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Publication Date:
October 3, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578123
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 29 September -3 October 2003
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar:
(U/41.41,14) 28 October 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(U//A4430) 3-5 December 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(U//A413Q) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UhYd1111) FOIA Requests
(U/41614443) Author Seeks Re-review of CSI Publication
(UhIrtlin) The author of A-12 Declassified is requesting a re-review of selected redacted pages from the CSI
publication "The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1972." The requester wants the material declassified for use in
writing a new book titled: OXCART�The History of the Oxcart Program .
(Ulliclre) United States v. Biheiri
(U//Afrer) The law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher has requested a CIA report referenced in the 14 August 2003
affidavit of David C. Kane, in the matter of United States v. Biheiri , No. 03-365-A (E.D.Va.). Reference to the
report appears in paragraph 7 of Mr. Kane's affidavit. In part, the paragraph reads: "According to a CIA report,
recently made public in response to a FOIA request, of the more than 50 Islamic nongovernmental organizations in
existence in 1996, available information indicates that approximately one-third of these Islamic nongovernment
organizations (NG0s) support terrorist groups or employ individuals who are suspected of having terrorist
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578123
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578123
(UHA-144L11. CDC Declassification Center
(U/I-41440) From the Archives:
(UHA-1434:1) McCone Remarks on DCI Offer
(U/htftfej A 22 February 1962 Memorandum For the Record outlines DCI John Alex McCone's address to
members at the Capitol Hill Club. Among his noted remarks, McCone revealed that he "had first learned of the
President's [Kennedy] desire that he become DCI from the President himself." The memo records that McCone told
of a meeting where "it was agreed with the President that no commitments had been made on reorganizing the
Agency or the intelligence community and none would be undertaken until after Mr. McCone had [ ] a chance to
study the situation for himself." The DCI said that "he had made it clear to the President that he held strong views on
certain subjects and that he had not changed these views, and that these opinions were contrary to those held by some
of the President's closest advisors. The President told Mr. McCone that he was aware of his views and had gone into
the whole matter quite thoroughly and wanted to make sure he would have the benefit of Mr. McCone's opinions
along with the opinions of others."
� Mr. McCone was a founder of the Bechtel Corporation. In addition to a successful business career, he served
President Eisenhower as Commissioner of Atomic Energy. President Kennedy decided to replace DCI Dulles
after the failed Bay of Pigs episode, and brought McCone in as DCI in late 1961 -- an interesting appointment
given that McCone was a lifelong Republican. Mr. McCone served as DCI until early 1965, when President
Johnson named Admiral Raborn to replace him.
(U//7111113)�Reading Political Tea Leaves
(U/PFiftf49) A short DI briefing paper on Iran, prepared for the National Security Council (NSC) in August 1957,
reads in part: "The Shah is determined to rule supreme. ..completely unaware of the growing dissatisfaction and
political frustrations which could threaten the very existence of his regime. Bitter criticism of the Shah's rule has
come from members of the Iranian ruling class, members of the cabinet, Majlis deputies, high-ranking army and
police officers, religious leaders, and politically powerful landowners. While this discontent has been growing, there
is apparently no group or combination of groups strong enough to challenge the Shah's power and force him to 'reign
not rule.' The Shah is able to play one potential leader against the others. They do not trust each other enough to
form an effective coalition."
� After this briefing, it took more than two decades for the rest of the story to unfold. By May 1978, the Shah
was facing bloody riots in the streets. And, the Ayatollah Khomeini headed the most powerful faction within
an effective coalition of opposing forces. In January 1979, the Shah fled Iran. Prime Minister Bakhtiar
approved the return of Khomeini, and the story continues....
(U/trirlUO) New Remote-Controlled Fighter Plane
(UHAITe360) (DO report - USSR - circa 1954) "According to statements by a Soviet official, it appears that the USSR
has developed a new short-range defense combat plane for crewless operation. Because of its short length, stated to
be seven meters, it is easy to transport. To the question whether a starting ramp was required, and the plane
therefore tied to bases, the officer answered that it would take off from a launched carriage. It has a tail assembly
like the MiG- 15 and delta wings. It is powered by a rocket engine, and in addition has a ram jet pipe astern."
(Ullicliff�1) Food Fight?
(U/717444.141_ The CIA Executive Director's diary contains an intriguing (15 September 1965) entry: "there was a
free-for-all fight in the cafeteria today, as a result of which three or four additional employees were dismissed." The
use of the term "additional," without further explanation, is particularly interesting.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578123