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Document Creation Date: 
March 9, 2023
Document Release Date: 
January 23, 2020
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Publication Date: 
March 12, 1973
cr....rrao.rer. Approved for Release: 2020/61/16 C05014071 14101, r cc). 12 March 1973 'MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: Recent Developments in the POW Arena 1. Within the past several days, there has been a development with respect to U.S. prisoners in North Vietnam of which you should be aware so you do not get caught off base. 2. Although our current information is very sketchy (and the matter is, obviously, under intensive investigation), we gather from our Defense Department contacts that there are allegations (from recently returned U.S. prisoners) that at least two persons said to be "Cubans" were active from July 1967 to July 1968 in North Vietnam's POW detention facility at Cu Loc (on the outskirts of Hanoi) giving special interrogation assistance to the North Vietnamese in trying to break a group of about eighteen American POWs. The initial indications (from returned prisoners) are that extreme brutality was employed, allegedly resulting in the insanity and death of at least one American prisoner. There is (understandably) considerable resentment among the returned POWs over this issue .I 3. DIA and the Air Force are giving priority attention to collection of further information on this situation. The Agency is extending all possible support to assist in their investigation, including the provision of photos of known Cuban intelligence ": ' � ' (b)(1) (b)(3) � (b)(3) _DatImpossibie to, Determine . .97SET;1TIVE � Approved for Release: 2020/01/16 C05014071 SECRET/3E-32a311IVE Approved for Release: 2020/01/16 C05014071 No0' officers whom we believe have travelled to North Vietnam and lists of Cuban travellers to North Vietnam. We will receive all reports as the investigation develops and will keep you apprised of any further information as it becomes available. Geo ge A. Carver, Jr. Assistant for Vietnamese Affairs 0/DCl/SAVA:GACarver/ 1 - VAS/RAC for POW file 1 - VAS Chrono mee SECI17,17SET.7.T,TIVE Approved for Release: 2020/01/16 C05014071