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Document Creation Date:
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
August 19, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578166
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 8-19 August 2005
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar
(UHICT171:7) 14 September 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at NARA in Washington, DC.
(U//701707 27 September 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(UHA.144.0) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks
(UHAdtit7rFOIA Requests
(U/7=1:7) Agency Receives "Foyer" Request
(U//A�TLMT CIA received an oddly worded letter from a Publications Director at Harvard University that began, "I
am making a foyer request .... " The case manager believes the writer meant to say "FOIA request" and opened a
case. The requester asked for "information related to the case of the disappeared Guatemalan journalist Irma
Flaquer, also lcnown as Irma Flaquer Azurdia." The requester alleges "according to former Ambassador Frank Ortiz,
Ms. Flaquer maintained a close and friendly relationship with the U.S. Embassy. Ms. Flaquer went into seclusion in
her apartment in August 1980, and disappeared on October 16, 1980, in a public kidnapping in which her son was
shot to death."
� The FOIA case mane er acces ted the res uest as it s ertains to the disas s earance o Ms. Fla suer
(U/Mtlej-interest in Venezuelan-Colombian Ties
(U//7707 The National Security Archive seeks records on "ties between Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and
Colombian guerrilla groups, including the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and the ELN (National
Army of Liberation) since January 1, 2001."
he FOIA case manager informed the requester that the CIA can
neither Confirm nor deny the existence or nonexistence of records responsive to this request.
(U//A-rug) Request on US Foreign Policy In Haiti
(UHT6e144.0.).A New York requester is interested in documents "related to US foreign policy initiatives vis-a-vis Haiti
during the period from 1971 to 1986. I would like to stress the fact that the indicated period of time corresponds
with the tenure of the regime of Jean Claude Duvalier. I already wrote a book about the Duvalier, regime...however,
now I would like to highlight the role played by the United States in fostering democracy and rule of law in the
country during that period."
� The FOIA case manager referred the requester to the Department of State for a response.
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578166
� -1
(UHAIUO) CIA Declassification Center
(b)(1) �s�)Briefing
(b)(3) te-}On 10 August, Chief. Declassification Review and Referral Branch (DRRB) along with the Raytheon Program
Manager, and Satellite Review Center (SRC) Team Chief, briefed Dn the pro ress of the CDC's 25
year program and the woe of material (mostly Presidential Library documents) the SRC team is
(b)(3) reviewing.
(UHAIUO) From the Archives:
(U/htIVO) Premonitions or Good Intelligence?
(1_17/AlUo) An article in the Central Intelligence Weekly Summary for 13 October 1960 states: "The US Embassy
has received an unevaluated but plausible report on current thinking within high Cuban Communist circles.
Communist leaders are said to estimate that Cuba will be subjected to military attack by the United States early next
� Comment: Cuban anti-communists launched an ill-fated invasion at the Bay of Pigs on 25 April 1961.
(Ullicitfre) On Commissions and Declassification
(IR/Mt:le) In A 1975 memo, Harry Eisenbeiss, director of the Central Reference Service, pulled no punches in
providing his views on a draft security classification bill in Congress to the chief of the DDI Executive Staff.
Eisenbeiss said the draft was "a catastrophe. . . the DDI product doesn't really get any protection at all. . . The
declassification schedule is impossible . . . The administrative burden of this law will be god-awful . . The bill,
consequently, should be resisted with all possible resources." Commenting on the classification review commission
that would be established by the bill, Eisenbeiss said: "The Commission is a total catastrophe, except that I'd like a
job on it if it is formed because I can't think of anything that would give me more spare time, with more income, and
more useless work to do. One of the specific duties of the Commission written into the Bill is the requirement that
no government official may withhold or authorize withholding of classified information from Congress--what
protection for DDI product?"
(mom A Wayward Nag in Elephant Skin
(U777tH304-The 28 April 1976 White House Situation Room Evening Notes for General Scowcroft contains a
mention of an article from the now long defunct Washington Star that states, "Charles Bartlett writes that the rogue
elephant turns out to be a harness horse under a slack rein in the final chapter of Senator Frank Church's epic
investigation of the CIA. To Church's credit, he swallows his metaphor, elephant and all, to erase the picture he
drew last year of a wild agency on the loose. The CIA is 'not out of control,' he concedes. It is a tractable agency
that has been loosely supervised by a series of presidents and congresses as it carried out a difficult mandate under a
loosely worded charter. With Congress so badly organized and unable even to arrange for efficient supervision of
intelligence activities, the committee will not be taken seriously when it attempts to shift around the CIA's
organizational chart. The committee has tried to behave responsibly, however, and time alone will tell whether its
disclosures helped more than they hurt."
� Comment: The Church Committee's effort to reveal alleged CIA assassination plots revealed plotting but no
actual assassinations. Frank Church's run for the presidency that year fizzled and he lost his senate seat in the
November elections. The Church report also took the FBI to task for "unconstitutional" domestic surveillance
and in 1978, President Carter signed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), that some have argued
hampers counter-terrorism surveillance, though some of its restrictions have been loosened recently with the
passage of the Patriot Act.
This is a record.
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578166