for-the-exfillx-ation of the-six--Americans from Iran.- On 13 December, the CIA submitted an errinrdtion pla-n to the State Department (Precht) for consideration. And on 17 December; in response to pressure, CIA discussed the subject (b)(1) (b)(3) . mindful of our need for its communications and-other-support in Tehran, did not push for a decision and agreed (b)(3) that the sfx Americans could "stay put for the time being." By the end of the . I month; however,--both the El-.S. and had become increasingly (b)(1) concerned that the presence of the Americans in the would become (b)(3) , known to_Iranlan-,authorittes. An article by Kim King in the Ottawa journal on (b)(3) 2 SE ET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 p. Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 I � 29 December on the subject of American diplomats who had avoided capture by the militants on 4 November gave added point to these concerns. Exfiltration planning went into high gear, and in early January it was decided that the Americans would leave Tehran by commercial air On 7�Japuary, CIA officers Mendez conferred On cover and documenta i with the PxfiltrAtirrn documentation, On 19 January, LiA otticer Mendez proceeded to Tehran to brief the six Americans on their cover scenario and distribute to them the appropriate documents and pocket litter for their cover roles� -On 28 January, Mendez led the six Americans � through Mehribad:Airport-without incident and they arrived in Zurich a few � hours later. - (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 � SEORET , Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 � (b)(1) (b)(3) 4 S RET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 � ,r Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667 - � (b) (b) sjDemorandum are classified SE ET. 1).� 5/ SEEIRET Approved for Release: 2020/05/04 C05036667