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Approved for Release: 2019/08/07 CO2147206
MEMORANDUM FOR: The Director of Central Intelligence
THROUGH: Deputy Director (Intelligence)
SUBJECT: East-West Exchange Program
1. This memorandum is for information only.
2. On a number of occasions over a period of months, we
have had discussions with Ambassador Lacy on various facets of
the East-West Exchange Program. We are generally in accord in
regard to the methods which can be used
3. The question of internal security responsibilities has
been a difficult one to solve and the Department of State has been
hard-pressed to carry out the recommendations of the Interdepartmental
Committee on Internal Security in regard to the Program. In an attempt
to solve this problem, the Under Secretary of State has forwarded a
memorandum to the Attorney General with a supporting memorandum
prepared by Ambassador Lacy.
It. At a meeting with Ambassador Lacy on Thursday, 15 May 1958,
the Deputy Assistant Director for Operations asked Ambassador Lacy
to provide UB with copies of the above memoranda. It is possible
that the Under Secretary of State may call you in regard to this
matter, and we are, therefore, for your information attaching copies
of the two memoranda with the note of transmittal from Ambassador Lacy.
"A V4K:6
Assistant Director for Operati
cc: DDCI
_ AP
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Way 16, 1958
Eere is the letter to the Attorney General
and a memorandum in support of it, uhich ue
discussed yesterday.
:ill you please see that it roaches the
Uilliam S. B. Lacy
-15.ay 15, 1958, lettur to Attorney
General from Under ::ecretary
-emo to Under Secretary from
S. B. Lacy
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SiEWC - Amb. Lacy
May 15, 1958
Dear Bill:
You will recall that last November 1 we discussed the general
question of East-West Exchanges, the internal security implications
and the recommendations of the Interdepartmental Committee on
Internal Security applicable thereto. At that time you suggested
that we explore
I am informed you have
received a copy of Allen Dulles' memorandum to the Secretary of
March 11, 1958, wherein CIA expresses its willingness to help
support the Exchange Program but clearly states that it cannot
assume any internal security Obligations.
While discussing these issues with the CIA and since receipt
of the March 11 memorandum of the Director of the CIA, we have
been attempting to carry out the recommendations of the ICIS
with regard to the East-West Exchange Program. In doing so, we
have encountered real and substantial difficulties. Accordingly,
I would like to have an early opportunity of discussing this
whole problem again with you. Because the problem is so involved,
I have asked my staff to prepare a background paper suitable for
The Honorable
William P. Rogers,
Attorney General.
use in
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use in the discussion. This paper is designed to outline as
explicitly as possible which Department or Agency does what in
the attempt to further the East-West Exchange Program and at the
same time develop such internal security measures as may be possible.
I enclose a copy of the background paper mentioned above. It is
informal and meant only for discussion purposes.
I hope you will look it over at your earliest convenience
and that you will let me know when we could get together with a
view to discussing the attached paper and working out an approved
With warm personal regards,
Most sincerely,
/s/ Christian A. Herter
Under Secretary
Background paper on East-West
Exchanges and Internal Security.
May 6, 1958
SCA - Mr. O'Connor EE - Mr. Leverich
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To: U - The Under Secretary
Through: S/S
From: S/EWC - William S. B. Lacy
Subject: East-West Exchanges and Internal Security
NSC 5508/1 (approved on March 26, 1955) dealt with a policy of
limited East-West exchange. Upon approval of NSC 5508/1, the Inter-
departmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS) was asked to
establish minimal security requirements. The ICIS recommended a
system involving the use of sponsors, interpreters, monitors, con-
ductors, etc., to be attached to visiting groups for the purpose of
surveillance and reporting on their activities. For such a limited
program, the system of sponsors, etc., was workable.
NSC 5607 (approved on June 29, 1956) recommended an expanded
program of East-West exchanges. Shortly after the enactment of
NSC 5607, the Hungarian revolt occurred and the Exchange Program was
in a state of suspension. Last summer the Program was revived to
some extent and Soviet willingness to enter into a formalized pro-
gram led to the Lacy-Zaroubin negotiations which culminated in the
US-USSR agreement signed on January 27, 1958. The security criteria
under which this Program has been conducted have remained basically
unchanged since its inception in 1955. The ICIS, on October 2, 1957,
"codified" its recommendations with regard to security.
4 4,
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it.";VtLiVatl: 048373
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Difficulties in carrying out the ICIS requirements were antici-
pated and Governor Herter discussed with Attorney General Rogers on
November 1, 1957 the whole problem of sponsorship requirements, sur-
veillance and reporting. The Attorney General stated at that time
that the Department of Justice could not accept the responsibility of
maintaining surveillance of Soviet bloc exchange visitors. Further,
the Attorney General rejected the proposition that as a matter of
policy, regardless of what sponsorship arrangements were made by other
agencies, the Department of Justice was responsible for the internal
security aspects of the East-West Exchange Program. 7
'4,4 .
