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Publication Date: 
August 3, 1988
Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798 Director of -rik TA Central !. Intelligence (b National Intelligonce Daily Wednesday 3 August 1988 - � 1 ----Tereeefet- CPAS NID 88-180JX TCS 2880/88 3 August 1988 )(3) Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798 Contents Mozambique-South Africa: Summit Plan ied Tap-Sesset._ TCS 2880/88 3 August 1988 6 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798 -i-op-Seefet� MOZAMBIQUE- Summit Planned SOUTH AFRICA: (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) Improving bilateral relations have set he stage for a meeting between Mozambican President Chissi no and South African President Botha; the summit is tentatir ply scheduled for later this month. Chissano announced at a meeting of the that he prepared to meet with Botha He cited evidence of reduced Sot RENAMO insurgents and continuing coop projects as indications of Pretoria's willin 'rontline States last month th African support to the ration on several economic ness to improve relations, Over the past year, gal relations. He has kept a s in Mozambique and has teen moribund since 1985. Chissano too has worked to improve bilat tight rein on the African National Congre: renewed two joint commissions that had Pretoria has long pursued a two-track po icy toward Mozambique, using economic incentives as well as milit iry pressure to persuade Maputo to respond to South African sem. -ity concerns here is now debt te among South African decisionmakers over which approach to E Tiphasize Comment: Chissano's decision to meet v ith Botha probably reflects his judgment that South African cooperat on is necessary to improve Mozambique's security and economic sitt ation. Pretoria has responded to Maputo's overtures in the r ast year by increasing economic support, probably hoping to de nonstrate to the rest of operation with South Africa an yield important benefits. Chissano's belief that South Africa has re may be a result of a short-term decision I provocations that might scuttle the plann not likely to discard permanently insurget though some Foreign Ministry officials mi RENAMO, the South African military�we foreign policy decision making�probably the insurgency, which serves as a cost-ef on Maputo. luced support for RENAMO y Pretoria to avoid ,d summit. South Africa is t military pressure. Even tett support ending aid to ch holds the upper hand in is not prepared to abandon active way to put pressure 6 "Top-Secrpet TCS 2880/88 3 August 1988 Approved for Release: 2020/10/29 C06825798