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Document Release Date: 
July 30, 2019
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1952
In 'roved for Release: 2019/07/17 C0572243' CLASSIFICATION ReED NO. CENTRALfi afeRmaguniCTEtoRT INFORMATION FROM COUNTRY FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS USSR; US CD NO, _ - DATE OF INFORMATION .1951 SUBJECT Military; Political HOW DATE DIST. Zt Jan 1952 PUBLISHED Daily newspaper WHERE PUBLISHED Cairo NO, OF PAGES 2 DATE PUBLISHED 2 Dec 1951 .APPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE French REPORT NO. MS 100IIIIII1T COBTA11111111101111.11101111111CTIOG TUC BATOSAL DIIIIIIIIII Al TOE IIIIITIO suns 1111,11111 11111 IIIIIIIIIII Of ISSIONASS ACT BO 0. S. C.. II All CI. ITS TOANS�ISSION OS Ton 1111,IISA000 Or In c NNNNN TS III TO AA IIMAYSII01111.0 1111101 IS HO, MIBITIO IV LAN. IIISIVOSVC11011 OP TI�111 SOON IS 1110111111110. SOURCE le Journal d'Egypte. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOVIET ATOMIC INSTALLATIONS IDENTIFIED The USSR is continuing its atomic preparations under a centralized technical command, while the manufacture of the constituent elements is scattered acrossa wide territory. It has been possible to identify atomic factories in the Kuznetsk Basin, at Magnitogorsk, in the Kara Tau mountains, east of the Caspian Sea, and even in the heart of the frozen forests of the Siberian Taiga, in a con- siderable l'ut unidentified center established about 103 or 104 E. 65 nr 66 N. "Atamgrad So 1," the firs+ Soviet atomic bomb factory, has been located in caverns dug in the crater of the extinct volcano Aragats (Alagez) in the Caucasus. Bomb .eserves are stored in deep, vast underground shelters constructed in the Kuznetsk region, which appears to be one of the principal special arsenals of the Red Army. In addition to rockets and other self-propelled machines on which the Soviets are experimenting every day, without, however, being able to overtake the Americans, it would seen that the Supreme Command of the Kremlin is prepared to deliver atomic bombs by tvo types of completely new and ultrasecret jet planes made in distant factories in the Urals, under the direction of the celebrated expert,General Savitskiy. One of these is fest enough to the finest net of fighters, radar, or the best antiaircraft defense. Furthermore, there are excellent reasons to think seriously of the theory of a "polar war" between the USSR and the US over the Arctic ice, when one ex- amines in detail information on the considerably accelerated preparations the Soviets are making in the entire northern section of the USSR, and the American- Soviet aerial incident of 7 November. . Nevertheless, the West has good reason for hopes of reaching a settlement with the East. Indeed, the strategic and diplomatic situatim between the USSR and the Western Powers has undergone an almost complete reversal in the past few months for the following reasons: 1. The recent and spectacular series of atomic explosions in the US will have been noted. We remember that the US Department of State arranged that cer- tain information concerning these explosions, nomirally secret, should reach the Soviets. CI AgSIFIrt&TIntl REEZIKTFD roved for Release: 2019107117 C0572243 (b)(3) (b)(3 +9 � � Pproved for Release: 2019/07/17 C0572243' ,Ary*ED 2. The admission of Turkey to NATO constitutes a major change in the pol- icy of the West, making easier the rapid entry of Western ships and planes into the Black Sea. Moreover, for this reason the USSR can less and less tolerate in Yugoslavia a government establishing frieadly relations with the West. This 'aiticude thwarts the Soviet plans of counterattacking the Dardanelles via Rnmanil Jrld Bulgaria. ' . 3. ;There are indications leading us to believe thrt there is a stock of atomic bombs at the US naval base at Port Lyautey, loaned by France on the coast of Morocco. This port, base of the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, has grown very rapidly. Small atomic bombs could easily be delivered from this base to the fleet, whose 60 ships include the carriers Roosevelt, Leyte, and Siboney, Vase cruisers, two submarines, two destroyers, and 30 supporting ships. In addition, the US fleet announced 2 months ago that crews were specially trained to participate in atomic attacks launched from carriers. -END- RES (b)(3) 'roved for Release: 2019/07/17 C0572243'