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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date: 
November 28, 2003
2�=.- It � Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131 ONLY (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(6) (b)(3) (b)(3) Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 24-28 November 2003 Executive Summary Future Planning Calendar (U/LIILID) 3-5 December 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting. (UtherH30) 10 December 2003: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting at Crystal City. (U1141.1.). 27 January 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals' � meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC. (U/41.L10) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended. Overview of IRR Activities--Last Week (11//7A+1343) CIA/NARA Vault Gets a New I oak (UllArtide)-The remodeling of CIA/NARA vorlcspaces at the National Archives at College Park is now complete. In addition to frosting the windows to improve lighting yet maintain security, the construction crew built r il l icles of varying sizes with locking overhead cabinets and spacious desktops. In addition, the ardware team reinstalled the CIA Declassification Center (CDC) database computer system. This response to overcrowdine at NARA II affords CIA reviewers and technicians a more efficient and pleasant work environment. (U11=0) FOIA Requests (UHAITTM Finnish-Built Soviet Submersibles (UHAIU ) A joumalist with the Finnish Broadcasting Company is seeking information relating to a Finnish submarine technology company, "Rauma-Repola Oceanics," and the deep-sea submersibles Mir I and Mir II designed and built for the Soviet Union in the 1980s. (b)(5) Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131 Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131 Ferliteff-lebieL-46C-ONL-Y� (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) (b)(3) (b)(5) Editor: The requester included an article from Helsingin Sanomat, Finland's largest daily-the first of a series? In the 22 October 2003 article, former CEO Tauno Matomaki alleges that "Rauma-Repola Oceanics" folded under CIA pressure, due to US displeasure over its contravention of a US export ban on high-tech equipment to the USSR. The article states that the American Embassy in Helsinki was aware of the project. "At first it was ignored, because the Americans didn't believe the Finns could produce a mini-sub capable of diving to six-kilometre depths... The two Mirs are still the best deep-sea submersible vessels ever made. They were, for instance, the first ones on site when the Russian nuclear submarine Kirsk sank in August 2000." (Ullirlif/444-HanoPs Diplomatic Trips to Warsaw (U//144438) A professor conducting academic research requests materials related to any surveillance of the North Vietnamese (Democratic Republic of Vietnam) embassy in Warsaw, Poland, during December 1966. Also, he seeks all CIA materials on the secret Vietnam peace initiative [allegedly] given the US code-name "Marigold" (by the State Department) which occurred between June and December of 1966. Editor: The requester previously authored: "Who Murdered Marigold'?-New Evidence on the Mysterious Failure of Poland's Secret Initiative to Start US-North Vietnamese Peace Talks, 1966," Cold War International History Project Working Paper No. 27 (Washington, DC: Woodward Wilson International Center for Scholar, 2000). (UMAII143) CIA Files on Former Portuguese Military Attache to NATO (U/Mr11115) A Professor Emeritus of History from the University of New Hampshire seeks records on "(General) Humberto Delgado (1906-1965) of Portugal." As described to FOIA: Delgado was a Portuguese Air Force General who served as Portugal's military attache to NATO during the dictatorship of Salazar. He also served at the Portuguese Embassy in Washington, DC, from 1953 to 1957. In 1965, the Portuguese secret police assassinated him near the Spanish-Portuguese border. (U/44430) CDC Declassification Center (U/MeRelia)- From the Archives: (UHAWErltertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunals (Ullit1TTO) A CIA analytic report (21 December 1967) updates a 15 November study on the international connections of the US "peace movement." The report notes that nothing new has surfaced to alter the findings of the earlier study, but provides an assessment of the Second International War Crimes Tribunal (IWCT) that was held in Denmark from 20 November to 2 December. It notes that the IWCT, not surprisingly, found the United States guilty of aggression, use of proscribed weaponry, inhumane treatment of prisoners, and genocide, but failed at the primary goal of attracting worldwide attention. "Most of the publicity it did obtain was pointed at its own internal bickering." An attempt to plan a future IWCT by the French Trotskyite organizers fizzled against the "wide and deep-seated factional differences among the various leftists, Communists, and Trotslcyites participating." � The first IWCT was held in Stockholm in April 1967, and came to the same predetermined condemnation of US UF-F-IUIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131 rt-_a Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131 FOR FFICIAL UCE ONLY imperialism. The philosopher Bertrand Russell was the primary mover for these "tribunals," and they have since become known as the "Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunals." In July 2001, the Nation, a decidedly leftist opinion magazine stated: "Much valuable evidence and testimony was presented to a prominent international panel of jurors that included such luminaries as Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, James Baldwin, David Dellinger, the playwright Peter Weiss, and others. The whole proceeding was barely noticed in America at the time, except for an occasional broadside attacking the undertaking as partisan, one-sided, a mockery of due process. Unfortunately, much of this criticism was warranted..." (077r/t143)-Affecting the 1968 Presidential Campaign (IY/Arfller) A 25 November 1968 CIA report discusses a Viet Cong (VC) briefing session for "high-level cadres at VC Subregion (SR) 1 Headquarters." The SR 1 political officer "described the US bombing halt as a great victory for the VC. He believed that it was due to two factors: A) the pressure of US public opinion and B) President Johnson's desire to help [Democratic Presidential Candidate Hubert] Humphrey garner more votes." � From The New York Times (1996) : "Hubert H. Humphrey, whose underdog campaign of 1968 had been awakened on 30 September when he more or less broke with President Lyndon B. Johnson on Vietnam, got a huge lift when Johnson declared a bombing halt on 31 October. He almost overtook Richard Nixon, losing the popular vote by 0.7 percent. Many said he would have won had the bombing halt come a week earlier." The issue of the bombing halt and the 1968 Presidential campaign has been the subject of much speculation and both political camps are alleged to have played election politics with the issue of peace in Vietnam. The VC and Hanoi paid close attention to US press reports of antiwar activities, political developments, and the Presidential elections and obviously repeated the speculation. However, the VC political officer apparently was behind the curve on his news as the "great victory" failed to take into account the election of President Nixon on 6 November and prospects for an eventual resumption of bombing. CC: (b)(3) (b)(3) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578131