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Publication Date: 
September 1, 1972
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Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 Insectithopter RN NO Advanced TealliffOgy Center. $105c:Y76 MONTH TO LET September 1972 UB-CATEGORY/ELEMENT . ]ollection Systems/Emplacement Systems PROJECT '3 Long Range/Concept Analysis ' . I ) DESCRIPTION: This is a follow-on program to demonstrate control and communi- f--- LL c.: cf. cation feasibility of the insectithopter. Under this program, free- flight tests and payload/endurance capabilities will be conducted, and communication navigatiOm� and propulsion technologies developed. ' BACKGROUND: The insectithopter has been tested in free-flight and wind tunnel tests. Concepts for using the "ROME" laser system for command control and data link look promising but no specific experiments 'have been conducted. It is proposed that this system be interfaced with the vehicle and flight tested to at least 300 feet to establish total system feasibility. The "ROME" laser system uses a very small retro-modulator as one mirror of a long laser cavity. COORDINATION: ,-7- TYPE OF WORK: Advanced Development FIELD OF WORK: Electronics � r - ( /2? Pi E7&�----2) � �..-1 ki ,? Al-f ��� --/).e (/ � , � IDEA PROP. SOLICITED PROP. IN H 1_ ISSUE DATE 9/7/72 PAN NO. DIVI 'Ddhald Reier Charles N. Adkins TITLE ORN NO. CONTRACTOR COST $105,376( _ Insectithopter /(-13 Advanced Tech.Cen. (b)(3) (b)(3) (b)(3) b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 .7144..D Approved for for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 ORD-1531-74 4 April 1974 PROJECT HISTORY Title: Insectithopter Contractor: Advanced Technology Center Amount: $105,376 ORN : 1. Intelligence Objective: To provide a clandestine insect- like (dragonfly) vehicle capable of being directed to a specific target at least 100 meters distant for the pur- pose of emplacing an audio surveillance device (optical microphone). At the outset of this program, both the aerodynamic and propulsive feasibility had been demon- strated by flight tests during a phase zero effort of $40,000. In addition, the proposed method of providing tracking and guidance (the "ROME Laser" system) was a proven operational concept. On the other hand, the optical microphone had been demonstrated only in bread- board form and further development would be required to meet size and weight requirements. 2. Original Project Goal: Demonstrate system feasibility by: a. Building a ROME laser system to track the .vehicle and provide at least one channel of control signals to the vehicle. EXEMPT, F.18M CEHRA PEH2:3!FiCn(r.i CF E. E � 5B(1)),' (3) FM) iL? 7- (unless ifivosci:Ae, insut dale r emit) Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 b. Designing and implementing at least a one-axis control system (yaw) which will steer the vehicle upon command. c. Building a vehicle with sufficient performance to carry the on-board control system and a 0.1-gram payload. d. Demonstrating system performance by conducting flight tests. 3. Modifications of Project Goal: None. 4. Accomplishments of This Effort Relative to Project Goal and Contribution Toward Intelligence Objective: Even though the project goals were accomplished, addi- tional work must be done to meet the intelligence objective. These include: a. Provide an additional channel (pitch) of control in both the laser and on-board guidance system. b. Demonstrate two-channel controlled powered flight outdoors in varying wind conditions to determine emplacement accuracy. c. Develop further the optical microphone payload to meet weight and size requirements. The feasibility of a controlled insectithopter vehicle with limited operational capability has been investigated and all program goals to this point have been achieved, either by operational demonstration or through analysis Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 :ligr Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 of experimental results. Basic vehicle technology has been developed to provide a vehicle capable of flying at 0.8 g gross weight With flapping wing propulsion alone and at 1.0 g with jet propulsion and cosmetic wing flapping. The actual empty weight is nominally 0.4 g compared to a target weight of 0.6 g. Performance measurements indicate range and endurance capabilities of 200 meters and 60 seconds with jet propulsion and cosmetic flapping for 1.0 g launch weight. Satisfactory stability and control characteristics were analytically determined and experimentally demon- strated in wind tunnel and free flight tests. Heading error with controls fixed for both straight and turning unpowered flight was repeatably less than 4. 