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Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � -7-":13/ � B-908 B-908 CRASH SECURITY REPORT A. Conduct of.Crash Site Investigation 1. Subsequent to notification of the crash of B-908, a Security represen- tative arrived at the crash site at 0040 hours local time 21 June 1964. to assist CAT's Man. Dir. and members of CAT's Accident Investigation Team (AIT). In the interim, arrangements were being made through U.S, Government Navy and Air Force units to immediately dispatch medical aid to the crash-site, in the event survivors existed, to augment the CAT medical aid accompanying the AIT. 2. The crash site was cordoned off by local police. Liaison was effected with the Chief of Police, Taichung Hsien Police Bureau and the Chief, Feng Yuan Sub-Police Bureau, who were the two officers responsible for necessary security measures at the crash site. Permission was granted to allow the AIT members and the CAT official photographer to conduct a preliminary examination of the site. 3. Observation indicated that there were no survivors and the remaining parts of B-908 were distributed over an area estimated to be 200-300 meters square. The bodies of the victims were littered throughout the rice paddy area; beyond immediate recognition, and personal *effects were widely spread over the crash site. 4. CAT and Air Asia representatives were prohibited by police from touch- ing the victims or wreckage prior to the contemplated arrival of the coroner and procurator in the early morning of 21 June 1964. Photogra- phs, however, were taken by the CAT photographer. 5. Although the coroner and procurator did not arrive until 0745L 21 June, preliminary preparation was made in the interim with regards to blankets, plastic bags and ropes as well as providing laborers to effect the re- moval of the corpses at such time as post mortem examinations were con- ducted and proper judgments made by the coroner and procurator. 'While awaiting the latter two officials, anxious relatives, newspapermen and others voiced -loud and emotional dis3pproval of the delay. 6. Although effective liaison developed with the police and facilitated � the movement of CAT and Air Asia representatives in the inquest area, at 1900L 21 June local police advised that they were withdrawing from � the crash site. In. order to preserve the remaining wreckage, arrange- ments were made by CAT to maintain a 10 man police force to insure proper protection of the wreckage so that investigation could be properly facilitated. � A searching examination was continued by CAT, Air Asia, and government personnel at the crash site until 26 June. Mine detector teams fur- nished by Taiwan General Garrison Headquarters along with AIT and se- curity team members and locally hired dirers, examined every piece of earth, rice paddy field and ditches. Where reactions were received on the mine detector meter, the laborers immediately dug into the soil. 8. On 26 June, the wreckage of B-908 was removed to Tainan with Air Asia personnel acting 'as guards to protect the materials removed. - 1 - pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � B. Factual Evidence Obtained by CAT's investigation 1. At approximately 1000L 21 June 194, a member of the AIT turned over to the Security team a.United States Government Manual, classified Confi- dential; entitled "Instruction Book For Radar Identification set AN/UPX- 5-General Electric Company, Syracuse, N.Y., Bureau of Ships Navy Dept. Contract No. BSR-52038-Approved by BuShips 12 January 1953." 2. This Manual when opened had the configuration of a .45 caliber pistol cut from the�pages by a saber saw or similar instrument. This cut was made so that such a weapon could be secreted in the Manual without be- ing readily detected. 3. Inasmuchas this evidence bore U.S. Government classified document mark- ings,. arrangements were Made by the senior U.S. Governtent representa- tive present at the crash site, U.S. Air Force Attache, Colonel Benjamin Warren, to turn the evidence over to the proper Chinese police autho- rities, duly secured, bond, taped and registered: 4. Several hours later, a second identical Manual with a similar cut-out. was found and later turned over to U.S. Navy Counter-Intelligence authorities in Taipei, Taiwan. 