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Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This Document contains information affecting the 14a tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794, of. the U.S. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form is prohibited. - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY INFO flON COUNTRY East Germany REPORT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) SUBJECT Ministry of Health DATE DISTR. 28May 953 NO. OF PAGES 6 DATE OF INFO. REQUIREMENT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) PLACE ACQUIRED REFERENCES (D)(0) THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. Orgartzation. Another reorganization is being planned in. the Ministry of Health. A meeting about this WEIB held in the Soviet Control Commission (SCC) restricted area in Berlin-Karishorst in August 1952. Arkhangelski (mu) and three other(unknown) Russians attended for the Soviet side and Gottfried Drummer (Planning), Dieter Baumann (Medicaments), Alfred Mitloehner (Planning) and Paul Eggert (Interpreter) for the German side. The aim of the reorganizations will be to bring the German structure even closer into line with. the Russian pattern. Two important changes foreseen aret a. Organization of a Main Department for Medicaments and Medical Equipment.. Sooner or later, this would become an independent State Secretariat4 Organization of a Main Section. for "Liaison with the German Red Cross" (Hauptreferat Verbindung zum DRK). This would be something of a covez. name, as the section would actually direct the DRK. Preliminary work for the introduction of these changes is still in progress. 2, The East Germsn Red Cross ..(DRK) The three purposes served by the DRK are as follows: 1) Political The DRK mill be developed to a party-line group organization, By using the good. name of the DRK� it is hoped to attract into a group organization many people who could not otherwise be reached. SECRET GL US. OFFICIALS ONLY STATE ARMY NAVY AIR (Note: Wanhinsiton Distribution Inclir.lteci By "X". F1.1,1 By "4", Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 =rm. arrians any PsThsAilitAry e is the 1oest cooperation and coordination betWeen the the -national tansy- (Mi. In the case of *special need* tae re�oces. of the DM could be used to supplement the medical and. !weenie :facilities of the peoples police. (e) with the help of the Dni it is hoped t 1ithiate all private transpOrt of patients, CO The setting up of accident centers (Unfallstellen) 'will also strike another blow doctors with private practices. ) The building of a -voluntary ecTps in the IRK will help to cutsotial insurance costs. (b)(1) (b)(3) '.flP:1A1 #1 Al 1953 The 1953 plans picture on one side an Income of 171.000,000 :DM Fast througi taking clever all patienttv transport and on the other side an experAtture of 45,000,000 Di test for stores. The 'Stores are intended to stock each Bezirk with a supply of medical outfits, bandages, sterilizers,. medical tents and equipment for first aid. rooms (San-Stuben)c In addition port; of the money is earmarked also for two MK accident eziters in each Krei aria fOr the purchase of uniforms. ITRK uniforms are to be oliye green. -04 Other Tslein.S, 1) The IIRK plans to take Oyer the whole coastal itfcsaving service front the peppiest sea poll.ce in 1953. CKuestercrettungsdienst., Beenotdienst. von der VP*See) The Material Planning BectiOs Of' the Ministry of Health originally planned for 750 rrivate vehicles for 19537 )400 for the Ministry and 359 for he DR. In January 1.9531, however.y it looked. as if only 're 420 Woad vailable, al 1. or the,, DR!, 3) it is planned to build up i organisation of 70,000 assistants (Geoundhei helfer.) in 1953. nose will come only partly from new reervitmentl a large number will be taken from assistants In the Ee,alth Trade Vnioni part of .the Free German Trade Union ASSOolation. (7T040,0 $.:uplA4e0 a. 1952 was a year of' extraOrdinary difficulties 'hLs was taused ciiimply by the :64'11 that too mkny parties were ela=ring for the limited 'apply of gOOds ne�follOwil4 ;11 wIsied to araw from the available Supplies (medic entsi Uca1 anvil dental apparatus an. supplies of all kinds): ?Walt health awthOrities and the general paps ation.. 