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Publication Date:
May 21, 2008
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Approved for Release: 2019/02/01 C06607345
SPS General Information
Submitted by:
Approved for Release: 2019/02/01 C06607345
Approved for Release: 2019/02/01 C06607345
21 May 2008
Who is eligible under the just announced FERS Special benefit for SPS
police officers?
Eligibility for officers to receive consideration for FERS Special
service credit is based on an them meeting all four of the following
on or after the established effective date of 1 June 2008 an officer is
assigned to a SPS-controlled position and;
is authorized the issuance of an SPS credential that identifies them as a
duly appointed law enforcement officer authorized to perform law
enforcement duties and to carry a firearm within the United States on
behalf of the Agency in the performance of their official duties.
Officers assigned to cover sites that are issued facility-specific
credentials for cover reasons must be eligible for the issuance of an
SPS credential based on training and or experience) and;
has been issued a SPS-controlled duty weapon for use in the performance
of their authorized law enforcement duties and;
achieves and maintains all required certifications to remain in full
police officer status.
Can I receive qualifying credit under FERS Special for my time with SPS
prior to
1 June 2008?
Yes. Officers who meet all four of the criteria listed above on 1 June
2008 will be eligible to receive qualifying credit under FERS Special for
service prior to 1 June if during the period of service claimed the
officer met all of the criteria. Eligibility for credit for prior
service will also be granted to officers who, on 1 June 2008, were:
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on approved Leave Without Pay from SPS (time spent in this status will
not count towards the 20 years);
approved by SPS for the Employee Spouse Program and will return directly
to SPS (time spent in this status will not be counted towards the SPS
20-year service credit);
serving on active duty with the US military as part of their reserve
commitment and will return directly to SPS (time spent in this status
will not count towards the 20 years);
were on a SPS-sanctioned rotational assignment and will return directly
to SPS upon completion (time spent in this status will not count
towards the SPS 20-year service credit).
What is the FERS Special accrual rate for qualified SPS officers under
this program?
SPS officers will accrue FERS Special qualifying credit at a rate of 25%
per year, so each year served with SPS equals 1/4 of a year for accrual
purposes. An officer who serves four years in a qualifying position with
SPS will have accrued one year of FERS Special time (25% x 4 years).
After 20 years, a SPS officer will have accrued the equivalent of the
five years of qualifying service required by agency regulations to be
eligible to receive benefits under FERS Special.
If I go TDY overseas while serving with SPS is the accrual rate still
No. Qualifying overseas service accrues at the rate of 100% for each
What is my service computation date for FERS Special?
An officer's SPS service computation date for the purposes of FERS
Special is their FLETC graduation date. Eligibility is based on service
with SPS as a sworn federal police officer, which begins upon completion
of FLETC. Time spent with SPS in any other non-law enforcement status
prior to completion of FLETC will not be credited towards FERS Special.
Likewise, any time served at with the General Services (b)(1)
Adminstration (GSA), Federal Protective Service (FPS) or any other (b)(3)
protective entity at any CIA facility as an armed guard prior to
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Approved for Release: 2019/02/01 C06607345
completion of police officer certification training at FLETC will not be
What if I came from another police agency and was not required to attend
Officers who entered on duty with the CIA and SPS as armed federal police
officers based on previous law enforcement experience and training will
accrue time towards FERS Special based on their EOD date provided they
meet all of the other criteria listed.
Do I have to spend all 20 years with SPS to qualify for FERS Special or
can I accrue FERS Special qualifying time doing something else?
No. Officers are not required to complete a full 20 years of qualifying
service with SPS to become eligible under FERS Special. FERS Special is
an agency-wide retirement program. Qualifying service under
with any agency component may apply. For example, an SPS officer
who leaves SPS after 12 years will have accrued three years of FERS
Special qualifying time and will need only two more years of overseas or
domestic qualifying service with another agency component approved by the
Special Retirement Systems Board to meet the five year requirement.
Once I have my 20 years of qualifying time with SPS, can I retire at any
You must have completed 20 years AND achieve a minimum age of 50. The
mandatory retirement date for FERS Special is your 60th birthday.
If I have completed my 20 years of qualifying time with SPS but I'm not
50 do I have to stay with SPS until I reach 50?
No. Once you are certified under FERS Special you can serve the
remainder of your career anywhere in the agency. You don't have to
remain with SPS.
What if I don't complete 20 years of qualifying service with SPS prior to
reaching my 60th birthday?
You are ineligible to receive benefits under FERS Special unless you
receive credit for other domestic or overseas qualifying service prior to
turning 60.
What if I have already have 20 years of qualifying service but turned 60
prior to 1 June 2008?
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You are ineligible to receive benefits under FERS Special.
If I go to another federal law enforcement position does my time with SPS
apply towards a law enforcement retirement program under Title 5?
If an officer leaves SPS for a law enforcement position with another
federal department or agency time served as a federal police officer with
SPS does not apply towards retirement credit under any other federal law
enforcement retirement program. The FERS Special program is specific to
the CIA and FERS Special credit earned as a police officer does not
equate to time served for federal law enforcement retirement purposes.
Approved for Release: 2019/02/01 C06607345