5.. It is noteworthy that these Manuals had a Chinese chop "Electronic Plant Library" stamped on their c.7vers along with numbers D-20-1 and D-20-2. 6. According to the published reports of police authorities, two .45 caliber pistols were found at the crash site. It is to be noted that these pistols were not _ound inside the above described Manuals. 7. Although no information has been made available by police authorities as, to the actual location of one pistol, the following interviews are set forth regarding the finding of a second pistol on 24 June 1964: a) ALLEN S. T., Manager, Customer Service, Air Asia, Tainan, who was at the crash site from 20 June 25 June, advised that he was present when the left Engine of B-908 was lifted on 24 June at about 0900 hours. Others present at that time were some locally hired laborers, local police officers 'and CHENG H. S. Mr. ALLEN stated that the gun was a .45 caliber automatic and was found with the hammer in the cocked position and the carriage forward. The handle was split and no clip was in the weapon. HE stated that the carriage was not opened by anyone and therefore he is unaware. if a.cartridge was in the breech. The gun was on top of the gtound when the engine was lifted and esily visible i It did not show any signs of being subjected to heat or fire. 'Located under the gun were the following items, some covered with dirt, but none showing signs of heat or firer 2 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � � 1) Capt. LIN's engine analyzer handbook 2) Co-pilot KUNGrs personal notebook 3) Crew baggage tags with Co-pilot KUNG's name on them 4) Crew flight kit flashlight 5) Seat back of either the pilot or co-pilot According to Mr. ALLEN, the gun was turned over to the police and no CAT personnel handled it. b) CHENG H. S., Acting Chief, Base Stores Jept., Air Asia, Tainan, Who was at the crash site from 20 June - 27 June, stated that he was presc:It the left engine was lifted at about 0900 hours on 24 June and the weapon was found. He said that in addition to the items listed in Mr. ALLEN's statement, there were the remains of the shirt of a Chinese naval officer. Mr. CHENG stated that he was not sure of the exact location where the body of the Chinese naval officer was found, but that he saw a sketch made by the coroner and procurator as the bodies were removed which indicated it had been near the left engine. 8. According to a press notice appearing in the Industrial and Commercial Daily News on 29 June 1964, TPPA spokesman CHANG Chen said that two guns found at the crash site were U.S. made, caliber 0.45 pistols, Serial Numbers 1698922 and 1866112. These pistols had been reported as missing from the Armoury of the Peng Hu Ship Building Yard No. 2, Chinese Navy according to information disclosed on 25 June by the Peng Hu Police Bureau. Moreover, the police also developed that the manuals found at the c rash � site, whose inside pages were cut to the configuration of caliber 0.45 pistols had been charged out in good order and borrowed from the library of the Peng Hu Ship Building Yard No. 2, Chinese Navy by U. TSENG Yang, an Engineering Officer at the yard and Makung to Taipei passenger on the aircraft at the time it crashed. According to this press notice, the TPPA spokesman opined that while Lt. TSENG could have brought the pistols to the aircraft, his motive for doing so was not known. The spokes- man also was of the opinion that having destroyed governmental property Which he had borrowed and had to return, Lt. TSENG apparently had no intention of returning the books to the library when he permitted their defacement. 9. Further statements regarding the navy uniform found at the crash scene were given by the following personnel: a) CHENG H. S., Supt., BS101 Supply, Air Asia, TNN: "Around 1400 to 1500 hours, 24 June 1964, it was reported by Laborer Leadnan HSU C. T. that a navy uniform was found and burned. Further checking revealed that:1)This uniform was found by Air Asia Laborer CHEN T. Y. It was located at a dis- tance of 4 or 5 feet forward of the left engine where the second gun was found that morning. 