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March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
April 15, 2005
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578157
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 4-15 April 2005
Executive Summary
Future Planning Calendar
(UHAIU0) 11 May 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at NARA in Washington, DC.
(11//A147:113)-21 June 2005: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(1.1//ALL111) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities--Last Two Weeks
(U//74.1140) DCI Visits CDC's RIMM Kiosk
(U/OrM71) "Records and Information Management Month" (RIMM-2005) kiosks attracted wide interest and drew
the attention of DCI Porter Goss./
'DCI Goss spoke with kiosk participants while viewing the various
displays. The CDC kiosk featured a display of the CREST (CIA Records Search Tool) System. DCI Goss and his
Chief of Staff, took the opportunity to request some CDC production statistics for use on the 7th floor
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578157
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578157
(UHFOU0) Briefing at 'SOO Training Conference
(U//FrR7l5) Chief, CIA Declassification Center (CDC) participated in the Information Securi
130Q)jrah_injiig Pro ram formerl the Air Force Training Program)
presented a bii�ng on 25-Year Declassification: Past, Present and Future , in which he shared observations both
from his perspective as C/CDC since 1995, and as Chair of the interagency External Referral Working Group
(ERWG) since 1997. 17 April 2005 marked E.O. 12958's tenth anniversary.
(11//AluO) FOIA Requests
(U/t11110) What Became of "Project Jennifer?"
(U//kITTOTA requester is seeking information on "Project Jennifer," and asking what happened to the project. He
adds that the requested information is to be used for a scholarly purpose, and that he is willing to pay up to ten
dollars in fees.
� The FOIA case manager noted that we have processed numerous prior requests on this subject. One
responsive document, and two press releases, accompanied our reply. The case manager further
acknowledged that previous searches in our other records systems on the M.V. Glomar Explorer might hold
interest to the requester. This material pertains to the construction of the Glomar Explorer, and Agency
contacts with the media. There are no photographs in this material, and no information on the operation of
the ship, or related equipment. The Agency's determination not to Hease any additional material on this
subject has been upheld in a FOIA litigation.
(U/ 0) CIA Payments to La Nacion
(Uthk+1349) Frequent requester, Multinational Monitor is seeking all records concerning "any direct or indirect
monetary payments from the CIA or its agents or proxies to the Costa Rican newspaper, La Nacion . . . from 1960 to
the present. . . The information I am compiling will be used in an article that will meaningfully contribute to the
public's understanding of the CIA's historical work in Latin America." Thus, the requester seeks a waiver of search
and duplication fees.
(U//Atli4R-GIA's Image With Younger Consumers
(UHAIU ) The requester seeks "information or records on propaganda or solicitation of materials related to
children's media (comic books, cartoons, toys, video games, etc.) information showing if the CIA is looking to alter
its public image in relationship to younger consumers, specifically American youth under the age of 13."
� The FOIA case manager informed the requester that we are unable to determine what records he seeks. The
FOIA does not require federal agencies to perform research, answer questions, or conduct unreasonable
searches through a body of material to see if any of it is related to a particular request.
(U//muv) irom the Archives:
(MULL:) Handsome Sweetheart of the Arab World
(U//k1.144) During CD review of Johnson Presidential Library material, a reviewer encountered a report of an
unusual chant by an Arab mob during anti-Russian demonstrations in Cairo, which took place during the June 1967
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578157
Arab-Israeli war. On 10 June 1967, a group of demonstrators threw stones at Russian homes, shouting "Down with
Russia!" They then chanted in support of President.Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt, the leading promoter of pan-Arab
sentiment in the Muslim world: "We want no one else but you, Gamal. You are the handsomest. You are our
� Comment: Unfortunately, this Situation Report does not record for posterity why the crowd was inspired to
chant slo ans to Nasser's beauty, which was not considered a major component of his popularity. (b)(3)
(U/A*1+10) Quintessential Khrushchev
(UHAIU ) A Current Intelligence Weekly Summary article, dated 10 March 1960, reports on the Premier's visit to
several Asian countries, where Khrushchev "irritated his hosts by his thoughtlessness." � A low-point of the trip
apparently was Khrushchev's meeting with Indonesian President Sukarno. As Indonesian Foreign Minister
Subandrio reported to the US Ambassador, "there was almost constant bickering. He [i.e., Mr. Subandrio] quoted
Sukarno as saying: 'I didn't invite this man here to be insulted by him.' At one point, Sukarno told Subandrio, 'You
take over, I can't stand another minute of this.' When Sukarno expressed no interest in detailed economic figures,
Khrushchev told him [Sukamo], 'You are no socialist. Socialism consists of figures, figures, figures.' You are a
robot,' Sukarno retorted."
(UhYri+Jf1) CIA Domestic Activities?-Conditional Support
(UllieR3la) In an Oval Office conversation between President Gerald Ford and (former) DCI Richard Helms on
Saturday, 4 January 1975, the President voiced how much admiration he had for Helms and CIA's work. Then he
said: "Frankly, we are in a mess" and "will have a Blue Ribbon Panel look into these charges" of domestic spying.
Helms suggested adding the FBI to the investigation of domestic spying activity, which Ford said he would consider.
He, also, said to Helms: "I automatically assume what you did was right, unless it's proved otherwise."
Comment : On 5 January 1975, Ford named the Rockefeller Commission to investigate domestic spying by the
CIA. He did not include the FBI in the scope of the Committee's investigation. The Church Committee and
Pike Commission subsequently investigated other activities of the CIA in the 1960s and 1970s.
(UnAtutyrkteporters and Spies
(U/77r1149) The following excerpt from the White House Situation Room Evening Notes of 4 December 1973 comes
from the Nixon Library. "Another [Washington ] Star editorial on reporters as spies asserts that CIA Director Colby
has done well to sever whatever ties the Agency has had with a handful of staff reporters for American news
organizations. Colby has correctly recognized that making spies out of staff reporters for serious news gathering
organizations is not in the public interest. The Star hopes that upon further reflection, he will agree to keep his
cotton-picking hands off all those to whom the public looks for its news."
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578157