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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 13, 2020
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Publication Date: 
June 5, 1978
111 4" ..��� �1111 'Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763946 1110 .(8PAC1 � W FOR =NG STA:10 ONLY) ,2, .3 4 5, 6 .6. 9 10 .12. 13 214 15 ;16 ;17 20 22. 23 24 25 .26 ,27 26 KIRSCHNER & GREENBERG. ,FOURTH FLOOR AVCO CENTER 10850 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD LOS ANGCLES, CALIFORNIA 90024 (213)�474.8555 .0. 879.5600 ,Attorneys. for Plaintiff F'! L. D MAY 23 1978 ot(n. it S. DISTRICT COURT WRAC DISTRICT OF ,CALIECRNIA BY- REPUTY UNITED STATES. DISTRICT: COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT. OF CALIFORNIA DONALD RAY WOOLBRIGHT, Plaintiff, VS. DEPARTMENT. OF JUSTICE, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE: AGENCY, Defendants. ) No. CA776,2448 LEW ) STIPULATION TO CONTINUE HEARING ) ON MOTION,FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. ) AND ORDER THEREON.. ) ) Date: June 5, 1978 ) ) ) IT. IS. HEREBY STIPULATED by and between the partiesfl,through their respective counsel, that the time for the hearing on the motions for summary judgment be continued fiOM .isuile 5, 1978, at 'SEPT 5 9;00 to, Mira:et 1978, at 9;00. and th6 trial now .set for July 181, 1978,1 at 9100 be continued to:OcOber 31, 1978, at 9;00 A,MA The reason for this continuance is that the parties have agreed that a favorable result in plaintiff's, criminal trial, presently set for May 15,111,9711ft in the Los Angeles County - S-uperiot. Court, may obviate any further necespity for this suit-, Judge Earl Riley has. declined tO continue the trial of the Los. Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763946 � . A . Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763946 �� � :1: 2, :4 ,5.. 6. 7 8. 9 :10 ;11 12. N ggt�: 24 ioupz0 0.4g30 ,15 asteR04... -11216! .16 mg:0 1400V>.17 19 �'t - � ;181 20 ,22: ,23 ,?4 23 .26 27. Angeles. Superior Court action entitled People Woolbright, Case no, A 316: 449, so that motions, for summary judgment, may be heard in this, suit prior to the trial of that state action. Thereforei_any prejudice which will accrue' to Mk, Woolbri4ht as, a result of not having relevant Central Intelligence Agency information will happen regardless. Of whether this matter is heard on June 5., /978, or later, Accordingly,, this, continuance is requested in an effort to avoid further litigation in this case," DATED: May /go .1,978 ANDREA.SHE'RIDAN ORDIN United Stated Attorney FREDERICK M. BROSIO, JR.. Assistant U.S.� Attorney Chief; Civil Division PH D.-PETERSEN - ssstant U.S.. Attorney Attorneys. ,or befendantd, AVEI. KIRSCHNER &-GREENBERG pBy 4/ c �r -H. Kirsc ner Attorneys for Plaintiff. ORDER xr: IS. SO ORDERED., DATED: May Aa , 1978. Laughlin E Wateri UNITED ,STATES DISTRICT JUDGE, Approved for Release: 2019/11/22 C06763946