2) It was wet and muddy but still identifiable as a navy officer's shirt withthe rank embroidered to the collar. The rank was described as a broad and a narrow bronze strip with a black background. It was the bronze strips caught the eye of CHEN T. Y. who had been drafted for two years. Said shirt was discovered when an broken aluminum sheet was removed. 3) The material of the shirt was identified as Khaki. The shirt was torn. Underneath the shirt, a certificate was found. CHEN T. Y. cannot recall the name of the certificate but he is verysare that was a Chinese Navy personnel certificate and he handed it over to Mr. TUNG C. C. who turned it over to the policeman. I did not personally see the shirt." Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � � b) HSU C. T., Laborer LeadMan, Supply, Air Asia, TNN: "I was assigned to clear up the crash site at Shen Kang Hsiang, Fung Yuan Town, Taichung � by the Company, In the afternoon of 24 June 1964, a navy shirt, soaked, muddy and damaged, with navy insignia, was discovered 4 ft. or 5. ft. away from thu lift engine of thu C-46-908. A Chinese military ration card was found in its pocket. The above statement is true to the best of my knowledge." c) CHEN T. Y., Laborer, Supply, Air Asia, TNN: "Around 2100 hours,- 20 June 1964, I was dispatched to Shen Kang Hsiang, Taichung Hsien to clear up the crash site. In the afternoon of 24 June 1964, a Chinese Navy shirt, muddy, soaked with navy collar insignia, in bad shape (insignia - one wide bar and one narrow golden in color on black setting) was discovered 4 ft. or 5 ft. away from its left engine. The shirt was put aside.' -Then, a ration card with wording - The Republic of China Navy - was picked up close to the shirt. The card was smeared with mud (white paper printed in black words), Both of the items were handed over to the Military Police. The above statement is true to the best of my knowledge." 10. The following interviews are set forth by CAT personnel stationed at Makung, where Lt. TSENG Yang boarded B-908: a) Station Manager KU C. S.: "On 17 June, at about 1325 hours, 4 passenger came to make reservation for two, Makung/Taipei, 18 June. I informed the passenger that we have two flights, one being 4-engined aircraft which will depart Makung at 1155 for Tainan and thence to Taipei direct, the other being a 2-engined aircraft Which will depart Makung at 1600 for Tainan enroute to Taichung and Taipei. I asked the passenger to make his choice and upon his indication to take the 1155 flight, I requested to see identity papers. He produced his own citizen identity card and I duly took down the details. I asked for the name of the other passenger and if his citizen identity card had been brought along. Mr. WANG said that the other passenger was TSENG Yang, a militaryman, and that he 'did not have TSENG's leave certificate with him. I accordingly put down TSENG Yang's name to indicate seat reservation. At this time, Mr. HSU D. H. arrived for his duty shift, and I had him take over." b Sales Agent HSU D. H.: "As I arrived at the office at about 1330 hours, 17 June, .1 saw a passenger in conversation with Station Manager KU C. S., and took over ticketing handling. The passenger told me he was ;/ANG Tseng Yee, already having had his details taken down, and wanted to buy two Makung/Taipei single trip tickets 18 June 1155 flight, one for himself and the other for TSENG Yang. I asked to see Mr. 'ANG's citizen identity card and found the detailslegistered correct. I then asked if Mr. TSENG Yang had a leave certificate. Mr. WANG said 4 APproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � he did not have the certificate with him but would produce the same on 18 June. I made out two CT-104 Makung/Taipei Single trip tickets and collected from Mr. WANGNI4,880.70. I also informed him the. time at which the bus would leave fOr the airfield on 18 June. At about 0900 hours, 18 June, when I came back from toilet room to. the counter, I discovered that two passengers had been added to the reservation list for CT-106, 20 June, Makung/Taipei. I rasked Mr. YOH if he had made