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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1973
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IA OCI CIB NIFD 0019 73 CENT1, 22 JAN -Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 pproved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 -TIN / Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 e a / 11) -SEICret- (b)(3) DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin N2 582 22 January 1973 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 11w (:1-1`,1"11/\1_ INI I Il.IolN(:L PUP. I. I FIN is pi orliiccrl Ity the !director of (..ontrdl littrtIfigence 1�,) meet I respo(sit)ilities I Ill providing III (((II 010111(1(m( e Item Mg on issues Ii 11(1 serail Hy in the President, II to 1\lational to4 wily Council, ond other tomirm irrtverriment r-rf 1 icaal,� It is pi orlri�,(1 0(:1)11'.1111.1[1()11 WWI ;110 1)11)�11i1111!111!, ()I ',Lill! ..111(1 Ili'L.1(hr, id the lime I acIrg , drlequale consultation with the depdi brient of pi grimy cont .11111 II()1 i111111!; Or 1101 how, Ihigeof are 11rod1ICer.1 1)y ttw Intelligence /\idenr.y ;Ind ctiickea'd in 111,.1(:ket!,. lolerplel;Ilion ml intelligemre inloirndt ion in this publication repirtsent intmeclidle drat pretimindly view; which ill" Mlbje.C.1 il) 11111(1ifil.ifil)11 the fight of fro thei int oundtior) ;girt mole crmiplelo ;11);:lysis Cot loin intelligence items in I his roiblir.,ition miry he rIrtsigirdted fru iirt further. rlit.scanindlion. ()Mei gilelligence ileiir, ndy he rlisseminalctil further, hilt OOl oIl d rteetl-lo-know WARNING -1111'; (local:11(ml contdins information jt iecling the national tleterise of the United t2,1.ates, within thr.: meaning (It title 1 sections /93 antI 794, of the US Code, as irrir)rirJecl. Its transmission or ii.,veldlion of its contents io 01 receipt by Oil II1dotl1Orrze1i petson it; prohibited by Idw. Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 No. 0019/73 22 January 1973 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS R Record PORTUGUESE GUINEA: Assassination of Amilcar Cabral (Page 5) R Record -&-EGRET Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 22 Jan 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin Record Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 22 Jan 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin 2 Record A roved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 22 Jan 73 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 75"1:14 Central Intelligence Bulletin roved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 3 NR Record Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 -reilgi_ NR Rec ord Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 ei1 NOTES PORTUGUESE GUINEA: The assassination late Sat- urday of insurgent leader Amilcar Cabral will be a severe blow to the movement that has been trying since 1963 to wrest control of Portuguese Guinea from Portugal. Cabral, an able leader who won in- creased'foreign support for his movement in recent years, was killed in Conakry, Guinea, where his ex- ile headquarters is located. Gui.nean President Toure blamed Cabral's murder on Portuguese agents, but dissidents within Cabral's own organization were responsible. (S7711707�Nn�rtREIGN DISSEM) 22 Jan 73 (continued) Central Intelligence Bulletin 5 --SEGRET__ R Record (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 Approved for Release: 2019/08/19 CO2876436 EL 22 Jan 73 Central Intelligence Bulletin 6 Record .a,..Approved for Release: 2019/08/19CO2876436