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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
May 11, 1978
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111 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ant Gproved for Release: 2019/11/22 C067639a .1 I _ _ -� � WILLIAM D. KELLER untuo st2tes A ttprr,key FRnERICK M. BROSIO, JR Assistant U.S. Attorney Chief, Civil Division STEPHEN D. PETERSEN Assistant U.S. Attorney 1100 U.S. Court House 312 North Spring Street Los Angeles, Cali(ornia 90.012 Telephone: (213) 688-3552 Attorneys for Defendants UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT. OF CALIFORNIA DONALD RAY WOOLBRIGHT, ) ) Pfaintiff, ) ) v. ) NO. CV 76-2448-LEW ) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, ) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCL: AGENCY, ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) AFFIDAVIT. STANSFIELD TURNER, being first duly sworn, does hereby depose and say: 1. I am the Director of Central Intelligence and he executive head of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency (CIA). 1 have served in this position since 9 March 1977.. 2. Pursuant to the National Security Act of 1947, the-CIA is responsible for,. among other things, advising the National Security Council (N.SC) in matters con- cerning such U.S. intelligence activities as relate to national security; making recommendations, to the NSC for the coordination of U.,S. intelligence activities; _ correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence relating to national security; and performing other functions and duties at the direction of the NSC. As Director of Central Intelligence, I am responsible under the National Security Act of 1947 for Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763947 Qproved for Release: 2019/11/22 C0676390 � 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 set forth the duties and responsibilities of the Director of Central Intelligence and the Ccntr:.1 Intelligence Agency 2re sahr.nitted herewith as Attachment A to this _ affidavit. 4. I am familiar with the contents of the complaint in the captioned case. I have also been informed of the history of the captioned litigation and I make the following statements based upon my personal knowledge, upon facts obtained by me in my official capacity, and upon conclusions reached in accordance therewith. 5. The Hughes .Glomar Explorer (HGE) Project was specifically authorized by an appropriate committee of the NSC. The Project involved the design, con- struction, operation arbil.use of a ship which came to be known as the Hughes Glomar Explorer.. Information concerning the background, precise purpose and details of implementation of the HGE Project remains classified because public disclosure of such information', in my judgment, could reasonably be expected to result in damage to the national security. The Secretary of State has stated an identical judgment in similar litigation. A certified true copy of Mr. Vance's affidavit in the litigation Military Audit Project, et al. v. Central Intelligence Agency, Civil Action No. 75-2103, United States District Court for the District of Columbia is submitted herewith as Attachment B to this affidavit. 6. The action responsibility for the HGE Project was assigned to the CIA pursuant to its statutory authority to conduct certain intelligence activities free from requirements of public disclosure. At the time of theinception of the HGE Project, it had been determined that all information concerning the Project which would reveal its intelligence purposes including, specifically, any information which would disclose United States Government involvement in .the Project would be classified in the interest of national security. Consequently, arrangements were made by CIA with private corporations, including Summa Corporation, Hughes Tool Company, and Global Marine, Inc.. to provide a commercial facade _ � Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763947 � 4proved for Release: 2019/11/22 C0439a 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .25 26 27 28 CIA's involvement in the HOE Project could not be disclosed for reasons of national security. In the spring of 1977. after I was appointed by President Carter, I caused this position to be reexamined. and determined, with the con- currence of Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, that CIA's involvement in. the HGE Project could now be acknowledged without incurring the risk of undue harm to the national security. 8. Consequently, I instructed Appropriate officials of the CIA to search for all documents responsive to the plaintiff's Freedom of Information request and to effect the redactions required pursuant to my statutory responsibility as Director of Central Intelligence to protect intelligence sources and methods and to protect information which if disclosed could reasonably be expected to damage the national .defense and foreign relations. I have reviewed the Affidavits of Ernest J. Zellmer, Associate Deputy Director of the Directorate of Science and Technology, and Robert W. Gambino, Director of Security, wherein the actual redactions and reasons therefore are set forth with specificity and do hereby concur and ratify same. TANSFIELD T CITY OF WASHINGTON DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA � Subscribed and sworn to before me this lltd4ay of May 1978. My commission expires; � Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763947