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Publication Date:
December 6, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578035
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 2 - 6 December 2002
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(UMA-tHEH 17 December 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at the EEOB in Washington, DC.
Future Planning Calendar:
(UHATH(4) 8 January 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Crystal City.
(U//AeWIFH 30-31 January 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting at
(U/MeR34). April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
Editor's Note: Some readers have asked recently for previous issues of the IRR Weekly. After dissemination,
each issue of the IRR Weekly is archived in a Lotus Note database, which is open to everyone. You may add
the database to your workstation by clicking on this icon = Q. The archive is full-text searchable and
contains all issues of the Weekly back to 1995. The archive database resides on the AGNS 04 server.
(U/httlifk) Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)
(U11,44440) President Johnson Believed the Senate Leaked
(UllArlifIer) "Because they leak" was President Johnson's response in 1966 to White House staffer Walt Rostow's
query about why the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wasn't given the same treatment as the Foreign Intelligence
Advisory Board. Rostow had written to the President, "Admiral Rabom (DCI) understands that Fulbright (Chairman
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) is very unhappy that full information is given to Clark Clifford's
Committee and doesn't understand why his Committee members should not be given the same treatment as the
members of your Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board." President Johnson wrote in the margin, "Because they leak!
See Dominican Rep. testimony."
� The DI/Information Review Officer came across this document while reviewing a group of documents for
a forthcoming Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) compilation. The FRUS is the legally
mandated official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant
diplomatic activity. Its purpose is to document the facts and events that contribute to policy formation,
and to record evidence of supporting and alternative views of the final policy decisions. The State
Historian's Office publishes FRUS and has virtually unrestricted access to Agency materials in the
process. Agency Information Review Officers (IR0s) review and approve for release any CIA documents
that are requested by State for a FRUS volume.
(UHArif30) FOIA Requests
(U//M4544.) National Security Archive Seeks Information on "Colombia Initiative"
(U//At. The National Security Archive, a frequent FOIA requester located at George Washington University,
seeks records concerning the "Colombia Initiative Implementation Plan' (CIIP), an interagency document drafted
during the year 2000.... According to a declassified State Department document the preparation of the CIIP was
called for in Presidential Decision Directive 73. The directive tasks the State Department with preparing the CIIP
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for the Deputies Conunittee of the National Security Council. The report involved input from several agencies
including the CIA...."
(U/M11711+) Oregon Requester Wants Information on Missile That Killed Al-Qaida Operatives
(1.1/WU ) A requester from Dayton, Oregon asked for records confirming news reports that "A missile fired at a
vehicle from an unmanned CIA surveillance aircraft over Yemen killed six Al-Qaida operatives...."
(U/rPrligQ) Hong Kong Requester Tries Again for Information on Foreign National
(UThottlirl) A requester from Hong Kong seeks records on Z.Y. Kuo who, according to the requester, "was a
Chinese scientist living in Hong Kong from 1946 until his death in 1970." The requester states Kuo was involved in
the Human Ecology Fund and/or MKULTRA."
(U114/4344) Virginia Requester Asks for Information About Iraq's Fissile Material
RV/AWE)) A researcher from Herndon, Virginia asked for records concerning "Project Sapphire," which according
to the writer, involves attempts by Iraq to obtain fissile materials between 199 land 2002.
(U//M140) CIA Declassification Center
(UllicH44} From the Archives: DCI Dulles Describes RFE's Involvement in 1956 Hungarian Uprising
(Ull-firItIej DCI Allen Dulles on 20 November 1956 sent an interesting memorandum to White House staffer A. J.
Goodpaster on the US-controlled broadcasting station Radio Free Europe's (RFE) handling of the Hungarian uprising. The
memo was recently reviewed at the CIA Declassification Center. Goodpaster had apparently requested the memo in
anticipation of a press conference scheduled by President Eisenhower at which he was likely to be asked about the issue,
particularly charges that RFE had a role in inciting the rioters and also had hinted that the US would intervene with military
The DCI noted, "The US Government has never admitted responsibility for the acts or statements of RFE. However, policy
guidance has been given RFE and that guidance, with minor deviations, has been followed...."
The guidance on broadcasting to Hungary and the other satellites was outlined as follows:
"To encourage peaceful evolutionary changes working toward the liberalization of their institutions, to cross-report the
progress of anti-Stalinism and the achievement of a degree of liberalization in the several captive nations, and to take full
propaganda advantage of the Tito-Khrushchev (Yugoslav and Soviet leaders - ed. note) in Belgrade (2 June 1955)... which
states, 'questions of internal organization or differences in social systems are solely the concern of individual countries."
The memo then cited a RFE policy directive: "Speakers are warned not to yield to a natural impulse to bring hope to their
compatriots by promising armed intervention by the West."
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When the uprising began, RFE promptly reported the disturbances and as some of the Hungarian radio stations "fell into the
hands of patriots," it cited some of their material, according to the DCI's memo. "As far as can be determined from a review
of scripts currently available, no RFE broadcast to Hungary before the revolution could be considered as inciting to armed
revolt. No RFE broadcast to Hungary implied promises of American intervention." The DCI noted however: "There was
some evidence of attempts by RFE to provide tactical advice to the patriots as to the course the rebellion should take and the
individuals best qualified to lead it. As soon as these deviations from policy were noted, steps were taken to insure rigid
supervision of broadcasting content."
(Di/ANN* From the Archives: "NRO and Borborygmous Rumblings"
(U/fAlUv) Reviewers at the CIA Declassification Center recently came across a 1963 National Security Council
memorandum to White House Staffer McGeorge Bundy titled, "Some Borborygmous Rumblings from the Innards of NRO,"
which suggested that morale was low among Agency pioneers in the overhead reconnaissance field because of losing turf
battles to the Air Force. The author noted that the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board findings would give
control to the Pentagon because Brockway McMillan, Under Secretary of the Air Force and DNRO, "did a better sales job"
than did the Agency's first DDS&T, Albert "Bud" Wheelon, and because the Board was staffed by "industrialists" who
naturally tilted toward DoD's "vast buying and spending proclivities .... The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is viewed
as an Air Force instrument to divest the Agency of all its rights and holdings in the overhead reconnaissance field", and"
three years after its inception, the NRO has only three Agency persons among its staff" "The NRO uses a two-pronged
attack: they generate through channels the maximum number of requirements and then strangle the Agency's budget," thereby
limiting its ability to meet the requirements. This feud continued, in what William Burroughs, author of Deep Black: The
Startling Truth behind America's Top-Secret Spy Satellites, describes as "tribal warfare," until the creation of the National
Reconnaissance Executive Committee in 1965, which exercised executive control over the NRO and was chaired by the DCI.
� Borbo�ryg.mus (bor"b...-rtg"m...$) n., A rumbling noise produced by the movement of gas through the intestines.
[New Latin, from Greek borborugmos, of imitative origin]
This is a record.
Sent on 11 December 2002 at 03:21:13 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578035