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Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
(U) Entertainment Industry Guidelines
(U) The Agency frequently receives requests from members of the entertainment industry for
visits, briefings, and general information about the Agency and its mission. The Office of Public
Affairs (OPA) has prepared guidelines on this topic for Agency officers�"Management
Guidance on Contact with the Entertainment Industry and Support to Entertainment Industry
Projects"�which can be found here.
(UHAIU0) The document lays out the factors the Agency's senior leaders' use when considering
whether to support a project, including the nature of support. It also lays out OPA's
responsibilities when supporting a project as well as the responsibilities of all officers when they
interact with members of the entertainment industry.
(U//AIUO)The Agency does not solicit engagement with media representatives on projects under
development, but it does engage with certain projects with the goal of getting a balanced and
informed portrayal of the hard work done by Agency officers, as many Americans form their
opinions on the CIA based on depictions in books, movies, and television shows. The CIA also
must make certain that its interactions do not harm Agency equities or put any officers at
unnecessary risk.
(U) Please direct Questions about the guidelines to OPA
officer (This article is UNC
Modified: 3/26/2014 5:29 PM
Published: 12/17/2012 2:06 PM
Approved for for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
(U/a11:30)..Factors for Evaluating Support to an Entertainment Industry
Project: CIA frequently receives requests from the entertainment industry for
visits, briefings, and general information about the Agency and its activities in
connection with a wide variety of entertainment projects. The Agency may
choose to provide support to these projects on a case-by-case basis. The Office
of Public Affairs (OPA) is charged with working with the entertainment
industry to ensure that no Agency sources or methods are compromised in
interacting on entertainment projects, and to attempt to prevent inaccuracies in
the project that could adversely affect the safety of Agency officers or the
Agency's mission. The D/CIA, DD/CIA, or ADD/DCIA must provide written
approval for Agency participation in major book, television, or feature film
(U/MII4L.Many factors contribute to the Agency's evaluation of and
subsequent decision about engaging on a film, television or publication project,
� (U//"Alt10-) The need�especially in projects that will be widely
viewed or read�to protect Agency interests in the public arena (for
example, a book on a recent event that involves significant agency
equities or puts the Agency or its officers at risk if incorrect information
is included.);
� (U//AI The ability and willingness of the entertainment industry
representatives to attempt to convey a balanced and informed image of
the Agency, its officers, and its operations in the final film or
� (U/rAlti4)�The burden to the Agency of participating in a project;
� (Ull-A-1110)..The centrality of the Agency, its mission, or its workforce
to the project; and
� (U/AltiO) Demonstrated willingness by the entertainment industry
representative to abide by the Agency's conditions for interaction.
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
(U/AILLQ) Involvement in Entertainment Projects: CIA provides assistance
to entertainment projects only on an "as requested" basis�the Agency does not
solicit interaction with the entertainment industry�and the nature and extent of
Agency interaction on entertainment projects varies from case to case. In some
cases, there will be no Agency involvement. OPA will solicit a general outline
of the planned project from the entertainment representative in advance of a
decision to interact on a project. The extent of Agency participation in these
projects will be clearly bounded and may include:
� (U//A1UQProvision of unclassified background information to help
entertainment industry representatives better understand the Agency's
mission, its officers, and what it is like to work at the Agency. This may
include unclassified publications, information from our website, or in-
person background briefings with Agency officers.
� (UHA11441 Unclassified responses to specific questions about the
Agency, its history, declassified events, and provision of unclassified
visual materials that may provide context for the entertainment industry
representatives in producing an informed and balanced final project.
� (U/altIO)Jn the very few cases when the Agency allows filming on
its grounds, filmmakers must adhere to all conditions prescribed by
OPA, in consultation with the Office of Security, Facilities, Office of
General Counsel, and other components as appropriate. As a general
rule, filming will be limited in duration�usually a weekend day, to
minimize disruption to normal Agency work�and confined to the main
lobby, adjacent hallways and a few exterior locations.
� (U/a113Q) OPA continuously will re-evaluate cooperation on projects
and can choose to cease engagement on a project at any time.
� (UHA1UCI,10PA will coordinate with OGC on all formal agreements
between the Agency and members of the entertainment industry.
(U) OPA Responsibilities Related to Interaction with the Entertainment
(U//i0PA is responsible for responding to requests from members of the
entertainment industry and, after consulting with Agency leadership,
authorizing any interaction on entertainment-related activities. OPA is
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
responsible for arranging access by industry representatives to CIA facilities,
personnel, or information. Participation by Agency officers in meetings with
entertainment industry representatives is voluntary, but will be considered part
of their official duties when authorized pursuant to these guidelines.
� (U/ThVgQ) OPA will prescribe the terms and conditions of authorized
contact. OPA must be present for all meetings between Agency officers
and the members of the entertainment industry and is the conduit for
communications with entertainment industry representatives and
participating Agency officers.
� (U//AIbQ, Officers who are contacted directly by members of the
entertainment industry about a matter relating to intelligence, foreign
relations, or CIA employment must refer those individuals to OPA.
� (U//UQ Officers who seek to contact a member of the
entertainment industry in their official capacities or in relation to
intelligence or foreign affairs must do so only through OPA. Officers
may not enter into unauthorized discussions with members of the
entertainment industry on issues related to their CIA employment,
intelligence or foreign relations.
� (Ullik1iSQ1 Officers must complete Form 879�Outside Activity
Approval Request�if they wish to have unofficial contact with
members of the entertainment industry.
� (W/AslitiQeer the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch, an Agency officer may not accept a gift from an
entertainment industry representative seeking information or assistance
from the Agency, or one offered because of the officer's official
position. A gift is anything with monetary value, such as free or
discounted attendance at an event, travel payment, or a copy of a script
or book. If an Agency officer is uncertain what might be considered a
prohibited gift, the officer should request written advice from an ethics
advisor by lotus note before accepting the gift.
(W/Asit541,1__An OPA officer will attend and guide all in-person meetings and
telephone exchanges with entertainment industry representatives. Before any
interaction, an OPA officer will provide guidance on the parameters of the
interaction to entertainment industry representative and to participating Agency
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308
officers. The OPA officer will intervene to provide further guidance as
necessary during these interactions.
� (U/IMLIQI_Under no circumstances will any officer divulge classified
information or intelligence sources and methods during discussions with
members of the entertainment industry. Agency officers should also
avoid providing analytical conclusions that may be source-revealing
and/or are based on sensitive background information.
� (W/A-1440)_9PA will prepare a memorandum for the record after each
substantive meeting between Agency officers and members of the
entertainment industry that documents who was present and summarizes
the discussion and ground rules for attribution.
� (LY/AILTEach interaction on a given project will be treated
separately; there are no blanket agreements with entertainment industry
representatives regarding Agency engagement on a specific project.
� (U/1t1440-} At the conclusion of authorized contact, OPA will advise
participating officers that they are no longer authorized to discuss
matters involving the Agency with entertainment industry
� (U//115Q)IF OPA determines a meeting between Agency officers and
members of the entertainment industry must be conducted at a location
other than Agency headquarters, OPA will fully coordinate with the
appropriate directorate to ensure any operational equities are considered
and protected.
� (U//4614:4If, despite these precautions, classified information is
inadvertently disclosed, OPA will work with the entertainment industry
representatives to gain their agreement to treat the information as
privileged, not for publication or broadcast, and, when appropriate, work
with OGC to have the entertainment representatives sign non-disclosure
Approved for Release: 2019/09/12 C06810308