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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992733 The National Intelligence Daily � tiro sECRET (b)(3) II (b)(3) Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only Copy No. 348 THURSDAY 16 MARCH 1978 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 062 TCS 562/78 NR Record Brazil - West Germany Results of Geisel's Visit Brazilian President Geisel's five-day trip to West Germany last week was a success to the extent that nuclear cooperation was reaffirmed and other commercial ties strengthened. Not all Brazilian expectations were met, however. West Germany saw the visit in strictly economic terms, while Brazil gave it an overriding political significance. (b)(3) The two governments, which already have a nuclear accord under which Brazil is to acquire nuclear technology and a full nuclear fuel cycle, signed a new nuclear agreement during the visit. It provides for cooperation in the field of high temperature reactors, gas-cooled fast- breeder reactors, and the thorium fuel cy- cle. Geisel met with Chancellor Schmidt, Foreign Minister Genscher, and other top political leaders as well as the press. He also delivered an address to businessmen in Cologne. Geisel's hosts were impressed with his self-confidence and expertise on a (See.Brazil. . .Page 2) TOP -S�EGRE -T� Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992733 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992733 �T-OP SECRET 2 THURSDAY 16 MARCH 1978 TCS 562/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY Warning Notice Iligence Sourcesd Methods Imo INFORMATION o Criminal Sanct ty and central abbr used in this publication Secret -UMBRA - -Secret SPOKE Secret --- Confidential - Unclassified NOFORR,71fiot Rateas (NE) Foreign Nationa CON�Dioseminatinn and Ex- traction of Infer matte - Controlled by uri -_nator _ =This. Information has been Authorized -for Release.ts Approved for Release. 2020/09/11 002992733 NR Record Brazil. . . From Page 1 variety of matters. It was apparent, however, that the Brazilians took the visit more seriously than did the West Germans, who played down the event, according to the US Embassy in Bonn. Press coverage, for example, was far less extensive in West Germany than in Brazil. The West Ger- man media, moreover, tended to see the visit in the context of US - West German relations, particularly in light of the US concern over nuclear proliferation. The West German attitude must have disappointed the Brazilians, who had (b)(3) come to view the trip as the culmination of a longstanding effort to build a foreign policy conspicuously independent of the US. The Brazilians envisaged the trip as having a particularly strong impact on the US in view of President Carter's coming visit to Brazil. In recent years, West Ger- many has emerged as Brazil's second largest trading partner. (b)(3) TOPr SECRET (b)(3)