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Document Creation Date: 
March 8, 2023
Document Release Date: 
September 24, 2019
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
October 1, 1984
Approved for Release: 2019/09/23 C05282972 ,S) MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM: 1 October 1984 Political Analyst, NESA Military Analyst, NESA riECUR C 47-7 SUBJECT: Briefing of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staff on Beirut Embassy Bombing We spent an hour and a half with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff on 24 September answering questions on the recent bombing of the US Embassy annex in East Beirut. Topics of discussion included: -- Details of the incident: We described the facts concerning the bombing, most of which came from press Responsibility: We presented the case against Iranian-backed radical Lebanese Shias, including both the overwhelming circumstantial evidence and the specific reports suggesting radical Shia responsibility for this particular attack. We dealt with the organizational structure, leadership, and motives of the Shia terrorist network in Lebanon. We also outlined the evidence implicating these groups in earlier attacks against US, French, and Israeli personnel in Lebanon. The Roles of Iran and Syria: We described the official Iranian encouragement, training, financial support, and weapons supply to the Shia extremists. We said that it is likely that Iranians helped plan the bombing. On the other hand, we made it clear that we do not believe Syrian leaders had a hand in the bombing and in fact were angered by it. Intelligence Warnings: We explained that we periodically had indications that the radical Shias intended to strike US and other Western interests in Lebanon but had no way of knowing when and how. We enumerated the warnings published in recent intelligence products. Security Precautions at the Embassy Annex: We made it clear that they should direct those questions to the appropriate State or Defense Department officials. Retaliatory Options: We explained that we do not make policy recommendations. cl??P? (b)(6) (b)(1) (b)(3) b)(3) Approved for Release: 2019/09/23 C05282972 Approved for Release: 2019/09/23 C05282972 Attendees: Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffers: Charles Berk Michael Kraft George Ashworth John Ritch Gerald Connolly David Keaney M. Graeme Bannerman Peter Galbraith Governmental Affairs Committee staffers: Charles Morley Mr. GIendening Briefers: DI/NESA: OLL Attendee: Approved for Release: 2019/09/23 C05282972