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Publication Date:
March 22, 2002
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578078
tflc JINL T
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 18 March 2002 - 22 March
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(UlliseRger 10 April 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons'
meeting at Crystal City.
Future Planning Calendar:
(U/aTtle) 18 April 2002: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting (site to be determined).
(CHAISE)) June 2002: Historical Review Panel: Next meeting at
(U//MO) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(UMTITTIT Publications Review Board
(Ufittit*) CIA Declassification Center
(U//41449) ERWG Holds March 2002 Meeting
(UhYrItie) The Department of State hosted the External Referral Working Group's (ERWG) regular monthly
(b)(3) meeting on 20 March. ERWG Chair Chief of the CIA Declassification Center, welcomed
Emily Hickey from the Information Security Oversight Office (1500) , who updated members on the latest schedule
changes for revising E0 12958. At the onset of the process to revise the EO, the ERWG shared its collective
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578078
ku..nviippo inn i ivc - IN I CFCINAL UJC UNLY
working-level experience with !SOO, and contributed a list of proposed 'conceptual' changes to the present Order.
As a corollary contribution, the ERWG now began considering language-clarifying proposals in two specific areas:
(1) defining the 'integral file unit' subject to declassification, and (2) identifying the 'scope of qualifying records'
under the Order. In other ERWG business, the members discussed the White House's Directive on Weapons of
Mass Destruction and its implications for the 25-year automatic declassification program.
� The ERWG was formed in 1996 to coordinate declassification policies, standards, and procedures among
the agencies affected by President Clinton's Executive Order 12958 on Classified National Security
Information. Today over 40 declassification programs representing more than 25 federal agencies
participate in ERWG programs.
(UHA-1110) From the Archives: DDCI Walters on Assassination, Drug Experiments in 1976
(U//4144) DDCI Lieutenant General Vernon Walters addressed the Charlottesville Committee on Foreign
Relations on 9 June 1976. His speech, which was recently reviewed by the DCI team at the CIA Declassification
Center, was wide ranging, humorous at times and very serious at other times. One of the themes of his speech was
the charges of wrongdoing being leveled at the CIA. He mentioned the question of assassination in connection with
plots against Cuban President Castro and said he opposed assassination:
"My own view of assassination is that lam against it for at least three good reasons -- it's against the law of God,
it's against the law of man,, and it doesn't work-- you just get another fanatic worse than the first one." He
continued: "At the time and to put this in perspective ... I'm not trying to excuse the things that were done, I am
trying to put them in perspective. At the time this loose talk about assassination was going on, Castro
specifically, Fidel Castro was shooting people every day in front of the television cameras in the national
stadium in Havana."
General Walters also addressed the drug issue:
"Why were we experimenting with drugs? We saw a man like Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary who had
resisted every pressure the Nazis could bring to bear on him suddenly appear before the newsreel cameras
hollow-eyed to confess to every crime in the book. We thought this was done with drugs. We thought they
might be used upon our diplomats or upon our military. We had to find out how they worked and so forth." He
noted that"... obviously the man who gave LSD to the man without his knowledge was an imbecile. But this is
why we were investigating this sort of thing. Not just the CIA and the armed forces, the National Institute of
Health was conducting the same kind of research. Many universities were conductin the same kind of research
and at that time nobody felt it was anything sarticularly monstrous."
Vernon Walters (1917 -2002)
(U/hieFfie)�FOIA Requests
(U//A+Inie)�Requester Seeks Reports on 1960s Student Movement
(IN/RITIC7) A Georgia requester asked for information on "two CIA studies on the student movement in the
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mid-1960s, specifically interim report 'Student Dissent and Its Techniques in the US,' sent to the President of the
United States on January 5, 1968 [and] final report 'Restless Youth,' sent to the President September 4, 1968."
� With regard to the report "Restless Youth," the FOI,4 case officer provided the requester with a listing of
previously released documents from the MORI database of previously released documents from which the
requester niav select documents that interest him.
(UHAttif.* British Newspaper Continues Interest in Notable People
(0/7AtriS) The Observer in London submitted a request for information on high profile individuals including
Auberon Waugh, a British writer "with a talent for vituperation and a taste for vendettas," Dame Ninnette De Valois,
Irish ballerina/choreographer and creator of the Royal Ballet, and Balthasar Klossowski, French painter "the last
master of figurative art in the European tradition." This is the second request in two weeks that the CIA has received
from the London newspaper asking for information on high profile persons.
(UHA11343) Requester Seeks "A Day in the Life" Document
(U//=) A Virginia requester asked for a copy of a document titled "A Day in the Life of A Logistician
Headquarters." The requester indicated that the document was written sometime between 1984 and 1989.
This is a record.
Sent on 26 March 2002 at 03:19:59 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578078