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Publication Date:
June 29, 2001
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578283
Information Review & Release (IRR) News for 18 June -29 June 2001
Executive Summary
Immediate Calendar:
(U/htlt(433-26 July 2001: Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP): Next Liaisons' meeting
at NARA, Washington, DC.
Future Planninz Calendar:
(Ullitril34)- October 2001: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed general material older than 25 years.
(U//A-We) April 2003: The Automatic Declassification Date per Executive Order 12958, as amended, for
unreviewed intelligence-related or multi-agency records.
Overview of IRR Activities Last Week:
(Ulliciti(4). FOIA Requests
(UHAIU0) Former USAF Pilot Asks if Passenger "Mr. Smith" Was With CIA
(UHAIU ) A former US Air Force pilot submitted a request asking if an American he met in French Indo-China in
1954, identified only as John Smith, was with the CIA. The requester was a pilot stationed in Haiphong in what is
today Vietnam, hicharge of a US Air Force contingent stationed in Indo-China to support French military forces
fighting the Viet Minh. In June 1954, the American contingent was ordered to evacuate after the French were
defeated at Dien Bien Phu the previous month. The American contingent, less the requester, left on the first three
C-1 19s. The requester was preparing to fly the last C-119 out when he encountered Mr. Smith, who asked if there
was room on the aircraft for him. The requester agreed to take Mr. Smith with him to the Philippines. During a
refueling stop at Tourane -- now Da Nang in Viet Nam -- the French were going to jail the pilot because he buzzed
the governor's palace on his approach. Actually, the pilot had landed in a straight in approach at 200 feet to avoid
small arms fire. The French backed off jailing the pilot after Mr. Smith, who spoke French, told them the pilot was
the husband of Charles DeGaulle's niece. During the flight across the South China Sea, Mr. Smith stated the unlikely
story that he was leaving Haiphong because he was a USAF Reserve Officer who had to get to the military hospital
in the Philippines to complete an overdue physical exam. When the requester landed at Clark Air Base in the
Philippines, Mr. Smith deplaned and left in a waiting black Cadillac limousine. If Mr. Smith can be located, the
requester wants to thank him for keeping him out of jail in Tourane.
� The FOIA case officer informed the requester that more information on Mr. Smith would be required
before CIA could perform an effective search. Normally, the FOIA case officers need an individual's full
name, and date and place of birth to perform a search. In addition, the requester must provide a
notarized statement from the subject, or evidence of the subject's death, before the CIA will release
personal information on an individual.
(11//A1t313). Frequent Requester Seeks Information on Anthropologist
(U//O) A professor from Washington state submitted a request for information concerning "American
anthropologist and linguist Joseph H. Greenberg. He studied linguistics and anthropology at Columbia University
and Northwestern and taught at Columbia, and later Stanford. During World War Two, Greenberg applied his
linguistic skills at the Army Signal Intelligence Service."
� During the past seven years, this professor has submitted over 150 FOIA requests, most related to records
on deceased anthropologists. The CIA responds to most of his requests with an "NRL" -- no records
located -- but occasionally some releasable material is found. CIA accepted this request
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(UHALLIG)�National Security Archive Still Focusing on Peruvian Atrocities
(UHA5143Q)--The National Security Archive submitted another request regarding Peruvian atrocities this week. The
most recent request is for information on "the April 1994 Operation Aries counterinsurgency campaign in the
Leoncio Prado province of Huanuco (PERU), during which Peruvian military forces tortured and murdered
� CIA accepted the request
(U//Aii34). CNN Interested in 1967 Attack on USS Liberty
(U//14144) A National Security Correspondent with CNN asked for information concerning "the USS Liberty and
the attack on it by Israeli forces in 1967."
� The FOIA case officer provided the requ ester with 89 pages of previously released material on this subject
from the Management of Officially Released Information (MORI) database.
(Ulliorlti'0) EPIC Requests Information on Economic Intelligence
(U/1A117)) A requester with the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) sought information dealing with
"CIA policy on the collection and dissemination of economic intelligence gathered from US national surveillance
the FOIA case officer informed the requester
that his request is not searchable. The FOIA provides for public access to "reasonably described"
records, which means that documents must be described sufficiently to enable a professional employee
familiar with the subject to locate the document without an unreasonable amount of effort.