the addition. Mr. YOH said that during my absence from counter, passenger TSENG had come to request the reservation change. As 28 Makung/Taipei seats had been reserved by Taipei, I called Tainan's Mr. SHEN by long distance and asked for two more seats so that the two Makung passengers could make their trip. In the afternoon of 19 June, Taipei's Mr. HU phoned to change Taipei's reservation for 20 June, Makung/Taipei, from 28 to 20. As the 20 , June group from Taipei actually consisted of 19 passengers, I phoned Tainan to revise Makung/Taipei reservation from 30 to 21, so that Tainan could sell the remaining seats." c) Sales & Services Agent YOH L.F.: � "At about 0900 hours, 18 June, a man came to the office with tickets � for passengers TSENG Yang and WANG Tseng Yee for CT-104/18 and asked to change reservation to 20 June 1600 flight. I told him that the passengers could take the Mandarin Express departing Makung at 1155 and arriving in Taipei early at 1345, pointing out that the 1600 flight would reach Taipei at 1800 .1alth stopover at Taichung. The man said he wanted the Taichung stopover because he had some business to attend to in Taichung. I informed him that the Taichung stopover would be for only ten minutes which would not appear sufficient to attend to any business. He declared that some one would be waiting at Taichung Airfield and it would be enough just to say a few words. I had to comply since the passenger insisted. I then noted that the reservation sheet did not indicate TSENG Yang's age, native place and number of leave certificate. I accordingly asked for the information and the man duly produced TSENG Yang's military identity card and leave certificate. I then realized that the man was TSENG Yang him- self. The Military Police checked passengers of militaryman status at airfiled at about 1530 hours, 20 June and TSENG Yang duly produced his papers.. In my recollection, Mr. TSENG was in navy uniform and had no checked-in baggage." 11. The following statements regarding a body with unusual injuries were obtained: a) LIU A.Chi, owner of a coffin shop at Taichung City, was interviewed at 132, Section 2, San Mm Road, Taichung City on 11 July 1964. He stated, "On 21 June 1964, many laborers were hired to work at the aircraft crash site from Taichung, Fong Yung and the vicinity of the site. Two laborers hired by me found a body with abdomen broken at the west side of the small stream. When I watched them moved the body to the place where all bodies were laying, I saw the intestine of the dead was dragged out from the dead's abdomen on the ground 5 or 6 steps away. In pity of the dead, I picked the intestine and put it on the 5 - _Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 deadl.s -abdomen, I didn't pay attention to the dress of the dead but I remember the body was hardly to be recegnized as male or female. Since there Were so many bodies, my. attention was drawn to the other ones. I remember this one particularly because I was very sorry for the dead when I saw it. I didn't see other corpses with broken abdomen. This one waS found near the nose of the aircraft." b) LIU A Chi was interviewed again on the second day, 12 July 1964. He stated, "I have contacted the two laborers last night. They said that they saw the corpse with broken abdomen being carried over to a flat ground near the nose of the aircraft from the other side of the small stream by two persons in blue uniform (presUmed to be CAT laborers from Tainan Main Base). The two laborers then carried the corpse from the flat ground to the dry rice paddy field for ins- pection. It was on the half way from the flat ground to the inspection place when I saw it. Actually my two men didn't know the exact loca- tion where the body was found. They also refused to be references. I think it is better to ask the two personS in blue uniform," LIU A Chi refused to introduce other laborers who also saw the body. c) LIN Shui Chih, Laborer, residing at 9 Lanel, Fu Chun Li, Shih Chun I Lane, Fung Yuan, was interviewed at 9 San Feng Road, Ta Chung She, Feng Yuan on 11 July 1964. He stated, "We five persons were summoned to remove the bodies at the aircraft crash site