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Document Creation Date:
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
October 14, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578172
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 3-14 October 2005
Executive Summary
Future Planninz Calendar
(U//AWE- 19 October 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP):
meeting at NARA in Washington, DC.
(UHATtf0) 25 October 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP):
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(U/Hr/444) 13-14 December 2005: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
Next Liaisons'
Next Principals'
(UHALL141). 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks
(U/Alti.03) Final Accounting: CDC Exceeds Its FY 2005 Production Goals
(UHAT1103.) The CIA Declassification Center's final end-of-FY numbers reveal that CDC ended FY 2005 well ahead
of its fiscal year goals.
(UMW!" PRB Reviews Reach Record High
(U///077) The Publications Review Board had a tremendously busy and successful Fiscal Year 2005. Besides
former Board Chairman completion of the difficult task of rewriting PRB received a
record number of manuscripts and pages, and were able to respond to 93% of them within their 30-day
deadline--better than their 92% rate for FY 2004. PRB reviewed over 37,000 pages in more than 900 manuscripts
during FY 2005 compared with over 30,000 pages in more than 400 manuscripts in FY 2004. The figures for FY
2005 do not include resumes, which is now part of PRB's charter. Based on current submissions, PRB estimates it
will get as many as 5,000 resumes a year.
(U/tfcH4�61) Special Search Unit to Launch Database
(U//Alleik})-The Historical Collections Division's Special Search Unit (SSU) will soon launch its own database
designed as a repository for capturing metadata created through documenting special search tasking and the many
day to day research requests referencing the declassification and/or release of sensitive Agency records. This
application will establish traceability and accountability for searches, track search tasking, establish a chronology of
searches; document the level of effort expended, and impose standardization on search methodology. The database
holdings will be composed of all new SSU search tasking as well as past search data that will be added retroactively
over time. This database will provide for metrics reports capable of displaying activities such as: request date,
request status (open/closed) by time period (week, month, year) for a specific date range. Data will be exportable to
Excel spreadsheets with graphical specifications. This database promises to be an excellent resource tool in tracking
and identifying requesters and the official response to tasking seeking the declassification and or release of sensitive
Agency records.
A1JM IN 13
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(UHA-145141.)-FOIA Requests
(U11241439) Request on Agency Sculpture
(UHAH7let"Frequent requester Michael Ravnitzky seeks information on the ICryptos sculpture located in the
courtyard of the Headquarters cafeteria. Specifically he requests: "1) the CIA's copy of the full plaintext [sic] for
the sculpture, 2) any and all CIA memos on the sculpture, 3) a copy of the x-ray reports from the x-raying of the
granite slabs making up the sculpture, and 4) a copy of any and all CIA internal newsletter or magazine articles
concerning the sculpture."
� The FOIA case manager located 11 previously released documents on this subject, and sent them to the
requester. On the portion of the request concerning the plain text of the sculpture, the FOIA case manager
referred the requester to the General Services Administration for further assistance.
(C//AIM) Interest in Alleged Saudi Support to Afghan Rebels
(U/birItfe) The National Security Archive requests "all documents from January 1, 1979 to January 1, 1984 related
in whole or in part to actual, proposed or discussed support from Saudi Arabia to be given to opposition groups in
Afghanistan challenging the communist Afghan government in Kabul. These groups are also frequently referred to
as the Mujahadeen."
(U// Uu) Seeking Information on Fire Department Exams
(U/hirliritYTA candidate for Battalion Chief of the Chicago Fire Department asks for "information on the Chicago
Fire Department Battalion Chief exams given in April of 2005 by Ernst & Young and the oral portion given by H.R.
Navigator Consulting, Inc., in June 2005."
� The FOIA case manager provided the requester with the mission statement of the CIA (i.e., the mission of the
CIA is primarily concerned with foreign intelligence, not domestic matters) -- informing him that we could not
be of assistance in this matter.
(UNCTI743) CIA Declassification Center
(UHA1I10) From the Archives:
(UTherl4444)-Proving Stalin is God
(U117=1) A 1953 INTEL report, "Religion in Leninakan Area," describes Soviet efforts to eradicate religion in the
Armenian SSR of the USSR: "The government has been trying to convince the religious elements that their God is
not a god and Stalin is actually God. The government is particularly concentrating on the children in this respect.
As an example of the method used by the government, one day during school in one village all the children were
assembled for a class in religion. The children were told that Stalin is God. The teacher asked the children if their
God had ever given them bread when they were hungry, and had they prayed to Him for it. Then the teacher went on
and told them that he would prove to them that Stalin and not their God was the only one who could answer their
prayers. The teacher then asked the children to look up and pray aloud in unison to God to send them bread.
Nothing happened. Next the teacher asked them to pray to Stalin and ask him to send them bread. When the
children had done so a trap door in the classroom ceiling opened and loaves of bread fell out. It seems that to
prepare this lesson in religion the teacher, with the help of a local official, rigged the above-mentioned trap door. A
cord led from the inside out to the yard where the cooperating official could pull the cord, and thus open the trap
door. On hearing the prayer to Stalin, he pulled the cord and the loaves of bread came tumbling down."
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This is a record.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578172