2) utiabia� Azzy (M) 3) Peoptest ftliee (re) /CONTROL U.8, OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 East Ser SWRET/CO 0' OTTICTALS oNLr ross (DRO (Itenst fuer Deutschland D) (b)(1) (b)(3) 6) �FOreign trade authorities 7) State Secretariat fOr Administration of the National(State) Reerre. 8) Office for ReParatiOnal Soviet forces in E t Germany. 01-$-Qf No.; '8 abe Vete' small and. NOio. 7 34'',8S not yet important: ,t1Ore Iras much confusion teeRuse of ,the habits of, various ations mentioned above of not wu, 'through the 'Proper channels Thus the Ministry of Health Should have had 48 heavy X-ray apparatuses (t7Ne lbstiz:4) in 1952 but only received one or two. The result Of all this was to precipitate a whole series of meetings t with Otto Grotewohl, with: the State -Planning Commission) and with the National ArlInr It _Was finally decided:, 1) To organize a proper National Resery 2) To create a liOoordinating Office for Questions of Supply in the lleld of Ralic 'Health" (Xdordinierungsstelle fuer Fragen der MaterielversOrgang im. Gesundheitswesen), organized at first by the State_ Administration. for Material Procurement but later probably by the Ministry of the interior All distribution of material will then (in theory, at least)? be coordinated by this offiCe,', 3) To coordinate the distribution of Xray apparatus and vehicles at once, even before the above office is functioning. tionhal Reserve ( r State Reserve -Staat eserve In about October 1952/, after Luitpold Steidle, Minister of Bealth7 had had to. tell Otto Grotewohl that there was almost no National Reserve, the Ministry of Health was ordered by Grotewohl at once to draw up plans to build Sucks reserve-. The plans were sent as secret documents to Bruno lieuichner/, Chairman of the State Planning Conti ssion, on 25 November 1952. The present -� oratimry 1953) ti tuati on- is as f ollows : 1) Medical Apparatus (in the broadest sense) Ca.) 25/000/000 DM Bast are allocated- for 1953 The prOvtai of 20,000 'beds for .1.n patients is foreseen� with all. relevant equipment? that is, complete hospital installations for a total of 20,000 patients. Dr. Friedrich Mehlmack was charged with this planning, which extends from the thermometers tO the X-ray apparatus needed*. Dr4 Mehlmack recognized four types in his plans; ilospitalk Class 1. Up to 150 beds* lospital1 01.ass 2, Up to 300 beds. 1100i-talk Class 3. Up to 600 teds. gospitali 01asis If* Up to 10000 beds. ECRET/COMOL - U. . �MOMS On" Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 ECRET/CONTROL U. . OFFICIALS ONLY i( ) Another 000 DM East been voted for this reserve (b)(1) , (b)(3) ) The esery�1:11 be located, it i8 believed, in Land At1000 or Land Thaeringia-4 ZicaMettO (a) The present National Reserve is almost nil 7 Luttpold Steidley Minister, bad to alzbliti; to Grotevohl n aie 1952, It now, (Oranuvy 1953), contains about 120 milliard units streptomytin* and some 17101nin. (b) or 1953* �25/306,y000 DM East; are pallodatcd. 'These are for intitt1in7 Sulphonamides., entibiotics7 end other medicines and tar materials Disinfectants" sera, vaccines, and anti,pest preparatiOnS viii also be stored., The ratiOnal Rese 15000,000 FM Fast have been voted for 1953 for X-ray contrast medial antibiotics," imiulin and -sulphonamides particularly, 275007000 of the 15,000,000 are for Western products,, Storage viii be in the sub-depots of the DM Pbarsaszie und. Krankenhauaedart. The reserve is to be built up by 30 June 19530 ans and Satellites in East le_rmriz rda from the RasSiare (service or civilian) for East German medical pharim+.ceutical copl,les are, with two minor exceptions, very rare anti limited to odd items In, the last Isonths for example the only OftileS kact3411 in' the nut.Stry 'Were demands for 1 diathermy apparatus', 1 spirometer and 1 *Baby-Messgeraet*. These 'were fox- the Russian hospital ill 13:erlin4Cezite1Creito One of the7Ozceptions is the Russian Polyclinic in Berlin-Weissensee. nis serves the Opendents of members Of tlie RUStliall and satellite aplOmatic corp13 and, all the Russians cpf -SAG headquarters and USIG, located Berlin-Weissenteel, Berli.ner A.1.1 