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Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2020
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Approved for Release: 2020/01/17 C06739014 2011-054 Document 5 SUBJECT: PEARSON, Drew ANDERSON, Jack A confidential source, I I in April 1963 provided (b)C31 information known to from various sources concerning Drew Pearson and (b)(3) Jack Anderson. stated that although Anderson and Pearson ordinarily alternate writing articles for the syndicated. column, Jack Anderson was writing all the articles and alternately listing himself .and Pearson in the by-line: This was because Pearson was traveling about the Country and was not writing anything for their joint column. . Source stated that Anderson and Pearson had recently brought a. man from Detroit, one Pedicam (ph.), to ghost write_a book in their names. They arranged to have him placed on the payroll of Madame Chenaultvs China refugee or relief coimittee, in Which either Pearson or Anderson . has an committee role. "Ck;ry Rt � Madame Chennault is a source for Anderson. (b)(3) A leg-man for Jack Anderson is John lienshawIliashington correspondent for the National Enquirer. He is also a leg-man for Paul Scott (of the Allen- Scott column) and, apparently without Anderson knowing the final recipient of the information, has learned certain of Pearsonvs sources by asking Anderson--with the information gained in this manner being passed to Paul Scott. Associated with Henshaw is a Pole named "Alex" who does research and translations for both -ber and Scott at the Library of Congress. h 4,SaL4 Rve�t, rKS /SA AA a G;riff'17.'f4.4, Df.-- G. r, �.:eause of the sensitive nature of this e,sformation and the method by which it as procured, it. is furnished for LEAD �URPOSES ONLY, and should not be tilized for any other purpose, quoted, or -,-F `-� � MuM bcooag ard (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/01/17 C06739014