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June 12, 1989
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CApproved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 /9"IM1O: ,;�aCOL�0 MeV $66,iVV,Y; (4pAcwroil) TkiC Agaiast William Corson C/SAD/Sn 12 gune 1989 . . - cia�ziekusAtrot, rattin nuntiacv, uncl hulins) Acarvio OWAtD3 ilk1171Pa4 CMMiV iiduinbor ouch carninoni )43 4how groin wi' 43 whom. Orcicv u lino ucron colwn uhoi Juch cenniers.n0.) C/6X18 � I)23. Warning Wotice a-rue-6 olc Methods Involved (b)(1) (b)(3) FORM in) uw xtmous 1-79 P.JJW.) RIMM4 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 SECRET 12 June 1989 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Special Activities Division FROM: SUBJECT: Special Investigations Branch Special Activities Division The Case Against William Corson 1. Central to the James S. Kronthal case is the allegation that William Corson had worked for the Agency in the past, was befriended by DCI Allen Dulles, and was an unofficial aide for Dulles. Also alleged, was that Corson and Justin O'Donnell debriefed Otto John and received information that Kronthal was a penetration of the Agency by the Soviet intelligence service. 2. A review of information held by the Agency on Corson, as well as interviews with current and former Agency employees does not support these allegations. 3. Corson has neither an Agency personnel nor 201 file, indicating he was never an employee, source, or access agent. The 201 referred to in various memoranda in Corson's Security File is his US military personnel file, also known as a 201. 4. Corson's Security File was opened on 19 May 1969 and based on his claim that he was affiliated with the Agency. In an 18 May 1969 WASHINGTON POST "Potomac" article, Corson related: "Not long after the Korean conflict, Corson took a 'quick course in Chinese' and began to fulfill special assignments for 'the Company.' Six, nine, twelve-month assignments in 'Asia -- that's all anybody needs to know -- as far west as Pakistan." Certainly, for a man who made his name exposing inequities in the US Government, hiding his work with the Agency, does not fit his persona. WARNING NOTICE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 SECRET SUBJECT: The Case Against William Corson 5. In a 28 August 1969 interview with CBS television, Corson was asked if he ever worked for the CIA and replied: "Well, I -- I have done some things for the Agency." 6. truth. commendation for Corson and assistance and cooperation Thouah evasive, the above answer actually contains some recommended a letter of other officers for their two n essence he has done "some things" for the Agency. 7. In early 1979, the Agency Inspector General's Office and SAG interviewed James Jesus Angleton, former C/CI Staff, concerning the Paisley case. (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) It seem odd that Angleton never mentioned any Corson connection with Dulles or the Agency, particularly since he was in a position to know. 8. Corson is equally vague about his Agency connection in his books. "The New KGB" notes that Corson "has served in a number of intelligence assignments that put him in contact with the Japanese, British, and Korean services, plus a number of high-level assignments in Washington." Corson's military record does bear out intelligence-related jobs at the Naval School for Naval intelligence, as Amphibious Intelligence officer in Japan, and as Deputy Director of the Southeast Asia Intelligence & Force Effectiveness Division, certainly all positions where he would come into contact with Agency officers. "Widows" makes no claims as to Corson's association with the Agency. 9. Ed Sayle, UDAC, claims "sources" that allege Corson worked for DCI Dulles in 1953-55 and reportedly lived with Dulles in Georgetown for a period. During the 1953-55 time frame, Corson was assigned to the US Naval School (Naval Intelligence). It is particularly odd that Corson's military record does not reflect detached service, nor do Agency records reflect association with the CIA. It is probable that he could have been detached without any record, but unlikely in the bureaucracies of the US Government. 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102 SECRET SUBJECT: The Case Against William Corson 10. In fact, the Agency has gone on record on several occasions stating Corson has had not Agency connection. a. A 6 June 1969 MFR from SRS, responding to a request from the Office of the Assistant to the DCI (DCI was then Richard Helms), and written by Ed Sayle mentions only DOD sources of information and Corson's "apparent impersonation" as a CIA employee. b. A 9 September 1969 memo to the D/OS remarks in both paragraphs two and four that there is no indication that Corson had ever been employed by the Agency. c. Al2 November 1973 MFR from not/has never been an Agency employee. (b)(3) that Corson is (b)(3) d. A 28 May 1987 SRD case analysis report notes that Corson has never been employed by the Agency, nor has been granted any clearance for any use. 11. While none of this information totally denies Corson's affiliation with the Agency, it surely weighs heavily on/the side of denial. Until Corson comes out and says he worked ,46r Dulles or for/with the Agency, it should be assumed that The evidence certainly points in that direction. (b)(3) (b)(6) 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/15 C06619102