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3UL,2212006 7:12AM Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 NO.116 P.2 AlfENDSUNT OF SOLICHATIONSIODIFICATION OF CONTRACT L 07takt7111:1031:61 7A211 Or PASS I - I 2 2. AllffiNT6461676070EICAMORYD. 7. 11677c1Tegekele 4 Astmarpmanainoatio, cnoxemnevcollabtO Modrication CO 27 /111y 2006 i 6. ISStseDBY � 161 7. Anteassavort trokertkozian 9 CODS at 4 ,CA = ADDEO, CI ThAQ O.corS�e Waiblustot university 2121 1 Street NW Suite 701 . Waithington, nc 20052 61 M. Man= 018012CIMMONNO. sa MUD On tin X' WA. Ao:titer.417017015 CONITIACTOIDIAND, Ws, DM] NSYst 3,3 1 I IV 01 Some 2004 . a =OR Incarrifpcos 11. THIS ITEM ONLY. APPLIES TO AMENDMPNr3 OF SOLICITATIONS CI uc nen trawl se satshollas h =este u pirecaleiamm.14. Di? heir a dii-Digied lbeemett oFOLOr e::: .: " - 0 h emit% 0 is entextareee. � ,. .. _ . . ._ _. . _ . Oflbro totisnecoarladgo zezoip7 of thio apicoatnestptiorio the bow eta Ora caftedin Os ealieilstion one genie- d. by ens doe Fellamingindbecth . (a) eF VIII 17=3 Illele ler Stetgle:1717: (I) eeloy of to emeadtraq 0* By elootledest fitted on stendrasto ezth copy ate Ssatitedi Of 0) ayltaparzt: .. ben le 6:117e VIA blades a SAO= to Oa tolicia6cm ind imams motes, Fee= OF YOUR AOSSOWLEDOMETIT TO B6 RECEIVE] AT V313 NAG =SWAM FOR THE MINT OF OPFAR5 MDR TO 753 ROM AND DATA EN3eltED elan/lit:LIN RalattIOR oP YOUR OF1M. Noy woe ar ms omit= you este to strns a or their isbcsbra. nth cusp OM be bag by WM= or 103; PCSfieGa WaPIParge er lee i1 Weems I� ib; la/1"911"121 611 . 1137leodeleilb Si =rived/Aim to We eindooltioof end atm (Paled. . IL ACCOQNWiQAt AMOPRIAnCerEATA Firopirofr. � Dearease Contract Value awl Prang by $ 40,937 and Decrease LOB hours by 870 13, Illt5 ITEM APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACTiORDERNO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14, 4�'- weleee les� was araesonzesuussownragerr TO I goorliyalfedif) 77711 =C2a, =nom Melee SAMS= (Me tenser =We s. . =Doom mama COONACIA721111A 16 ICO1176D TONIFLELTIFEI fateaswarnitaANG1616:do alma Woks effia.emeeleorl Ikee. ele) letleeteel OW 141 MOJAIITTO TEE AUTROFITI OPFAR45,101f6). C. TAW FULTLIMESTALACIPMCNTIOrSpOINTO711611907770 AM679.76rron D. OTAER.dpoce6peolosodgleatoso rad 6326604 Type of Contract and Consideration E. IMPORTANTt Contactor 0 land, is required to gist this deoutoont and Mond onto the issuing office, 14 DES02170670FA.1.9262.116147=1FICA71071(OftufsatryffaricamesaVA etellebtretereWeekleeefeltbefnereeleeleeeek) � See Page 2. SI ifeAltede. Atoms sarlaciazi et teebranneacrged Mica 9465. 104 please ranelrortho 661616611orcein4 egos � 15k NAM MO TO1.110FALLINER Mpa lora) la sums= una CONDAe71140 OFT= (Dem gifted � c 1St DAMMED rigrait asekirksi to sicid 750411eLtI4n0 PUFF= =TOON MUMBLE 90-105 Carapetrasturfoi 6C, CATE ISOM 7/9& FORM 30 (REY. 1043) Pretledby FAR felt C77459.149 (b)(3 (b)(3 loAo (b)(3) (b)(3) (PA Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 L. George Washington University Contract No.: Modification NO. 4 Page 2 Of 2 This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instalment Facsimile signatures will be regarded as authentic by all parties. A. The purpose of Modification (4) iS to accomplish the-Changes as follows: 1. Decrease the current contract value from $298,-514 by $40,937 to $257,577 based on Final Contract Status R oil as of 30 June 2006 (Option Year 1). The price was reduced according to the formula in "Type of Contract and Consideration" (1.1.P-LOET) � (OCT 2003). 2. Decrease LOB (Option Year 1) froia 2,610 by 870 to 1,740 3. Decrease total LOB from 6,786 by 870 to 5,916 FROM BY Option Year 1 _. (Decrease) . TO II-LP/LOB $298,514 ($40,937) $257,577 Hours 6,786 (870) 5,916 Price Reduction = phP (in $) (Taret LOR,Expencied LOB') Target JOE $122,801 x (2,610� 1,740) = $40,937 2,610 B. The following changes are hereby Made to the contract tenaS and 'conditions. , 1. Update Section B.1 Clause Type of Contract and Consideration (FFP-LOFT) (OCT 2003) C. Remove and substitute pages indicated below, attached hereto ana a part of hereof: Remove Page 02 Insert Page 02 D. Except as indicated above, all other terms arid conditions remain unchanged and in full force and effect. (b)(3; (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 UNCLASSIFIED George Washington University Contract Number Page 2 of 29 A.1 (b)(3) SECTION A - SOLICITATION/CONTRACT FORM Use of Facsimile Signatures (JUN 2002) (b)(3) This Contract document may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, all of which together shall constitute one andthe same instrument. Facsimile signatures will be regarded as authentic by all parties. SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS 13.1 Type of Contract and Consideration (FFP-LOET) (OCT 2003) (a) This is a Firm Fixed Price Level-of-Effort Term Contract as identified in FAR 16.207. The total price for full performance hereunder is $ 298,511.5257.577 From By Option Year 1 (Decrease) � Total FFP/LOE $298,514 $ (40,937) $257,577 Hours. 6,786 (870) 5,916 POP 01 June 2004 - 31 May 2007 01 June 2005 � 31 May 2006 01 June 2004 � 31 May 2007 (b) The Contractor shall expend its best effort towards accomplishing the work outlined in the clause entitled "Scope of Contract". The level-of-effort required for total performance under this contract is a minimum of labor hours and a maximum of labor hours as stated below. +/- 3% Swing From By Option Year 1 (Decrease) Total Minimum 6,582 (844) 5,738 Target 6,786 (870) 5,916 Maximum 6,990 (896) 6,094 (c) The estimated composition of the total labor-hours under this contract is as follows: ' Labor Category Base Year � Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Cataloguer (Chinese Language) 2,088 2.662 1 740 2,088 Total 2,088 2,662 1,740 2,088 (d) The Contractor shall continually evaluate the total level-of-effort required and recommend to the Government changes thereto which are considered beneficial in attaining the overall objectives of this contract. In controlling the utilization of labor-hours, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, when there is an indication that premature exhaustion of the total labor-hours is . predicted. (e) It is understood and agreed that the rate of labor-hours per month may fluctuate in pursuit of the technical objective; however, such fluctuations will be controlled to avoid an exhaustion of the total labor- (b)(3) UNCLASSIFIED This page last modified by Modification 3 MOD 4 to Contract Approved for Release 2019/03/26 C06190272 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272 Approved for Release: 2019/03/26 C06190272