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Publication Date: 
September 30, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169 ftekl+htle-T-RA-T+VC--IN-T-R;1++AL-4SE-ONL-1(� Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 19-30 September 2005 Executive Summary Future Plannine Calendar (Ullikliriff) 19 October 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting at NARA in Washington, DC. (U//fCTII) 25 October 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals' meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC. (U//41+113)-13-14 December 2005: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting. (U//411441) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended. Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks (U//2414(+) -Agency Reduces Backlog of FOIA/PA Cases for Eighth Consecutive Year (IMAIU0) For the 8th straight year, CIA has decreased it backlog of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) cases. In FY 2005, CIA decreased its backlog by 175 cases or 15.2%. (b)(3) � At the beginning of FY 1998, when the string of consecutive decreases began, CIA had 4867 pending FOIA/PA cases. During the ensuing eight years, CIA received 29,770 new FOIA/PA cases. Despite this large number, CIA decreased its pending backlog each year, and now has 975 pending cases. (U//X1170) CIA Reduces EO MDR Backlog (15//Artli3e) In FY 2005, CIA reduced its backlog of Mandatory Declassification Reviews (MDRs) under EO 12958 by over 7%. CIA finished the FY with 282 cases. � At one point in FY 2000, CIA had over 1300 pending EO MDRs. (U//A+14�1) Appeals Branch Reduces Backlog in FY 05 (UllAttle) the Appeals & Litigation Branch of the Public Information Programs Division reduced its backlog of FOIA, Privacy, and Executive Order appeals by 2.4% in FY 2005. The Branch now has 206 pending appeals, the lowest number recorded since 1996 when the Division began keeping production statistics. Also, Appeals Branch reduced the number of "old" appeals (defined as those cases on the books before 2002) by 27.4% in FY 2005. (U//A4130) FOIA Requests (U//A41444) Request on Noted Jazz Singer (1.1//Afilfl ) A requester seeks records on "Nina Simone (deceased), the singer, whose birth name was Eunice Kathleen Waymon." The obituary enclosed by the requester notes: "[Her] deep, raspy voice made her a unique figure in jazz and later helped chronicle the civil rights movement [by writing] the turbulent times of the 1960s into her music." � The FOIA case manager accepted the request, (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(5) HUMINIJ I KA) 1T E-111- ITERNAt-esc-&h/L-Y- Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL Lr6 ONLY (b)(3) (b)(5) (U//10110) Interest in Family Tree (U//AI) A current resident of the Georgia state prison system requests a copy of his family tree. The requester states that he would like to look over the information and see how far back his family goes. To complicate matters, the requester adds that since he has been in prison, they have misspelled his last name. � The FOIA case manager provided the requester with the mission statement of the CIA (i.e., the mission of the CIA is primarily concerned with foreign intelligence, not domestic matters) -- informing him that we could not be of assistance in this matter. (UHAtt113) Seeking Records on Venezuelan Oil (U77titte) An Illinois requester seeks "information or records on all previously released records from 2002 to 2005 regarding the development, control, and management of the Venezuela oil refineries. The purpose of this request is to complete an academic assignment in applying for information on a Latin American country through the Freedom of Information Act." � The FOIA case manager provided the requester with a listing of previously released documents on the topics of "Venezuela" and "oil" from which the requester may select documents that interest him. (U/h.r1440) CIA Declassification Center (b)(3) (UHAItter ERWG Meets (U//MietE) On 21 September 2005, the External Referral Working Group (ERWG) met Thirty-eight representatives from 14 federal organizations attended. The Director, US Army Records Management & Declassification Agency (RMDA) began by describing the history and mission of the five organizations merged into RMDA in 2005. Chief/RMDA Records Management Division, followed with a description of the Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS), which is designed to manage hard copy and electronic records, including e-mail. He provided Army's definition of short-term records (6 years or less) and long-term records (over 6 years) and noted that most records are short-term. Long-term records must be captured and stored via ARIMS. An Air Force representative briefed on the Online Security Information Management (OSIM) website used by the Air Force Declassification Office. The website contains AFDO guidance, security classification and declassification guides and other documents relating to E.O. 12958, as amended. OSIM can assist other agencies in recognizing Air Force equities that should be referred. Government staff can register for access to OSIM through mil. A CIA representative reported on the status of the Declassified Document Support System (DDSS). A demonstration of DDSS followed, providing members with an overview of the system's functionalities, using production data provided by CIA and Air Force. (UHA41342i) FY 2005 NARA Delivery Successful (U//P On 29 September, CIA Declassification Center successfully delivered 750,000 new pages to the CREST System at NARA. CREST---CIA Records Search Tool--- is the system by which the public accesses CIA released products under the 25-Year Program. CREST is hosted at NARA's College Park, Md. facility. The total of released pages on CREST at NARA is now slightly less than 10 million (9.8 million). On 28 September, CDC also delivered 365,000 pages of releasable hard copy and microfiche to NARA. (CY/A113.0) From the Archives: (UHAILLQ) A Matter of Priorities (U//.11440) A Department of State "Soviet Trends" memo, dated 24 April 1979 states: "Brezhnev Chooses Hockey over Lenin: Brezhnev apparently chose to spend his time and energy on the April 20 hockey match between the US and Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), passing up the traditional Lenin Birthday meeting and a meeting with the Brademas Congressional delegation. He has attended four matches in the hockey world series in the last week despite the pressures of a party plenum and Supreme Soviet session. Although Party Secretary Kapitonov said (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) .A1)11.11111SIRATALE�INTE-RNAL�Ift&E-CfltY Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169 ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL LICE ONLY nothing new in his Lenin Day speech, attendance by all Moscow-based leaders has been customary. However, Brezluiev had already participated in a morning session of the Supreme Soviet Presidium and decided to break tradition by skipping the speech." (U/A-1440) Feeling the Time Crunch (U///1111*DCI Stansfield Turner, in April 1978, sent a blistering note to the DDCI and the DDA, after learning about a GSA amendment to the federal travel regulations. The DCI wrote: "I'm really burned up by the GSA amendment. . . The idea that the head of GSA should order that only I can approve first-class travel is ridiculous. If enough people like this tell me how to spend my time on trivia such as this, there is no way I can ever get the job done. I'd appreciate your advice on where I go to appeal this incursion into my management time for a less than agency head topic." This is a record. CC: (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) ADMINICTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578169