107). This polyclinic is supplied by th.e Past German litinist:Ty of Ilealtha A considerable amount In West *arks is also at the disposa,1 of this polyclinic and purchases are made in the West as.necessary4 The second exception is the East Germati Government Hospital in the Scharnhorststraasel 144,4 Staffh of the peoples democracy missions are treated here,, Sometimes Russians are also treated here, but only as out4patients1 they aro never leading flussiam� who 41 go to the Per1.in4Car.lsktorst Russian. hospital. The goverment hospital is supplied by the Muist:Ty of in. the usual way. SECRET CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 -SECRET/CONTROIJ OFFI IALS ONLY Extract from 's. letter dated. 29 October 1.2, from Secretary of State � Jenny Matern Minfstry of Reath to Prun Leuschner, chairman of the State Planning Commissionc, "Buiading of a National Reserve of medicinals and medical supplies". (b)(1) (b)(3) # .In connection with the absolute necessity of building such a reserve, the following have already been placed at the disposal of the wird nistration Of the National Reserve, having been taken from the Ministry of Irealtlifs quotas for 1953: Bandaging material - about 2,000,000 DM Bast worth (normally", 6 weeks supply). Surgical =tar! material, to the value of 230 ,i0O Dia (no is - about 3 months supply) c. All-glass syringes and. canulae to the value of11111000 DME (premilinary supplies for 40,000 beds). d. -1A001000 DM East worth of fever thermometers. I have just been toldr however, by a representative of the State Secretariat for the Mntinistration a the National Reserve, that y the bandaging .material will be taken over. No money is available or the remainder.1 6 The rest of the letter asks the State leaning Commission to look into this and see that the money is somehow made availible. SECRVT/CON OL Uf,S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991 SECRET/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY eltr.1 Meetings ao The'neetIngy in about October 1952, at which it was decided to built a National Reserve, VAS attended by: ottO Orotewohl Luitpold Steidle Jenny Matern Alfred Hinz (b)(1) (b)(3) Minister-#Presidenty Chairman. Minister of Health. Secretary of State, Ministry of Health. State IWTOnistration for Material Procurement. :Bruno Lenschner Chairman, State Planning Commission. Representative from the State whP'esale organilation. Bruno Ieuschner sent the. Plans for the *serve (paragraph 4sy of report) to Dr Friedriehy:raalthSoCtion, State Planning Commission. He called a further meeting in December 1952. of: - Dr, Friedrich3 Dieter Baumann. dottttied Drummer Steller (fnu) State Planning Commis on public health matters. Ministry of Health,H5 (Medicaments) Ministry of Healthy Planning DHZ:Ph,sxmazie Meeting of 2 January 1953. This was called to try and get the vat,ious agencies drawing medical supplies to coordinate their demands,, Present were the following: Prof. Dr. Med Karl Walther Kiesling (fnu) ZDT;7SChUlz� representing Dr. Rubens (fnu) Dr. Werner Ludwig Dr. Friedrich, Mehlmack ,ApotheborT Joedicke (fnu Jenny Matern Alfred National Army (KVP) National Army (KVP) People/a Police DRK DRK DfD Secretary of State of Health.' Flaming, Miniatty of Health. Of the d. A, further meeting on the same subject as that in (c) abo held in mid4anuary 1953. Present were the following: iCurt Opitz Alfred Mitloebner Helmut Cruentheri, repre- aenting Dr.,, Friedrich Dr, Friedrich Mehlmaek Frau Eppinger Alfred Blum 1oMments: State Planning Commission Planning, Ministry of Health Ministry e liras State Planning Commission DRK DBK State Administration for 'Material Procurement � This may be thought of as a strategic reserve. Withdra be made on the authority.of the Council of Ministers. This maybe thought of as a tactical reserve. The State Adminiatratin for Material Procurement can authorize withdrawals (b)(1) (b)(3) is may The Dr. Friedrich who Its responsible for Public Health in the State Planning Commission itas formerly the works doctor at thetWA1ter Ulbricht" Chemical Works, Leuna. He is a "meritbrious peoplets doctor-. HET/CONTROL U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY Approved for Release: 2019/07/22 C05316991