(Ullibr4140)�Professor Seeks Assessments of Jamaican Political Developments
(UHAIU ) A visiting professor with the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies at the University
of the West Indies in Jamaica requested information on "assessments of political developments in Jamaica during the
period January 1974 through December 1980."
� The FOIA case officer provided the requ ester with 50 pages of previously released material on this subject
from the Management of Officially Released Information (MORI) database.
(U/h.M8OIM Declassification Center
(U//A4.1.10)-0DC Team Surveys Classified Holdings on West Coast Trip
(Ullit-1319) Members of the OIM Declassification Center (ODC) recently completed a two-week TDY to the West
Coast where they visited eight locations that house classified CIA material. At each site, the ODC team surveyed the
volume of classified CIA material that must be reviewed in accordance with the 25-year automatic declassification
provisions of Executive Order 12958. The team visited the National Laboratories at Los Alamos and at Sandia in
New Mexico, and in California visited the Naval Postgraduate School, the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution,
and Peace, the Naval Air Warfare Center at China Lake, Edwards Air Force Base, the Reagan Library, and the
NARA Pacific Region Records Center and Archives.
(umorrro) ERWG's Equities Recognition Conference Held on 25 June
(11//111113) On 25 June 2001, the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) hosted the External Referral Working Group's
(ERWG) fourth annual "Equity Recognition Conference" in Suitland, Maryland. Captain Robert Lee Simeral,
Commander, ONI, welcomed 230 representatives from 29 ERWG member organizations and contractor groups to
the event. ERWG's Chair of the OIM Declassification Center, presided over the event where sixteen
organizations gave presentions. Steven Garfinkel, Director of the Information Security and Oversight Office
(IS00), was the keynote speaker. Mr. Garfinkel provided an analysis of Executive Order 12958, and offered his
unique perspective on the future of the Executive Order in the new administration.
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� The ERWG was formed in 1996 to coordinate declassification policies, standards, and procedures among
the agencies affected by President Clinton's Executive Order 12958 on Classified National Security
Information. Today over 40 declassification programs representing more than 25 federal agencies
participate in ERWG programs and the ERWG's annual conference is a favorite among declassifiers.
document reviewers, and supervisors throughout the declassification community.
(UHAtIlll) From the Archives: In 1949, CIA Refuses Richard Nixon's Request for Wall Map
(U11/043.110) In 1949, the CIA turned down Congressman Richard Nixon's request for a wall map, according to an
Office of Legislative Counsel log book that was recently reviewed by the DCI team at the OIM Declassification
Center. A staffer from the Congressman's office called the CIA requesting a map of Russia that was "suitable for
hanging." The log recorded the CIA response, "the only one available was one printed by National Geographic,
dated 1946" and the Congressman "would have to get it from them."
(U/hir1+43) Publications Review Board
(U/hai4430) NRO Asks for Information on Prepublication Review Process
(U/LIV1119) On 20 June, at the invitation of the NRO, the Chairman of the Publications Review Board briefed
representatives from NRO's declassification operations, public affairs, and security on how to establish and
administer a prepublication review program. The Board Chairman agreed to the NRO's request to advise them
during the creation of their prepublication program.
(warm Historical Review Panel
(UHAttifir DCI's Historical Review Panel Convenes for Semi-annual Meeting
(U/78 The DCI's Historical Review Panel, chaired by Dr. Robert Jervis of Columbia University, convened on
17 June at The Panel's agenda included briefings on the Foreign Relations of the US (FRUS)
program, The Panel met in executive
session with the DDCI and had a working lunch with Buzzy Krongard, the CIA's Executive Director. The Panel will
submit a formal report in writing to the DCI and issue a statement to the public on the results of the meeting.
� The Historical Review Panel, which meets semi-annually, is a prestigious seven member panel of
historians and academicians appointed by the DCI The Panel's mission is to advise the DCI on the
systematic and automatic declassification review of historical documents under the provisions of E0
12958, and on the Agency's voluntary declassification initiatives, as well as to provide guidance for the
historical research and writing programs of the CIA History Staff
This is a record.
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Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578283
Sent on 3 July 2001 at 01:27:57 PM
Approved for Release: 2019/03/27 C05578283