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Publication Date:
March 8, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578076
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 4 March 2002 - 8 March 2002
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U/Mr14443) 26 March 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at EEOB, Washington, DC.
Future Planning Calendar:
(UMW'S) 18 April 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting (site to be determined).
(U//AM; June 2002: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting a
(Ullitirtff April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UHAltle.). FOIA Requests
(UHALEitir Frequent Requester Seeks Intelligence Budget Data
(UHA-M1) Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists requested a copy of "historical US
intelligence budget data from 1947 through 1970 ... particularly aggregate budget totals." The requester notes that
"all such information should be declassified and released in view of the fact that it's more than 30 years old" and that
"[he] submitted a similar request for this information in 1995 which was previously denied."
(COM** Canadian TV Interested in Iran-Contra Arms Dealer
(11//A-111S) CBC-TV submitted a request concerning "a Canadian arms dealer named Emmanuel (El.) Weigensberg
[who] is a Canadian citizen. Mr. Weigensberg was named in the Iran-Contra hearings as an arms dealer who
provided arms to the rebels in Nicaragua in violation of US law."
(Uniffe0) British Requester Seeks Information on Indian Mountain Expedition
(UHAttler) A British requester "working on a project for the National Geographic Society about Indian
mountaineering" sought information on "a 1965 CIA backed expedition to a mountain called Nanda Devi in the
Indian Himalaya [that] hired a number of prominent American and Indian mountaineers to take part in it. It involved
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placing a listening post high on the mountain to monitor Chinese nuclear testing."
(U/64.1140) Requester Interested in U-Boat Contacts with New Jersey Residents
(UHAtilert A Cape May, New Jersey requester asked for information on "any or all contacts between German
U-boats and residents of Cape May County, New Jersey during World War II." The requester included a 1940
newspaper clipping stating that "Customs men and Coast Guard patrol boats had stalked a fisherman who was
reported to be secretly serving as an alien submarine tender. The Customs men said the fisherman operated a 45-foot
boat, large enough to have carried ample supplies of fuel and food to an alien submarine."
� As in similar requests for information predating the origin of the CIA, the FOIA case officer referred the
requester to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for records.
(UHAIrei) National Security Archive Seeks Copy of Presidential Directive on Counternarcotics
(U/harblie) The National Security Archive requested documents "relating to Presidential Decision Directive 14 on
countemarcotics policy. The directive was issued on November 13, 1993, by President Bill Clinton."
(Uthottbila) CIA Declassification Center
(U/htItIf1) CDC Team Surveys Turner Collection at Navy Yard
(UHAIrlej A team from the CIA Declassification Center surveyed the CIA documents from the Stansfield Turner
collection at the Naval Historical Center (NHC) at the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, DC last week.
Stansfield Turner had placed the collection in the NHC after departing as DCI in 1981. It came to light recently that
some of Turner's papers were classified at a level greater than the Navy facility could accommodate. The CDC team
identified and removed those CIA documents to ensure their proper storage.
(U/LitH113) From the Archives: "Critic System" Improves Intelligence Communications in the 1950s
(Utharli119) DDI Robert Amory explained improvements in overseas intelligence communications in a presentation
at the National War College in 1959. The presentation was recently reviewed by the DCI team at the CIA
Declassification Center. Mr. Amory stated that in the crisis of the fall of 1957, when Syria was thought to be going
communist, "messages coming back at that time averaged nine hours and 35 minutes from the time of filing ... The
following summer, putting in the 'critic system' for the first time (if a message were flagged critic it would be
distributed from that message center by automatic teletype machine, at that time, to watch officers throughout the
intelligence community) a year ago in July, a similar type situation produced an average time of one hour and 23
minutes." Mr. Amory went to explain that the following year in a similar test, the average time was 59 minutes. He
stated the CIA was shooting for a goal of 10 minutes.
(U/MettIft) Publications Review Board
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(UHATh144 Board Begins Experiment with Mail
(U/hrl'M The Publications Review Board has been receiving US mail only sporadically since the 11 September
2001 terrorist attack on the United States. To determine whether the Board is actually receiving all properly
addressed mail, it devised an experiment. Nine staffers of the Publications and Policy Review Division each sent
three differently addressed envelopes--to the old address (PRB, CIA, Washington, DC 20505), the CIA's Mail
(b)(3) Inspection Facility (MIF) address and a modified MIF address -- from their homes. The
senders recorded the date of mailing on the back ot each of the 27 envelopes so that they could determine how long
it took mail to reach the Board.
� On 4 March the Board received 10 envelopes from five staffers, all of which had been mailed on 20 or 21
February to the MIF or modified MIF address. All were stamped "processed" by the MIF. The Board has
received none of the other 17 envelopes since then, even though other staffers mailed their envelopes on
21 or 22 February.
(Ull/k1430) Litipation
This is a record.
Sent on 14 March 2002 at 03:22:43 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578076