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April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
January 26, 2001
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578263
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 22 January 2001 -26 January
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(UHATtlft) 31 January 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at NARA, Washington, DC.
Future Plan nine balendar:
(Ullicliffer) 1 -2 February 2001: Historical Review Panel (HRP): Next meeting at CIA.
(U//4+1344) October 2001: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed general material older than 25 years.
(U//k1R444) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(Ullirlieft) FOIA Requests
(UHAtt44) Representative of Legal Publication Requests Index of CIA Legal Briefs
(UHATIJO) Michael Ravnitzky, a frequent requester who identifies himself as the Director of Database and
Computer-Assisted Reporting for American Lawyer Media, Inc., is interested in a copy of "the index to the Legal
Brief Bank at the office of the CIA Office of General Counsel. The Legal Brief Bank holds copies of the legal briefs
utilized by the agency in the past. The index to the Legal Brief Bank lists each of the Legal Briefs contained in the
Legal Brief Bank."
(U/h&i+B.0) University Publication Interested in CIA Information on Domestic Events
(U/tA:1-13e/ A requester from the University of Colorado Daily asked for information relating to "the activities of
law enforcement, government, the U.S. military and other officials regarding surveillance, tactics, strategies,
preparations and arrests of activists in connection with: The World Trade Center meetings in Seattle; the
International Monetary Fund Meetings in Washington, D.C.; the Republican, Democratic, and Shadow political
conventions; the Columbus Day parade in Denver; and the Inauguration of the President in Washington, D.C."
� The FOIA case officer informed the requester that the Freedom of Information Act applies only to federal
agencies and, therefore, CIA would have no information regarding local law enforcement activities. The
requester also was informed that the CIA is not authorized to release records originating with other
agencies. Finally, the requester was reminded of the foreign intelligence mission of the CIA and was
referred to the FBI for further assistance.
(U/Orl+Ifi) University Library Requests Copy of DI Publication
(UNA1111") A librarian with the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University requested a
copy of a DI publication titled "Southeast Asia: High Levels of Mycotoxins Found in Victim of Chemical Warfare
Attack," from Science and Weapons Daily Review ,of 23 August 1982.
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� The FOIA case officer provided the requester with a copy of the document from the Management of
Officially Released Information (MORI) database of previously released documents.
(11//7t11113) Attorney Interested in Internet Corporation
(U/httlier) An attorney with Lexlaw of San Diego, California, which according to its letterhead is involved in
"World Wide Web Law," requested records about etoy Corporation, "an internet art group" based in Switzerland.
(U/ALLIC) OIM Declassification Center
(U1144440) ODC Surveys Carter Library's Classified Holdings
(UllOr1430) Representatives from the OIM Declassification Center (ODC) visited the Jimmy Carter Library in
Atlanta, Georgia on 23-24 January to conduct a survey of the Library's estimated two million pages of classified
material. The Library's classified holdings include materials originated by CIA, State, NSC, as well as other
government agencies. ODC plans to collect images of the classified holdings in a two phase effort-- first, in early
February, reviewers will sort the documents by office of primary responsibility, then in Summer 2001 a team will
scan the documents. The project will be funded by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
� The review at the Carter Library is being conducted per the Automatic Declassification provisions of
Executive Order 12958, which stipulate that on April 2003 all classified material that has not been
reviewed and exempted "shall be automatically declassified."
(UMAH5.0) From the Archives: DCI Turner "Really Burned Up" by GSA Travel Regulations
(U//111-17X)) In a 1978 memorandum from DCI Stansfield Turner to the DDCI and DDA that was recently reviewed
by the DCI Team at the OIM Declassification Center, the relatively new DCI minced no words when describing his
frustration at the General Services Administration's (GSA) travel regulations requiring that he personally approve all
requests for employee travel by first-class. "I'm really burned up by the GSA amendment to the federal travel
regulations. The idea that the head of GSA should order that only I can approve first-class travel is ridiculous. If
enough people like this tell me how to spend my time on trivia such as this, there is no way I can ever get the job
done. First-class travel may be a major event for the GSA, but it's not for me." The DCI then asked the DDCI and
DDA for advice on where "I go to appeal this incursion into my management time."
(U//A4430) Publications Review Board
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This is a record
Sent on 1 February 2001 at 01:54:25 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578263