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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST):
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March 8, 2023
Document Release Date:
April 2, 2019
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Publication Date:
August 8, 2003
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578116
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 4 - 8 August 2003
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(uthrivin) 26 August 2003: Interaaency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at Crystal City.
Future Planninz Calendar:
(LWALLQ.). 23 September 2003: Interaaency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Principals'
meeting at EEOB in Washington, DC.
(L1//04140) December 2003: Historical Review Panel: Next semi-annual meeting.
(U/141440) 31 December 2006: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(L1///41-1344)- Director of IMS Receives "Archivists Achievement Award"
(U/1A+46L) was presented with the
Archivists Achievement Award on 7 August for
outstanding leadership in the declassification
and transfer of OSS Records to the National
Archives." Dr. Michael Kurtz, Deput Archivist
of the US, made the presentation to at the
Eisenhower Executive Office Building,
immediately before an Interagency Security
Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) meeting.
erved as Director of IIMS before
recently retiring after 36 years of government
(U//A-Hf1ft) FOIA Requests
(U//141.130) Free Lance Writer Wants Details on 'Dirty Fighter'
(U//PrIt11") A requester from Tucson, Arizona requests "all materials relating to ...[Tony Poe]..., a Marine who became
a CIA officer/operative." An enclosed obituary from Asia Times discusses the failed secret wars that he fought in
(U/h4) War Stirs Interest in Intelligence Assessment on Iraq's WMD Program
(U//71r1.13Q4 A Connecticut requester seeks a copy of the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iraq's
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Weapons of Mass Destruction Program.
/This NIE is credited as "part of the basis for President Bush's decision to
take action against the Saddam Hussein regime."
(UHA111.0) Requester Seeks CIA Handbook on Regional Nuclear Programs
(UHAIU ) Frequent requester, Jeffrey Richelson, seeks a copy of "Middle East-South Asia: Nuclear Handbook, May
1988." He cites National Security Archive v. U.S. Department of Defense, No. 88-5217, D.C. Circuit, July 28, 1989,
in support of his right to receive both a detailed description of withheld records (or portions thereof) and the logical
and factual basis for exemption claims.
(U/AlirFe) Swede Seeks Former CIA Perspective on Her Native Land
(W/A�17144 A requester from Stockholm, Sweden, seeks all previously released National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)
on Sweden and Finland during the period 1961-1974.
(U11,44410) CIA Declassification Center
(UHA-1440.)-CREST Usage at NARA
(UHATIC1") The CIA Records Search Tool (CREST) is the public access system for over 7 million pages of CIA
records released under the 25-Year Program. The system is owned and maintained by CIA, and is located at the
National Archives, College Park, Maryland. During the 23 June-3 August period, researchers used CIA's three
CREST terminals at NARA to print 478 documents totaling 3,696 pages. Current researcher usage in 2003 totals
6,482 documents comprising 42,585 pages .
(U/horii/Gt) From The Archive
(UI Atitf13) School Colors
(U/ntftlfili One of the documents recently reviewed was Lyman Kirlcpatrick's diary covering the 1956-1958 period
and running in excess of 700 pages. He was serving as Inspector General at that time and the diary often had notes on
the Deputies meeting. One entry caught my attention and seemed a bit odd. It concerned the Board of Editors of
"Studies in Intelligence" meeting and the deputy reporting asked if anybody had any comment. "The DCI said 'yes,' he
didn't like the Harvardian English in the lead of the article that had been written for him." There was no further
� The DCI making the comment was Allen Dulles - a Princeton man.
(U/TAMY* Longest Running Covert Action
(UThtt17114) AS August 1976 cover note from DCI George Bush addressed to "Jack: For the greatest history buff of
them all," has an attachment that describes the story of Fleury Mesplet, a French-born printer, who migrated to
America in 1774, and who was enlisted by the Continental Congress to travel to American-occupied Montreal to set up
a printing press. The Americans wished to urge the Canadians to establish a government independent of the Crown and
to assure them "it is our earnest desire to adopt them into our union as a sister colony." Mesplet was directed to
"establish a free press [in Canada] and to give directions for the frequent publication of such pieces as may be of
service to the cause of the United Colonies." The Continental Congress paid him 200 dollars for his expenses.
Although Mesplet met with several misadventures after the Americans abandoned Montreal, he issued on 3 June 1778
"the first number of the Gazette du Commerce et Litteraire, the first newspaper established in Montreal." The paper
appeared weekly until 2 June 1779 when it was "suppressed for meddling in political and religious affairs and Mesplet
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was arrested. He was back in business by 1783, and on 25 August 1785 he printed the first number of the weekly
Montreal Gazette. This action -- recorded in the Secret Journals of the Continental Congress -- was "declassified by
the US Congress in a resolution of 27 March 1818 which authorized publication of the Secret Journals of the Acts and
proceedings and Foreign Correspondence of the Congress of the United States from the first meeting thereof down to
the date of the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States, in the year
1783, except such parts of the said foreign correspondence as the President of the United States may deem it improper
at this time to publish."
� Today, the Montreal Gazette is an English-language morning daily. "With tongue-in-cheek, it might be said
that the covert action proprietary organization of Fleury Mesplet launched by the Continental Congress two
hundred years ago continues to this day, albeit without the control intended by that body."
Sent on 14 August 2003 ot 03:07:58 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578116