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PDF icon EXTRACTS FROM AGENCY WRIT[15847219].pdf259.54 KB
Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 may be hard to believe but the folio ters useid repeatedly: of the fa connection � CA:astral IsteIli t the isteree active ose." this better? Your applicat being cons you promptly. / sr. yet unable to report say deci- our application for employment with ASAWYA I do' want you to blow- once retaia_ ix your qualifieations ie or erpioy . Whew lee There's what. we eliminated: Consider this one! t ix this Agency is still on is made we will notify 25 words 18 syllables 3 two syllable ivors 1 three syllable word 2 four syllable words 4 prepositional phrases *Should there be *my red regarding your ixteremt any question, regardiag want to iswite you to c your convesiene " is clearer? col cheap in your personal plane is this Agency, or should you have the particulars ix your case, onsulticate with ire by letter at It you have any questions or if any personal chaw affect your interest is your application, please wr priming eliminated: 21 words 36 syllables 5 three syllable words 3 tour syllable words 5 prepositional phrases should te us. Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 At-TEN-MX B Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 A fl "1m view of tht circumstances in your letter we con real- ize that you are is no position to consider employmeat at this time. However, we do wish to suggeat that you get in touch with us foam in the event you becoce interested in a position her at any time in the future." this sharper? We realize you cannot conditions change so will be pleased to hear Modern. tinee e 31 for- examples prove that mosey grasp, what we are **Ting mu our writings? 1 ze some of our that iii, we mi 11 get rid of r re sylieblee to a mi o twenty-one words, and examples: t * position with us u will wish to recon you. iii*. It yoadit that theme be save -that our readers will they will need less time to read 0 writing. This ceU or sentences, sad pars- We will keep our words tenees to OA average length n the use of prepositions. reason, everyemployee of the Organization whose volve the obligation and expeaditure of coafiden- ehould lot only underetand the Regulations gorerr- obligation and expenditure but the undlerlying 'ea as well." Let's see how we can improve it! Every Age y employee w)toae duties authorize him to han1e confidential funds should uwieretsad applicable regulstons and all basic principles. Here's vkat happened: We aut the original sentence from 35 to 19 words and from 75 to 43 syllables. Because of the nature of the subject can- not eliminate all long words. But we have out el t of the four syllable words to four, and. eliminated one five syllable word. Do you think the revision is more readable, that you spent lees time reading it, and possibly you will romenber it longer? APPENDIX B Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 oo at another one! 1eet1oa of authority for partioular motto's to levels cot ere to provide the degree ofdiscretionary jug- men ommeasurate with the megeitude or siglificaxce of the aot. involved. Tliii ape.ared ae ax eatire paregreph. Isn't it difficult to underetand? Are* trylag %o gay that certaie teeke will be aseiened to personmel who are qualified to handle thee? toesm't the uee of "levels" here sound a* though they are Aremoctrc deer: to others? Can't we sift thir oxeT "The Organization reul*tory eye -em povtdes for the expression of oliciec an roced.ureseasetial to the performaxcri of the: Orga 17Attioll ViellitIt. it e pasees- end 4e1iseates- the fuections of all epo*tts o the Orgeetestioa iedividuelly and collectively with the objective of estebliebleg *bogie-mess of purpose cad effi- cleeey and continuity of operatioael tad admiaistrativa activities." one possible revisiom: The OrgemizaAon regulatory system expresses iclicies and erocedures essential to our mission. It describes the -functions of all Orgaeinetiom eomponeits to establish a siagis aus sea promote coatinuity and efficiency in Oper- atiomal *ad adateistrative activities. VIR s policies bm4 procedure* are issued is These regulatioes cover girl deseribe all 1 visions. Their aim ie for efficiency eed rational end administrative activities. 97TE A LOOK Al.' OUR REPORTS Sometimee long words are necessary in repo within boumds, however, and the seeeeimg ca emple from oat of our reports: Consultation* with appropriate ousel tovard the solv- ing of procurement exl external earwe bettleeeche is coetteued." � Seeteaeee can be kept leer. Hero is a good ox Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 X B Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819 But- eoesn't t ULU, 7r0u S bit? "Thert was 'Jive uet tc ad t the Avney � system but the recommendation,: provided for waiting utti the materiel oD ell: 14,visions cold be reviewed in order that the manual could tv4. adapted for the- entire Office, rather than this one division." nvey- tbe same thht it a vore utderstandeble end rea xamp el ii WL8 agree ottLce wi0i. be reviewnd bcf - Till system c uld be: adapted meter; 1 from_ ell divisions must can be done. He= is something more interesting than_ a crovord redueo these expressions to. simple language, They were taken 1D o reports. "... all under he obligation..." Th*. sense of 4lie group seemed to b tit in part this was po sible. "...such wasted effort would not Ob. a -as dependent upon economic research in greater depth." ft.. .and. the Agency will have an exchange of views in order to obtain..." Approved for Release: 2020/11/23 CO2478819