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Publication Date:
November 11, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578174
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 31 October-11 November 2005
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar
(U//A+11113 22 November 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(Hi/M.17M 14 December 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at NARA in Washington, DC.
(U//Aluu) 13-14 December 2005: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(U//A4144)-31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks
(U//A44,1Q) FOIA Requests
(U//A44230)-Request on Japanese War Criminal
(U//A4430) A requester seeks information on "James Sasaki, a Japanese citizen [who] in the years prior to World
War II, reportedly set up a powerful radio transmitter near a Southern California Edison substation, and thus fed
information to the Japanese government. He was reportedly under investigation as a spy, but fled back to Japan by
boat just prior to a scheduled raid by either the FBI or CIA. In Japan during World War II, [he] became an
interrogator of captured American servicemen at a variety of POW camps. Arrested after the war, he was convicted
of war crimes at the Tokyo trials and was held at Sugamo prison until 1952. He died in Japan in 1979."
(U//ArItte)) Interest in Shipping Magnate
(U/htttle) A producer with 7ate9 Entertainment requests records on "Daniel Keith Ludwig, the late shipping
tycoon." The enclosed obituary notes that "in 1936, Ludwig hit upon the financing scheme that would start his
fortune. He got oil companies to charter tankers for future oil deliveries, then used the charters as collateral to
borrow money to build the tankers. The fees from the charter covered the loan and interest, and still left Ludwig a
profit and a working tanker."
� The FOIA case manager sent an initial letter acknowledging receipt of the request. It informed the requester
that an analyst would contact him in the event that any problems were encountered during the review process,
or if additional information is needed.
(U/LT1D177CIA Declassification Center
(U//Altit) CDC Holds Annual Planning Offsite
(U///trtn) On 1-2 November, over 50 participants attended the CDC annual offsite. Topics covered included the
challenge of meeting the impending automatic declassification deadline of 31 December 2006, a look at business
process re-engineering possibilities, the status of CADRE, and the study on the MOSAIC effect on released material.
A guest speaker provided insights into the Nazi War Crimes (NWC) project and his views on release policy based on
his broad Agency experience and his experience with the NWC. The IMS Executive Assistant for Policy briefed
CDC on the role that the ISCAP plays in the declassification game. C/IRRG concluded the conference with his
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perspective of the IRRG mission.
(U//414.10) From the Archives:
(U//MUG)) Shifting Populations
(U/44438) In an October 1955 study of possible sites for the CIA Headquarters building, the team of consulting
architects notes that the Agency population was distributed among the following places of residence: Washington,
DC - 50%; Virginia -31.6%; Maryland - 18.4%. Accordingly, the consultants ruled out a site in Alexandria,
reasoning that the traffic from DC, where the bulk of Agency staffers lived, would overwhelm the Shirley Highway.
By contrast, the Langley site was appealing since the DC residents could use the planned GW parkway and avoid
burdening the local road system. "In the circumstances," they predicted, "we doubt whether more than a very few of
the CIA employees will find it necessary to change their places of residence by reason of the location of the
Headquarters at Langley."
(1.1//A-TrtrINo Women Allowed
(U//A4430) In a 1971 memo commenting on the construction of the Headquarters Building, the Curator of the
Historical Collection, Walter Pforzheimer, related an anecdote regarding Senate Appropriations Committee Hearings
for the building fund: "The Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee at that time was Senator Kenneth
McKellar (D., Term.). He was then quite old, a little senile and given to dozing off during Committee meetings. He
would then wake up and interpolate a remark and doze off again. While they were considering the CIA building,
Senator Gordon (R., Ore.) remarked that the proposed building would be a very interesting one because it would
have no windows. Senator McKellar woke up with a start and said 'What! A building without any women!' and went
back to sleep again."
(Ull MVO) Demagogues or Demigods
(UllitIUQL).The DI files provide the following extract from the 16 August 1951 Daily Digest: "The Presidium of the
Supreme Soviet of the USSR announced on 14 August the abolition of the 22 January holiday commemorating
Lenin's death and the events of 9 January 1905. The action was attributed to requests from trade unions and other
public organizations which consider the observance out of keeping with the events commemorated." "Field
Comment: Embassy Moscow considers that the abolition of this holiday will have the effect of diminishing popular
worship of Lenin as Stalin gradually pre-empts a stellar role. The reference to 'request of the workers' is comparable
to similar invocations of 'toiler's demands' to justify changes decided on by the government. One motive may have
been the desire to add another work day by reducing the number of annual holidays to five." "Agency Comment:
The annual Lenin memorial celebration has constituted one of the most important Party occasions, usually marked by
a meeting in Moscow's Bolshoi Theater attended by all the Party bigwigs. The high point of these meetings has been
a speech given by one of the top Bolshevik dialecticians, such as in recent years, Pospelov or Suslov. This has been,
in recent times, virtually the only occasion on which Stalin was over-shadowed by his predecessor Lenin. In line
with the trend of deifying Stalin that has developed in recent years, the discontinuance of the holiday serves notice on
Party members that Stalin will henceforth stand alone on his pedestal."
This is a record.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578174