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March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
February 13, 2004
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578193
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 9-13 February 2004
Executive Summary
Future Planninz Calendar
(U/harlerf) 24 February 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(Ullict110) 23 March 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(U/M+14)) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Week
(Uther143.13) FOIA Requests
(U/hocH444) Requester Seeks Information on CIA Contractors
(UHATI/19)�A requester from Carlsbad, California, is requesting information pertaining to "the contract employment
of William Carlson and Christopher Glenn Mueller, who [allegedly] were under contract to the CIA when they died
in Afghanistan." He is particularly interested in "learning the name of the company they were working for at the time
of their deaths."
The FOIA case manager informed the requester that "should any responsive records exist, they would be
contained in operational files and those files of the CIA are exempt from the publication, disclosure, search
and review provisions of the FOIA, as amended by the National Security Act of 1947. In sum, the files that
would contain responsive records, ([any exist, are not subject to search in response to this request."
(UllitIttla) Information on ITERA, International Energy Corporation
(UM*1414) A requester in Kentucky, who claims to be the Chairman of an international petroleum company, alleges
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that a Moscow-based gas and oil conglomerate (ITERA) engaged in illegal business and financial activity to his
company's detriment. He is requesting information or records on the company, ITERA. He adds that he will
interpret any denial of records by the Agency as an obstruction of justice and a cover-up.
(UMW% Interest in Possible Saudi-Iraqi Nuclear Collusion
(UHTTIVI") The National Security Archive seeks documents including, but not limited to intelligence appraisals,
memoranda, intelligence reports, information cables, etc., relating to "Saudi Arabia's possible, or actual
encouragement, participation in, or support, financial or otherwise, for Iraq's civilian or weapons-related nuclear
program from 1981 through August 1990."
(UHAttItY) CDC Declassification Center
(UHAIVO) From The Archives:
(U/htlini.0) The Importance of Mentoring
(U/7"ittlEii) DCI Bush wrote a number of messages upon leaving the Agency thanking various individuals who had
helped him. The following example reflects the value he placed on mentoring, and his generosity of spirit in praising
the mentoring of Mr. Knoche�who briefly served as DDCI under Mr. Bush, then as Acting DCI and then briefly as
DDCI to Adm. Turner. The act of mentoring someone who is higher up in the chain of command might go
unnoticed, but it is particularly important as individuals assume greater responsibilities and face a challenging
'learning curve. The letter reads:
[stamped: 17 JAN 1977]
Dear Hank:
DCl/IC 77-0402
You have been a most valuable mentor to me (on and off the court), and I cannot
begin to name the ways in which you gave me sound advice during my tenure as DCI.
However, as Chairman of the National Foreign Intelligence Board, it is easy to
cite your outstanding support to me in that capacity. You made certain that the
objectivity and integrity of the Central Intelligence Agency were sustained and that the
best analytical judgements were brought to bear on the critical substantive issues of
national foreign intelligence.
I am most grateful to you and the members of CIA for their strong support, and I
take this opportunity to wish you well in the days ahead.
With warmest personal regards,
hi/ George Bush
George Bush
(UH:41.140) President Carter's Changing View of the CIA
(U/f1el44C9 DCI files indicate that at the President's request, DCI Stansfield Turner on 26 April 1977 briefed Mrs.
Carter at the White House, utilizing the "Cabinet Family Briefing" package, which contained sanitized material. The
briefing was apparently part of a broader program to brief the families of Cabinet members and included notes on the
A130.41441.6-T-RearT-44C--KfERNAL UCC ONLY
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"Sounds good to me Cabinet Family Talk on 12 April." The author of the notes of the 12 April session recorded
several remarks by the President and, although the notes are not signed, they likely belong to the DCI. The summary
notes on the President's remarks follow:
"At the Cabinet Family Talk on 12 April, President said:
-- Before became President was concerned about reputation and professionalism of CIA and Intelligence
Community, but since being in the White House and responsible above anyone else for nation's security, has been
highly impressed with competence, objectivity and ability of Intelligence Community to give him accurate, unbiased,
complete analyses important to him and other Cabinet members.
-- Professionalism of CIA pleasant surprise to him. Commented on prompt and meaningful support. For
example, when reads PDB, writes question in margin and next day has answer.
-- Absolutely crucial we maintain capability for covert action - in case we find ourselves in a state of conflict
with another nation, must have instant ability to address the problem.
-- Looked at analyses made by Intelligence Oversight Board for last 12 months and absolutely no illegalities or
improprieties being perpetrated by CIA. If all Americans knew what he knew about present function of Intelligence
Community, there would be an alleviation of concern and nothing to be ashamed of.
-- Has much surer sense of making right decisions about our national security because of growing trust in
capability of CIA and intelligence counsels."
� President Carter was elected in 1976 and selected Theodore Sorensen to replace George Bush as DCI. Mr.
Sorensen subsequently withdrew his nomination in the face of political pressure, and Hank Knoche, DDCI,
became Acting DCI until Stansfield Turner became DCI in March 1977. The President and Adm. Turner were
classmates at the Naval Academy.
Editor : Former DCI Turner, in his book Secrecy and Democracy: the CIA in Transition (Houghton Muffin
Company, Boston: 1985) recalls his February 1977 journey to The White House to accept a new assignment
[the DCI post!: "What kind of a fellow is Jimmy Carter...How do Ideal with him?...I had no memory of Carter
as a fellow midshipman among the 820 in our class. We did not live in the same part of the
four-thousand-man dormitory, Bancroft Hall. Our paths must have crossed, but I couldn't recall any
conversations. My first remembered contact came in I971..." (p.14)
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578193