on 21 June 1964. We Feng Yuan people were taking care of the east part of the site while those from Taichung taking care of the west part divided by a small stream. I remember quite well once when I watched the Taichung people turned over a body along the stream near the crash spot, I was shocked to see that the body was abdomen broken and intestines out. It was almost naked though I could still saw pants on it;. the head of the body was broken; the arms and legs, though still there, were incomplete. There was no seat belt or chair near the body. The dead was quite a big or rather fat body. Its face was unable to be identified but from the outlook of the body size, it seemed like a foreigner." d) LI Tsung Hai, employee of Taichung Central District Cooperation Funeral Service Dept., located at 56 Chi Kuan Street, Taichung, was interviewed on 11 July 1964 in the bff ice of the department which is also his residence. He stated, "It was about 0900 hours . in the morning of 21 June 1964, I took one driver and two laborers to the aircraft crash site. Due to the application of a pass, we were late when we reached there. At that time, I saw some of the bodies were already displayed. on the field. Our job was to bring white cloth and jute sacks bags to cover the bodies. Our job was done around three o'clock in the afternoon. Then I left the site. I can remember fairly well that among the bodies one was quite .strange as the dead's abdomen was broken and things inside the abdomen were all out. I don't remember whether the dead had cloth on or not. ' It was displayed on the field with the other bodies." 12. A review of cargo, baggage and mail that was on board B-908 was made. It was found that the aircract carried: - 6 - Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � 1) 2 Chinese Post Office (CPO) Mail Pouches MKG to TPE 1.3 kgs. 2) 1 CAT Mail Pouch MKG to TPE 7 kgs. 3) 2 CPO Mail Pouches TNN to TPE 9.5 kgs. 4) 2 CAT Mail Pouches TNN to TPE 8 kgs. 5) 1 CAT Mail Pouch TCG to TPE 2 kgs. 6) Miscellaneous Company Cargo TNN to TPE 244.5 kgs. 7) I Personally owned air conditioner TNN to TPE 40 kgs. (approx.) There was no checked baggage other than the air conditioner which was being shipped for a company employee. The air conditioner and one empty CPO mail pouch were the only items in the rear cargo compartment. All of the other cargo and mail were in the forward cargo compartment. All other baggages were hand-carried by the passengers. A review was made of the cargo to determine if there were any poten- tially dangerous items being carried and none was found. 13. The passengers who were aboard the aircraft at the time it crashed were: a) Boarding at Makung for Taipei - '1) WANG Tseng Yee and TSFNG Yang, Chinese civilian and naval officer who boarded at Makung. Tickets of WANG Tseng Yee and TSFNG Yang and CAT's reservation lists for 18 June flight and 20 June flight indicate that WANG and TSENG made reservation for Makung/Taipei on 18 June but later changed to 20 June. Their names appear to be the first on the reservation list after the Asia Film Festival party. CAT's Taipei Ticket Office reserved 17 seats out of Tai- chung for this party on 18 June. 2) The Hospitality House tour group consisting of Lt. and Mrs. A. Beach, Headquarters Support Activity; Mr. J. B. Spear and Mr. J. Denell of MAAG: Mr. and Mrs. R. McElroy and Mr. and Mrs. H. Tantalo of NAMRU-2; Mrs. and Miss M. Lhamon of the U.S. Embassy; Miss K. Seelman, Mr. P. Cody and Mr. and Mrs. F. Tom of NACC; Miss H. Lee of the U.S. NaVy; Lt. B. Best ' of Headquarters USASAPAC, Tin t.s; Shen Sheng,.nr. B. Zbwns and Mr. Liu Hung Chen of the Hospitality House. b) Boarding at Tainan for Taipei - Mr..S. C. Shia, Mr. B. Y. Von, Mr. C. K. Kan, Mr. H. S. Chen Mrs. Ruby Lee, Mr.. H. C. Weng, Mr. C. C. Chou, Mr. C. X, Chen, Mr. K. H. Shih, Mr, C. Y. Lee, Mr. T. H. Hu, Mrs. A. L. Chiang and Master Y. Y. Yen, Co. employees and dependents, and Mr, J. Davidson, a foreign civilian, and Mr. Schwaninger of the USFAA, c) Boarding at Taichung for Taipei - The Asia Film Festival tour group consisting of Miss N. Wright, Mr. Wen Tao Luk, Mrs. Shu Mei,Luk-Chou, Mr .,Hai Lung Chou, Mrs. -7-. Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 � � Mei Li Chou=Weng, Mrs. Mr. Wei Tang Hsia, Mr. Shui WU, Mrs. Chun Lin Hsu; and two Taiwanese Mrs. Chin Chou-Chen. Chin Chiu Chiu-Chiu, Mr. Chin Kang Hu, Chih Po Wang, Mr. Fang Lung, Mr. Shao Shih, Mr. Yao Kuei Pang and Mr. Yung Pin of Buddhist Shrine, Mr. Yu Lin Chou and 14. The ticket of Mr. LUK Wen Tao was issued on 19 June and the travel date for Taipei/Taichung/Taipei round trip was 20.June. Cheng Hsin Hsin Wen Pao dated 11 June 1964, Thursday, on page 3, indicates that 20 June 1964, from 8 p.m. was set aside to tour Taichung and Hualien in the activities program of Asia Film Festival. 15. Mr. TUNG T. Y. (TUNG Chin Yao (5516/2516/5069), Representative, Inter- national Motion Picture ComOny, Taipei Branch, gave his statement re7arding Mr. LUK Wen Taa's trip to Taichung*: a) June 2 - Mr. TUNG.T. Y. received the schedule of Asia Film Festival program. The program started on 13 June and ended on 20 June. June 20 was the date set for touring Taichung or Hualien and visiting military units. b) June 6 - Mr. WANG Chih Po of International Motion Picture Company came to Taiwan. As to whether Mr. WANG had indicated the date of Mr. LUK's coming.to Taiwan and Mr. LUK's activities after his arrival in Taiwan, Mr. TUNG said he was neither aware nor remembered what Mr. WANG had said because he was so busy before Mr. LUK's coming to Taiwan that he had few chances to see Mr. WANG. However, Mr. TUNG revealed that Mr. LUK had made his decision to visit Taiwan at an early date. It was already made known at the end of last year. It was the Asia Film Festival who obtained a temporary visa for Mr. LUK's coming to Taiwan before hand. The International Motion Picture, Taipei Branch didn't handled it. c) June 12 -.Mr. LUK arrived in Taipei. d) June 14 - Mr. LUK and the others totaling 28 visited Hualien via CAT schedule flight. ,Mr. TUNG T. Y. also went. 0) June 15 (Mon.) - Mr. LUK went to the Martyrs' Shrine for presenta- tion of flowers and paid respect to the dead. Then he went back to the Grand Hotel for breakfast. Together with Mr. LUK for break- fast were two full tables of the staff of the International Motion Picture Company and Malaysians participating the Asia Film Festival. When they were having breakfast, a staff member of Entertainment Section, Asia Film Festival sent in some English notifications notifying those who participated in the Festival.that they would be entertained for a free trip to'Taichung, Hualien or Makung on 20 June and they could choose anyone among the three'places and sign on the notifications. Mr. LUK, after reading the notifica- tion, told Mr. TUNG in the.presence of the others that he wanted to attend the Taichung program. f) June 16 (Tues.) 7 Mr. TUNG T. Y. met the in-charge of the Enter- tainment Section, Asia Film Festival, Mr. PANG Yao Kuei (Chief of - 8 pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428. Approved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428 h) Liaison Office, Information Bureau), asking him how they were going to entertain those who would take the trip to Taichung. PANG said that they would not sponsor the Taichung trip; people who wanted to take the Taichung trip could seekAheir own way to go. In the same evening, during the Asia Movie Stars Night at China Culture and Sports Center, Mr. TUNG T. Y,; asked the Chairman of Asia Film Festival, Mr. KUNG Hung, about the Taichung Trip. Mr. KUNG said the Festival would pay for the tickets to Taichung. g) .June 17 (Wed.) - Mr. TUNG T. Y., after consulting with Mr. CHOU Hai Lung, Director of the Board, Cathay Enterprise, decided to buy CAT tickets for a Taichung trip. At some time after 11 a.m.,- he called CAT Ticketing Office to make reservation for the round trip to Taichung on 20 June for 14 persons. June 19 (Fri.) - International Motion Picture Company sent Mr. CHU of their Taipei Branch over to get their tickets which were for the following 11 persons for Taipei-Taichung-Taipei round trip: LUK Wen Tao LUK CHOU Shu Mei CHOU Hai Lung WENG Mei Li CHIU CHIU Chin Chiu WRIGHT N. OMB 9 HU Chin Kang HSIA Wei Tang WANG Chih Po LUNG Fang WU Shao. Shui pproved for Release: 2020/08/19 CO2145428