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April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
January 11, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578068
alIVIIINio Ircro Iva - tIN I cniNtu_ uSE ONLY
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 7 January 2002 - II January
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U//Atiet) 31 January - 1 February 2002: DCI Historical Review Panel meeting at
Future Planninz Calendar:
(Whorlirle) 13 February 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAPI: Next Liaisons'
meeting at EEOB, Washington, DC.
(U/haellia) 21 February 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting (site to be determined).
(Uh1/21144ge) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(U//AWQ)- Litigation
(U/PA170) FOIA and Privacy Act Requests
(UHALLigi). Frequent Requester Seeks Copies of NIEs and SNIEs on France
HY/Aftfat Noted author Jeffrey Richelson submitted a request for "all NIEs/SNIEs (National Intelligence
Estimates/Special National Intelligence Estimates) produced between 1960 and 1980 on the French nuclear weapons
(U/ntIllet) Lynchburg, Virginia Reporter Interested in Project Sapphire
(U//Mug) A reporter with the Lynchburg (Virginia) News and Advance seeks information on "Project Sapphire
[which] involved removing about 600 kilograms of highly-enriched uranium from Kazakhstan in 1994. The material
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578068
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578068
was then brought to the Oak Ridge, Tennessee Y-I2 plant. It was then downblended into nuclear fuel at BWX
technologies, which is located in Campbell County, Virginia. The project was completed by 2001."
(U//A+1414) Professor Requests Information on Activities of Brazilian Labor Minister
(U//A1116) An adjunct professor of geography at the University of Florida asked for information pertaining to Joao
Goulart during the period he was Brazil's Minister of Labor from June 1953 to February 1954. Specifically, the
requester is interested in "Goulart's handling of the strike at the port of Rio de Janeiro, and other Brazilian ports that
ended on 25 June 1953 and [his] resignation as Minister of Labor on 22 February 1954, the significance of the
resignation and the significance of Goulart's work as Minister of Labor."
(U//A441114) CIA Declassification Center
(111/Agela) From the Archives: In the 1950s, Some Albanians Settle Hospital Bills with Hard Labor
(CY/PM70) Victims of traffic accidents in communist Albania in the 1950s received hospital treatment without
regard to ability to pay -- with a catch -- according to a 1954 DO intelligence report that was recently reviewed at the
CIA Declassification Center. Upon discharge, the patient was presented with a bill for services rendered. If the
patient couldn't pay it, he or she was sent to court, tried, and sentenced to settle the bill. If the patient couldn't settle
the bill with cash, he or she was sentenced to compulsory hard work in a state enterprise.
(U/Hrttie) From the Archives: CIA Outlines the U-2 Program
(U/herRs]�) An OGC memorandum dated 4 August 1970 that was recently reviewed by the DCI team at the CIA
Declassification Center outlined the development of the U-2 program. The memo noted that in the 1950s President
Eisenhower directed the DCI and the Air Force to collaborate on the development and procurement of an overflight
aircraft. The Air Force deferred procurement of the U-2 to the CIA because the Agency's procedures could assure
adequate security of the program. The CIA's development and planning of the procurement and operation of the U-2
was unprecedented -- a letter of intent was signed with Lockheed in December 1954, the first U-2 aircraft flew in
1955, and the first 13-2 overflight was conducted in July 1956. OGC outlined the significant contributions of the U-2
program: it resolved the Soviet missile problem; produced an overall evaluation of the USSR atomic capability for
the period 1956-1960; accurately predicted the 1956 Middle East war; and positively identifed Soviet missiles in
Cuba in 1962.
This is a record.
Sent on 16 January 2002 at 10:26:47 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578068