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Publication Date: 
March 8, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735 National Foreign Assessment Center ft� CUM Western Europe Weekly Review 8 March 1978 �Seeret-- RP WEWR 78-010 8 March 1978 Copy Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735 WESTERN - WESTERN EUROPE WEEKLY REVIEW 8 March 1978 CONTENTS. Brazil � West Germany: Nuclear Issues 9 This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington community by analysts in the Western Europe/Canada Division, Office of Regional and Political Analysis. Other offices within the National Foreign Assessment Center occasionally contribute. Articles do not necessarily represent consensus among experts on the topic; disagreements frequently are highlighted by expressions of dissent. Comments and queries are welcome and should be directed to the authors of the individual articles. 1Teit Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735 Brazil - West Germany: Nuclear Issues Brazilian President Geisel, visiting West Germany this week, wants to reaffirm Brazil's nuclear accord with Bonn before President Carter goes to Brazil. Geisel intends to sign an agreement to cooperate with the West Germans in high temperature reactors and the thorium fuel cycle. The West Germans in turn are to gain long- term access to Brazilian thorium. Both Brazil and West Germany remain committed to fulfilling their nuclear agreement--including sale of nuclear reactors and pilot uranium enrichment and fuel reprocessing facilities--despite the serious difficulties Brazil's nuclear program faces. The two countries agreement on the thorium fuel cycle undercuts a US offer to Brazil to loin the US - West German - French - Swiss consortium on thorium re- search as an alternative to acquiring a reprocessing fa- cility. Brazilian and West German officials are also likely to discuss the Netherlands' effort to require further safeguards on plutonium storage before URENCO, the West German - Dutch - British consortium, ships enriched uranium fuel to Brazil for its Angra II and III reactors. Dutch officials are to report to their parliament on Thursday whether their URENCO partners and Brazil will accept this requirement, but with or without Dutch ap- proval, the other p-rinimedthatthe fuel will be supplied. 8 March 1978 9 SEC.RE I Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 C06820735