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Publication Date:
April 9, 2004
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Information /eview & Release (IR ) News for 5-9 April 2004
Executive Summary e
Future Planning Calendar
(U/Mrilti) 14 April 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at NARA in Washington, DC.
(IJOCITTEI)- 27 April 2004: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(1J/M4140) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities�Last Week
(IIHricltfe) FOIA Requests
(WhirlirTlt) Requester Interest in 1978 Presidential Briefing
(UP'PritiO) Frequent requester, and author, Jeffrey Richelson is asking CIA/FOIA for "all [Agency] documents
presented at, or prepared for, the June 6, 1978 Presidential Briefing on the South African Nuclear Program."
0 The FOL4 case manager accepted the request,/
(U//741t18) Interest in Third Reich's Uranium Ore Deposits
(UHALL.114A requester from Leipzig, Germany, seeks releasable information on the historical events surrounding the
fate of Nazi radium stocks, and the role played by their caretaker. He adds that the son of the Third Reich's radium
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g 7 "
administrator, Cornelius Weiss, was born in Berlin in 1933, and became a theoretical chemist. Recently, the son
entered politics and is, today, an assemblyman in the parliament of the German state of Saxony. The son claims that
"his father, who was a nuclear physicist and managed the radium reserves of the German Reich, buried the radium
stocks at the end of World War II against the will of the German SS, and eventually handed the stocks over to the
American Military." It would be interesting, the requester writes, to verify these claims. "
0 The FOIA case manager informed the requester that CIA material prior to its establishment in 1947 would be
contained in the records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and other CIA predecessor organizations.
Most of these records now reside a e s and Records Administration (NARA) in Record
Group 59 and Record Group 226.
Editor: To read about the son's claims, the requester cites: . For-detailed
information about the importance of the uranium ore deposits in Germany's "Urz Mountains" for the former
Soviet Nuclear Weapons Program, he cites:
(U/43143444 CDC Declassification Center
(U) CC's Presidential Lib,raries Program
(U) What's News at CIA (13 April 2004, No. 1293) reports. "Presidential Libraries contain classified documents
from CIA and from other agencies, particularly the National Security Council and Department of State, that
incorporate CIA information. Overall, CIA equities are found in approximately 50% of the classified material at the
Presidential Libraries. The DCI's Historical Review Panel recently determined that CIA records at the Presidential
Libraries are the most historically valuable material for CIA declassification review under the Executive Order
[12958], and CDC [CIA Declassification Center] has responded to that finding by applying additional resources to
the Presidential Library effort. To date, CDC has been reviewing CIA material held at the Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson, Ford, and Carter Presidential Libraries and will soon begin processing CIA material from the Truman and
Nixon collections." The CDC anticipates effectively Completing its review of CIA material at the Eisenhower and
Kennedy Libraries this fiscal year. "CDC is also engaged in an effort to deliver a substantial number of declassified
documents to the Carter Library by early next year for a special event that will likely include former President
Carter's attendance. Overall, about 1.000.000 nacres of Presidential Library material with CIA equity remain to be
processed by 2009."
(U/1-Ali101From The Archives:
(UHAITICP) Implications of the Soviet Atomic Tests
(U/h41434) An article in the Current Intelligence Bulletin (CIB-21 August-1953) reports on the possible implications
of the most recent Soviet detonation. "The degree to which the Soviet test of 12 August...enhances the USSR's war
potential cannot be determined at this time. The wording of the Kremlin's communique of 20 August suggests a
continuation of Moscow's present moderate foreign policy. The statement that 'there exists no reason for alarm'
implies that the Kremlin is not considering a sabre-rattling campaign. Instead, the Soviet leaders are likely to
continue their arguments that other nations should meet the USSR halfway in its efforts to settle outstanding
disputes... .The Kremlin is likely to make new propaganda proposals at the UN on disarmament and may hope that its
progress in thermonuclear development will enhance its efforts to draw the support of other countries away from the
US on this and other international questions."
o In a single paragraph of his 4-hour speech of 14 August, Soviet Premier Malenkov claimed Soviet success.
The tone of the C1B report seems almost anti-climatic--and it probably was. Earlier in that same year, the
United States executed the Rosenbergs for providing atomic secreis to the Soviet Union, and although some
news reports of the day state that American politicians "reacted with shock" to the Soviet announcement,
American nuclear scientists said Soviet success was predictable.
(U//A100) Stacking the Deck in the Islamic Republic
(U/tAlretik National Security Council memo (18 November 1979) from Gary Sick to Dr. Brzezinski discusses
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C06719171
events in Iran: "Khomeini acceded to .a western-style constitution based on the 1906 document. However, in late
July and August, he moved with great determination to ensure that his own version of the constitution would be
adopted. First, he packed the Council of Experts with his own radical Islamic foliowers...and directed them to
rewrite the original draft according to his own vision of an Islamic Republic. Totsupport this effort, he used the
crisis with the Kurds to proclaim himself commander-in-chief of the armed forces, to shut down press opposition and
criticism, and to ban independent political organization." .
a Twenty-five years later, the lead sentence in a 16 March 2004 article in the Manchester Guardian states:
"Iran's seven-year experiment with reform effectively died this week when hard-line conservatives, including�
former members of the revolutionary guard, took back control ofparliament. The hardliners barred 2,200
reformists from being candidates in the 20 February Mains (Parliament) elections, guaranteeing victory for
the theocrats" �and serving as a reminder for today of the resilience of radical Islamic forces in keeping
themselves in power once they become the ruling class. .."
(1J//nti0).-Intel in the Draft/Declaration of Independence
(UHAIU0) An undated memo�from the Chief of the Historical Intelligence Collection to a DCI eZecutive assistant
(circa, 1975/6)�references information from an attached Arlington Bicentennial Newsletter: "...might be an
interesting talking point for the DCI or others, in that it is the draft of the Declaration Of Independence introduced by
Richard Henry Lee on 2 July [1776] when the Cont. [Continental] Congress voted independence. They spent the
next two days as a committee of the whole making changes, etc., that on 4 July were agreed to and signed by the
President of Congress.. ..Significantly, one item in the Declaration is based solely on intelligence: 'He is at this time
transporting large Armies of foreign mercenaries...' On May 18th, the Congress received actual copies of the
contracts between the British and the German princes for the 17,000 mercenaries, documentary confirmation of
intelligence received a month earlier. Intelligence even contributed to the content of the Declaration of
o The full citation from the Declaration reads: "fie [King George III] is at this time transporting large armies of
foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances
of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the head of a
civilized nation." The German mercenaries were essentially professional soldiers commonly referred to as
Sent on 19 April 2004 at 10:41:21 AM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C06719171