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The Attorney General earlier and the Chairman of the ICIS on
April 1, 1958 have both indicated that the Department of Justice did
not regard itself as responsible for internal security "in connection
with the East-West Exchange Program." If this means that the Depart-
ment of Justice has none of the operating responsibilities for arrang-
ing visits, sponsors, etc., under the Exchange Program, as contained in
the present ICIS recommendations, we concur; however, we cannot agree
that the Department of Justice can, nor do we believe it wishes to,
divest itself of responsibility for internal security in connection
with the East-West Exchange or any other Governmental program, which
constitutionally and statutorily rests with that Department.
At the April 1, 1958 meeting of the ICIS, some members were un-
certain whether the security recommendations applied to all visitors
from Eastern European countries or, if not, to which visitors. It
seemed generally agreed that delegations officially negotiated between
this Government and a Soviet bloc government fall within the meaning
of these requirements, whereas "tourists" did not. Because of these
uncertainties and the desirability of having precise definitions, there
are outlined below certain categories of visitors to the United States
from the Soviet bloc countries together with what arrangements seem to
be feasible from the security standpoint. Where arrangements are made
by other agencies to afford a limited form of coverage to such visitors,
it should be clearly understood that such arrangements are at best
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4c.-r 4
merely an "alarm system" designed to achieve urgent notification to
the Department of Justice of any suspicious activities coming to the
attention of the persons affording coverage. In establishing such a
system, the agencies are attempting to assist the Department of Justice
to discharge its constitutional and statutory responsibilities with
regard to internal security.
Category 1 - Persons who are members of delegations
visiting the United States under officially-negotiated
exchanges wherein the subject matter, itinerary, dura-
tion, etc., have been negotiated between the United
States and a particular Soviet bloc government.
For such visitors, the Department of State will
arrange for sponsors, tour directors, interpre-
ters, etc., as has been done since the inception
of the Program.
Category 2 - Persons traveling to the United States to
attend meetings or conferences for which the United
States Government is the host (including conferences
being sponsored by individual government agencies).
The Department of State will arrange sponsorship,
etc., for such persons.
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Category 4 - Tourists
As stated above, the ICIS agreed that tourists were not
meant to be included under the now existent "sponsorship"
arrangements. The Departments of State and Justice have
had separate consultations with Mr. Ralph Reed, President
of the American Express Company. The American Express
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Company has now opened an office in Moscow and anticipates
obtaining a large percentage of the Soviet tourist business
to the United States. It is striving to obtain the same
type of business from the rest of the Soviet bloc.
Attempts are being made to arrange visits to the United
States in "package tours" and for the groups to be accom-
panied by a tour director. The tour director would be
briefed about the interests of the Department of Justice
and would be expected to report to Justice any suspicious
activity on the part of the visiting aliens.
Category 5 - Commercial Visitors.
This includes Soviet bloc purchasing missions temporarily
in the United States; persons running government exhibi-
tions at trade fairs, etc.; or any other individual whose
purpose in coming to the United States is to transact
business for a Soviet bloc government or a subsidiary
thereof. It has not been possible in the past to arrange
sponsorship and State does not plan to do so in the future
for such visitors.
Category 6 - Other Visitors.
NSC 5607, the present policy of this Government with
regard to East-West Exchanges, embodies the 17-point pro-
posal submitted by the United States at the Geneva Foreign
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Ministers' meeting in December 1955 as the objectives of
the Program. Items 12 through 14 recommend increased con-
tacts, including visits to the United States, by persons
in the professional, cultural, scientific, academic and
sports fields. Soviet bloc citizens responding to private
invitations from their counterparts in the United States
to visit the United States are not capable of being handled
by the sponsorship mechanism. In addition to private
visits, some individuals in the fields listed above have
come and will continue to come to the United States
to attend privately-sponsored conferences and meet-
ings. It is not possible to arrange sponsorship for
such visitors.
1) That the Department of State continue to arrange sponsorship
for exchange visitors falling within categories 1 and 2 as defined
3) That the Department of Justice undertake to determine what
security measures should be instituted consistent with NSC 5607 as
regards persons falling within the meaning of categories 4, 5, and 6
discussed above; and
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4) Since any controls instituted over foreign visitors have
foreign policy implications, that the Department of Justice consult
with State before instituting any overt controls over Soviet bloc
SCA - Mr. O'Connor EE - Mr. Leverich
SCA -Mr. O'Connor EE - Mr. Leverich
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