50 mils. A tracking, guidance, and control system was developed and demonstrated for single-channel directional control of the vehicle. The system includes a ROME laser and telescope assembly which has been demonstrated at ranges in excess of 140 meters�with a 1 mm target. Transmitted power has been measured in excess of 1.2 watts with a field of view of 80 mils. Tracking was demonstrated up to 140 meter range with a moving target on both indoor and outdoor ranges in various sunlight and wind conditions. Designs for more sophisticated multi-channel systems have been developed and analyzed. Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 A thermo-pneumatic, ROME-powered rudder actuator was developed and demonstrated at vehicle scale and weight in wind tunnel and flight tests, meeting the Control power and response time requirements for directional control of the vehicle. Wind tunnel and flight test experiments have demon- strated the feasibility of the complete integrated system. Controlled flight was repeatedly demonstrated with a gliding vehicle and the ROME laser on an indoor flight range. Limited powered flight tests were conducted out- doors with fixed controls in winds up to 10 mph with a heading error less than 4. 100 mils. The ultimate demonstration of controlled powered ,flight has not yet been achieved. Considering the exten- sive burden placed on the laser operator in the tracking procedure and the additional directional perturbation effects experienced with powered flights, it was con- cluded that insufficient time remained in the contract period to satisfactorily develop techniques for meaningful powered controlled flights. 5. Evaluation of Project and Contractor: Technically, the project must be evaluated as excellent. However, there appears to be a decreasing lack of support from potential users, and the additional research funds required to meet the final intelligence objective is larger than expected. Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 rs Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 The contractor's performance in solving the most difficult and unique problems associated with this 'unusual program can only receive the highest acclaim. . Discussion: a. Origin of Project. An expressed need for a remote audio emplacement system. b. Technical Approach. To use an indigenous insect-like vehicle. c. Personnel and Funding Considerations. Key personnel (research scientists) at ATC had conducted tests on live insects, and the ROME laser technology is proprietary to LTV, which owns 80 percent of ATC. Initially, $40,000 was placed at ATC to demonstrate aerodynamic and propulsive feasibility. The effort described here was for $105,376. d. Problems Encountered and Solutions. The entire program was a composite of unique problem-solving. In the area of aerodynamics, increased wing stiffness and pexformance was required to carry the additional payload and control system weight. This was accomplished by incorporating boron fiber elements in the wing. Addi- tional performance was obtained by venting the exhaust aft to provide jet thrust. A larger engine was required to provide increased power to the wings. With�the larger Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 c*-4�Innt"r Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 engine intake porting, lithium nitrate crystals (the propellant) were being ingested into the engine. This problem was solved- by incorporating a thin-walled con- tainer for the lithium nitrate inside the fuel tank. Structural and weight problems regarding the airframe and on-board control systems were continually being solved throughout the program. e. Reasons for Failure or Success. The ability of the contractor to try new materials, build an in- expensive wind tunnel, and conduct many flight tests in a fly it-fix it iterative approach to problem-solving contributed in large measure to the technical success of the program. f. Recommendations for Further R&D and Disposition of Final Product. Though further development is required to provide for pitch control, emplacement accuracy, and the flight weight optical microphone, the concept feasi- bility is established. It is recommended that this addi- tional work be done if and when a specific user/mission can be defined so that user and mission specifications can be addressed. To date, there is no final product except general feasibility of being able to achieve the intelligence objectives. Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694 7. Coordination: Various briefings have been given, including OTS who would be responsible for user selec- tion. As of this time, no user and/or mission has been found. The final report has been given to OTS. Charles N. Adkins Project Officer Approved for Release: 2019/12/16 C06094694