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April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
October 1, 2004
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578060
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 27 September-I October 2004
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar
-Th:777,k44441.3L)er no4: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP):
meeting at NARA in Washington, DC.
711,59;17=r26 October 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP):
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
Next Liaisons'
Next Principals'
Te777e144141 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Week
(1.---7/72ZIVEHRTIPD Achieves Banner Results in Fiscal 2004
(11"Miettl.*IRRG's Public Information Programs Division had a spectacular FY 2004. All programs reduced their
backlogs significantly�FOIA/PA by 19.6%, E0 by 39.4%, and appeals by 19.2%. Even more importantly, PIPD
reduced the number of old cases in all programs ("old" cases are those before FY 2001). Information disclosure is
more than paying lip service to an idea, or merely conforming to a law. Experience demonstrates the practicality of
offering information to the American people that promotes the functioning of a healthy democracy, while, at the
same time, safeguarding our nation's intelligence secrets.
--CDC Exceeds Its FY 2004 Production Goals
(U The CIA Declassification Center's preliminary end-of-FY numbers reveal that CDC is well ahead of its
fiscal 2004 goals. According to its 30 September data figures, CDC surpassed its target goals in each of the
following categories: (1) Pages reviewed, (2) Pages released, (3) Pages reviewed via automated review, (4) Pages
released via automated review, and (5) Presidential library material reviewed and released. A final accounting will
appear in the next IRR Weekly.
--(43,44614iii1).FOIA Requests
-111rti$1443)-Interest in Former CIA Officer's Writings on Islam
11.3779,M1,69-A requester, who is writing a book, seeks a series of papers written mostly in 1957 by Donald N. Wilber,
a CIA officer, concerning Islam. Citing Wilber's memoirs, Adventures in the Middle East (Darwin Publishers, 1986)
p. 195, the requester notes that Wilber served as CIA representative to an interagency working group on Islam, and
coauthored the group study. He adds: "I am looking for the group study, as well as the publications in the series
'Islam and...' that Wilber mentions. That would include Islam in Iran , Islam in Pakistan , Islam in Afghanistan ,
and any others in that series."
-(43740 Request Alleging CIA Activities Against Cuba
11:7777021444).dm inmate at South Central Correction Center is asking for information relating to "acts of
state-sponsored terrorism undertaken against the government and people of the nation of Cuba by the Central
Intelligence Agency." Specifically, his request focuses upon efforts to: (1) Destabilize the Cuban economy, (2)
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Sabotage petroleum products imported by Cuba, (3) Sabotage other Cuban foreign traded products or cargoes, (4)
Infect Cuban livestock with biological agents, and (5) Sabotage Cuba's agricultural industry and/or food supply.
Below his closing signature, we find "cc: Cuban delegation, United Nations."
(UlloliplUO)Zabibah and the King �Saddam's Novel
41.1,44414039%A requester seeks the English [language] translation of the novel, Zabibah and the King, or Zabiba and
the King ,purportedly authored by Saddam Hussein. He adds: "In a May 25, 2001 article, The New York Times
reported the CIA ascertained the author of the recently published novel was Saddam Hussein, and the
agency...extensively studied the novel."
� The FOIA case manager informed the requester that a search failed to locate the requested translation.
Editor: The Times article (cited above) actually reports that CIA officials doubt that Hussein personally
penned the novel, but probably closely supervised its writing. Moreover, CIA scrutinized the Arabic-language
book hoping to find clues to the Iraqi dictator's innermost thoughts, fears and feelings. Also, the novel's book
jacket caused quite a stir. As http:// reports�Saddam Hussein helped himself to the
artwork of a Prince Edward Island citizen for use as the cover of his book. More specifically, "The Iraqi
president swiped the picture, by Jonathan Browser of Charlottetown [P.E.I.1, as the cover illustration for his
romantic allegory in which he portrays himself as a benevolent king bestowing love on his people, represented
by the beautiful woman Zabibah.... " As for the artist �after discovering the copyright infringement,
"Browser said he didn't want the CIA thinking he was in cahoots with the dictator...[so] I sent them an
e-mail...It seemed to me it was inevitable they'd find out where the picture came from, and I thought it would
be better to let them know."
1175WAII31:11).CIA Declassification Center
irMAT1644+,,Strong Researcher Interest at NARA in CIA Released Documents
rr77774,1511rio FY 2004, researchers at National Archives at College Park, Maryland, printed over 155,000 pages of
CIA-released documents using the CIA Records Search Tool. CREST is the public access automated system for
viewing, in electronic form, redacted records previously reviewed online by the CIA Declassification Center for the
25-Year Program. In FY 2004, there were 8.7 million pages of CIA-released records on CREST. Records on
CREST are searchable by bibliographic index terms, as well as full-text. Due to the age of the documents, the full
text�produced by optical character recognition (OCR) software from the scanned images of the hardcopy or
microfilm original documents�is imperfect, but still a powerful search tool. Researchers can print out the results of
their searches in the form of document images. Currently, CREST hosts four workstations and four printers. Most
users find the CREST system at NARA (which is based on a commercial product, LaserFiche), to be quite
user-friendly and powerful. In FY 2003, users printed an estimated 70 000 pages. Thus, FY 2004/FY 2003 user
activity (as measured by pages printed) more than doubled.
-(44,4444.1.11).From the Archives:
IThrAtt/CITSenator Goldwater "Forewarns" DCI on Reorganization
71-itmccia) From a 22 June 1978 letter froth Senator Barry Goldwater to DCI Stansfield Turner regarding the
proposed Intelligence Community Staff reorganization: Goldwater wrote, "I have to admit that I am inclined to yield
to you because I want to see you successful, but I think you should be forewarned of probable difficulties. What you
are asking for, in reality, is the start of another bureau....What will happen is that you will start off, if we approve it,
with this rather small group and over the years it will grow and grow.... I think the most prudent course would be to
accept the idea of a small staff until the new organization has had its shakedown cruise. I see no need nor can I
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understand how you can argue for new leaders with no experience.... As for the staffs they would head, I see no
reason why you can't do it by just moving people from the different agencies to the points you want them to
occupy..." Goldwater underscored that "what I am trying to get at, Stan, is suggesting to you a way that will give you
a start on what you seek but not let you make the mistake that is so often made of trying to start off with the whole
thing and having it collapse of its own weight. I believe the example that I can point to most poignantly now is
Schlesinger's group on Energy. Over at DOE, we have thousands of people with nothing to do and decisions are
piling up by the hundreds with no indication that they will ever be worked on, thought about or granted."
� Comment: Senator Goldwater included in his letter some words of encouragement to DCI Turner: "Every
single instance of abuse which has been disclosed to the American public and the eyes of the world has
emanated from the White House under both Republican and Democrat Presidents. Please remember that in
any thinking that you go through relative to your new job." Concluding, he said, "If you can keep that in mind
and keep a firm resolve never to allow it to happen again, I think you will get everything you want in running
the ship of intelligence and it can turn out to be as rewarding as running the ships of our fleet."
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